Volume 5, Issue 1


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Current Issue features key papers related to multidisciplinary domains involving complex system stemming from numerous disciplines; this is exactly how this journal differs from other interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary engineering journals. This issue contains 57 accepted papers in Computer Science and Electronics domains.


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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), (2020);

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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), (2020);


Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), (2020);

Table of Contents

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), (2020);


Single-leg Standing Ability and Lower Limb Movement Analysis of Collegiate Footballers and Sedentary Students

Jiun Sien Lau, Vina Phei Sean Tan, Mohd Akmal Vahidi, Siti Hanisah Linggi Mohd Azam, Mohd Hafezi Mat Zain, Azilawati Azizan, Mazra Othman, Rosniwati Ghafar

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 1-7 (2020);

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Stability or balance is an integral component to perform daily activities without incurring injury or to be dependent on others. Sportsmen tend to have better balance than non-sports people but less is known about the single-leg balance ability. Furthermore, few studies analyzed the dynamic phase of single-leg stance that may contribute to better overall balance. Sports like football tend to have instances where the player’s non-dominant leg keeps them in an upright position while the dominant leg kicks, passes and stops the ball. We aim to study the single-leg balance between collegiate footballers and sedentary students in eyes-closed (EC) and eyes-opened (EO) conditions and their contributing components to keep a body in an up-right position. Twenty collegiate footballers and 20 sedentary students conducted the unipedal stance test (UPST) on each leg with EO and EC conditions while standing on a force platform. We captured center of pressure (CoP) distance travelled, stance duration and using a 3D motion capture system, we assessed lower limb movement at six different anatomical sites. Results showed that footballers had better overall balance compared to sedentary students only in the non-dominant leg, EC condition with 12 footballers versus four sedentary students completing the full 45s stance (p=0.01) The other three UPST conditions did not show significant differences between groups. The CoP distance in the initial dynamic state and total UPST were both significantly shorter in footballers than sedentary students (p<0.05) during the non-dominant leg, EC stance. Our multivariable linear regression model significantly predicted time for UPST on non-dominant leg with EC up to 76.8% (p<0.001) with the first 5-s of greater trochanter movement significantly contributing to total time taken for UPST in footballers. Overall, playing football may enhance balance control intrinsically especially for the non-dominant side while being less reliant on visual input to maintain balance.

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ANFIS-Based Climate Controller for Computerized Greenhouse System

Hassan Oubehar, Abdelouahed Selmani, Abdelali Ed-Dahhak, Abdeslam Lachhab, Moulay El Hassane Archidi, Benachir Bouchikhi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 8-12 (2020);

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The greenhouse climate system is very hard to manipulate because the variables involved are closely correlated. This study aims to enhance the regulation performance of greenhouse climate system based on adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The ANFIS is a hybrid technique that incorporates the fuzzy logic theory and artificial neural network algorithms. The employed control system has the ability to stabilize the climatic variables inside greenhouse system at required levels for crops development. The datasets utilized to train ANFIS model was obtained by implementing a fuzzy logic controller under MATLAB Simulink environment. The feasibility, reliability and robustness of the adopted strategy have been experimentally studied. The experiments conducted in real-time show that the proposed technique provides good tracking, short response time and high robustness with regard to outside perturbations and non-linear behaviors of greenhouse systems.

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Industrial Network for The Control and Supervision of The Acetic Acid Dispatch Process, and Its Influence on The Reduction of Chemical Contaminants for Operators

Omar Chamorro-Atalaya, Jaime Yataco-Yataco, Dora Arce-Santillan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 13-20 (2020);

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This article develops the design and implementation of an industrial network for the control and supervision of the process of dispatching acetic acid, which aims to reduce the presence of this chemical in the environment, since the process is activated manually by the operators; what generates a lack of precision in several stages of the process, that brings in many occasions, spill of the acetic acid that is highly flammable and harmful for the health of the operators; For this reason, an industrial network controlled by a Siemens S7-1200 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was developed using the SIMATIC STEP 7 Software, and a Siemens S410 Distributed Control System (DCS), using the PCS7 V 8.1 Software; where the control logic was programmed and the distributed periphery was implemented. Once the industrial network is implemented, the result is a 19.44% decrease in the presence of acetic acid in the environment; this value is complying with what is established in the regulation of “Permissible Limit Values of Chemical Agents in the Work Environment”.

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Storing and Transporting Hazardous Material, Logistics Strategies for Moroccan Companies

Abdellatif Soussi, Dounia Bouchta, Roberto Sacile, Chiara Bersani, Hamid Seghiouer, Ahmed El Amarti, Rachid Abouettahir, Redouan El Khamlichi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 21-33 (2020);

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Companies manufacturing, using or transporting hazardous materials (HM) face risks at every link in their supply chain. Industrial activities related to this type of material expose not only the workers, but also the population and environment to serious risks.
Logistic management and risk management are often considered independent. However, logistics choices related to hazardous materials mix the two aspects in an inseparable way. In fact, risk management must be synchronized with the choices and logistics strategies of companies. The analysis of the risk relating to the management of these HMs, therefore, requires making methodological choices, but also using a lot of data, which are often incomplete.
The achievement of the present study was a real challenge owing to the lack of information and statistics on the use, transportation or storage of HMs in Moroccan territory.
The purpose of this study is to provide a portrait of the industrial practices surrounding the management of hazardous materials in Morocco in order to identify the determining factors, specifically those related to health, safety at work, in the logistic choices of companies as well as the different strategies that take into account the variables: storage, transport and quantity, including cost and risk factors.
In this context, and to conduct a survey on the logistic choices related to hazardous materials at our country, we have set up a questionnaire that will try to reach the largest number of Moroccan companies. This questionnaire focuses on the practices surrounding: procurement, shipping, storage, outsourcing, risk management, the influence of economic factors on the management of hazardous materials and the elements affecting specifically workers.

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Advanced Hybrid Energy Harvesting Systems for Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAVs)

Cuong Van Nguyen, Toan Van Quyen, Anh My Le, Linh Hoang Truong, Minh Tuan Nguyen

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 34-39 (2020);

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The recent use of rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has gained significant interest and continuously been implemented since they are used across the world for civilian, commercial, as well as military applications. The drawback of UAVs is the fight-time due to the limited battery capacity. Therefore, energy harvesting (EH), captured energy from the ambient environment is one of the effective measures to prolong the flight time for UAVs. This paper proposes the hybrid EH system, which can simultaneously harvest power from solar and radio frequency (RF) energy sources to significantly improve the energy issues for endurance longer flight UAVs. A 7-stage voltage multiplier circuit of the stand-alone RF-EH system is designed and simulated in this work. The stand-alone solar harvester is a solar panel. The DC output voltage from both of two energy sources is passed through a DC-DC boost converter and stabilizer. Simulation results can be deployed to power for the battery of UAVs in practice.

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A Blockchain-Based Architecture for Smart Healthcare System: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia

Saleh Albahli, Rehanullah Khan, Ali Mustafa Qamar

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 40-47 (2020);

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eHealth is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance health quality access. Health care innovations are an essential element of Vision 2030 and National Transformation Program (NTP) 2020 operational plan that will lead to an improvement in the quality of health care in Saudi Arabia. The objective of this paper is to address the healthcare system limitations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general and the Qassim region in particular to global standards. In practice, the creation of an infrastructure for storing and seamless sharing of health data between different entities is studied. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of current practices w.r.t. the health data, as well as finding similarities between NTP 2020 and Health 2020 (European Union) has been performed. A multi-level blockchain eHealth system is proposed to provide seamless electronic health records to the patients. Moreover, the current practices being employed in Qassim province, KSA has been analyzed. It was found that private hospitals give access to medical reports to their patients besides allowing them to manage their appointments. On the other hand, access to the government hospitals’ medical records is minimal.

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Windowing Accuracy Evaluation for PSLR Enhancement of SAR Image Recovery

Mohamed Bakry El_Mashade, Haithem Akah, Shimaa Abd El-Monem

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 48-57 (2020);

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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an imaging device mounted on a moving platform. Its ability to identify a weak target from a nearby strong one depends upon the peak side lobe ratio (PSLR). This paper is intended to ameliorate such important ratio through the use of windowing of the transmitted pulse and studying the noise sensitivity of the resulted image. Two experiments are simulated for different types of windows using point target and earth images. PSLR, dynamic range, spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, mean and standard deviation are evaluated for each window of the point target image. Also, the sensitivity to noise is discussed through the calculation of the mean square error, root mean square error, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), peak SNR for the earth image. Experimental results show that Triangular, Gaussian and Hann achieve the highest PSLR performance with different reductions in their resolution, whilst Taylor has the worst performance due to its high sensitivity to noise. The remaining ones give intermediate performance.

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The Financial Services Authority of Indonesia E-Reporting System Development Based on Metadata XBRL Taxonomy

Rachmad Farizd, Suharjito

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 58-70 (2020);

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The XBRL taxonomy has been proven to be able to restore various forms of redundancies and ambiguities in making financial reports from financial service institutions. However, the nature of XBRL which is oriented towards documents and based on XML makes the XBRL taxonomy difficult to use because the information cannot be directly read by ordinary users. The same obstacle was felt by the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (Indonesian: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK) as financial regulator in utilizing the XBRL taxonomy, therefore a web-based application system called E-Reporting was developed to input financial statements conducted from financial service institutions to the regulator. The core of the application system is the XBRL taxonomy reading and mapping function, utilizing the Java library for reading XML and the Spring Java framework as a system backend, the Zkoss framework as the system frontend, and the database for storing data and specifically developed for the needs of the OJK. The purpose of this paper is to show other ways of implementing XBRL taxonomy, one of which is to present XBRL into a dynamic user interface according to the dynamic and flexible nature of XBRL. The results of the system evaluation indicate that the system is quite good at presenting the taxonomy into a user interface that suits the needs and can ease the burden of data validation, as well as providing convenience in forming the instance document, which is needed as the final result of the reporting process carried out by financial service institutions. Therefore, this system has been proven to provide added value in the use of XBRL taxonomy in financial reporting activities.

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Evaluation of the Quality Parameters of a 4G-LTE Communications Base Station, Installed in a Rural Area of Peru

Omar Chamorro-Atalaya, Eduardo Pizarro–Mayta, Dora Arce-Santillan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 71-76 (2020);

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This article has to specify the quality parameters of a Communications Base Station with 4G-LTE technology, installed in a rural area of Peru. The problem of this investigation is due to the fact that many areas of the country do not have a communications network capable of covering the high demand of the inhabitants; this lack ultimately generates a gap in the capacity of information transfer and communications; since, since there is no connectivity between the inhabitants, it is very difficult to have access to information, and generate economic opportunities that allow the growth of this area, affected rural. To determine the quality of the implementation of a 4G-LTE network, it was sought to specify the characteristics of the quality parameters of a Mobile Telephony Communications Base Station such as signal level, SRN signal and signal quality and to perform a comparative analysis with what is established by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), in its recommendation E-800. In addition, the level of relationship between the quality parameters (signal level, SRN signal and signal quality) was established, with the resolution of detecting that they comply with the ITU, this is confirmed by the optimal mobile phone coverage in rural areas, and that these have accessibility to the entire mobile phone network nationwide.

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Routing Protocols for VANETs: A Taxonomy, Evaluation and Analysis

Amina Bengag, Asmae Bengag, Mohamed Elboukhari

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 77-85 (2020);

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VANET as a subclass of MANET is composed of a set of vehicles equipped with wireless transceivers, to build dynamic networks without the need of any pre-existing infrastructure. Over the last few decades, the area of routing protocols in VANETs has been extensively studied. Nevertheless, this area remains even more challenging due to some features of VANETs, such as the high speed of vehicles, the often-disconnected links and the particular mobility pattern. Routing protocols in VANETs could be splitted into four categories: topology, position, multicast and broadcast-based routing protocols. In this paper, we provide a novel detailed taxonomy of routing protocols in VANETs then we present the advantages and drawbacks of each category. Moreover, we clear up the techniques adopted by each of the most popular routing protocols based on the vehicles’ position and the topology of the networks. To explore the strengths and weaknesses of each routing protocols, basing on their suitability for VANET, we implemented them by using SUMO and NS3 as simulation tools applied on a real street map of Oujda city. We have extracted the used map from Open Street Map (OSM). Finally, we present our future works used for optimizing the greedy forwarding technique that is adopted by some position-based routing protocols in VANETs. Our suggested technique is based on the angle direction and three other important parameters of the relaying node.

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Modelling the Methodology to Assess the Effectiveness of Distributed Information Systems

Ivan Aleksandrovich Tarkhanov, Galina Pavlovna Akimova, Matvey Aleksandrovich Pashkin, Aleksander Vladimirovi?h Soloviev

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 86-92 (2020);

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This research aims to develop the methodology to assess effectiveness of distributed information systems (hereinafter IS). The effectiveness of information systems is reviewed along with their reliability. The article underlines the importance of reliability assessment for large geographically distributed systems. We suggest the approach based on the hierarchical presentation of reliability scheme that constitutes the core of the mathematical model for reliability of a distributed system. The key advantage of the suggested approach is its applicability on geographically distributed systems of different architecture. Successful testing during effectiveness and reliability assessment on 3 geographically distributed IS allows to suggest that the developed methodology is ready to be used in IS reliability assessment projects.

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Constrained Path Planning for Both Smooth Motion Profile and Stable Control

Anh Son Tran, Ha Quang Thinh Ngo

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 93-99 (2020);

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In our era, human and machine must share the same workspace in various plants such as warehouse logistics, material transportation, manufacturing factory or assisted human. The collaboration is essential to maintain the safe operation and the complete mission. In this paper, a design of anti-vibration scheme using Spline generator for grounded vehicle platform in human-machine interaction is introduced. This hardware structure is able to play a role as carrier in loading application or human assistant in real life. In most of cases, vehicle must convey cargo from start point to destination instead of human while its reference trajectory conflicts with human’s movement. The proposed algorithm helps to carry out a decision of stopping strategy with the least vibration as possible to avoid accident. From the test results, the proposed design is feasible and capable to apply in numerous industries.

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Implement Wireless and Distributed Vibrator for Enhancing Physical Activity of Visually Impaired Children

Hung-Chi Chu, Fang-Lin Chao, Liza Lee, Pei-Yun Kao

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 100-105 (2020);

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Learning and mental and physical counselling for visually impaired children are important. However, due to the lack of visual sense assistance, Physical Activity will gradually degenerate without proper enhancement, which may require the care of others for life. Inner fear and sensitive psychological factors hinder the development of living ability. Strengthening physical activity of visually impaired children improves their ability and reduces psychological obstacles, which is conducive to getting along well with others. The distributed vibration developed in this study can enhance children’s physical exercise. Through music rhythm, children’s psychological resistance is reduced, and their body movements are triggered by distributed vibration, which has an impact on the physical activity of children with visual impairment.
Seven kindergarten-age children were selected to participate in a 16-week tutoring. A score was recorded based on the assessment form, teaching record, and interviews with parents or students. The results showed that vibration and music are helpful in developing a young child’s motor skills. After two sessions of tutoring, player became more interested in participating along with the music and tactile signals. Players were able to correctly identify the limbs that corresponded to the vibration and gesture with their hands and feet. Assistive technology had a positive effect on the physical activity of the visually impaired children.

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Comparative Study of Semantic and Keyword Based Search Engines

Bzar Khidir Hussan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 106-111 (2020);

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Day by day, the data on the web becomes very huge which makes it difficult to find relevant information. Search engines are one of the successful factors that can retrieve information from the Web. The process of seeking information by search engines helps users find information on the internet, however it is not an easy task to find the exact information from this massive data available on the Web. Semantic Web technology has an ability to focus on metadata rather than syntax, which made the semantic search engines to search for the meaning of keywords instead of the keyword syntax. Consequently, an effective role of performance in conventional search engines can be achieved by rising the accuracy of information returned by a search query. In this paper, a survey for syntactic-based search engines and semantic-based search engines are studied, a comprehensive comparison between the two is presented, finally, their technologies are compared and discussed.

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Internalising Negative Self-Image Externalities: The First Objective for City Marketing as a Municipal Management Tool

Manuel Escourido Calvo, Antonio Javier Prado Domínguez, Valentín Alejandro Martínez Fernández

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 112-118 (2020);

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In times of crisis or traumatic transformation processes, one of the most frequent negative externalities is that the self-image of a city deteriorates among its stakeholders, which affects their economic and social expectations and decisions. The internalisation of this externality must be a key objective for the local public manager so that any initiative can be carried out with collective support and collaboration. When applied to this end, city marketing and the instruments that this technology makes available to city managers provide optimal results.

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Performance Portability and Unified Profiling for Finite Element Methods on Parallel Systems

Vladyslav Kucher, Jens Hunloh, Sergei Gorlatch

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 119-127 (2020);

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The currently available variety of modern, highly-parallel universal processors includes multi-core CPU and many-core GPU (Graphics Processing Units) from different vendors. Systems composed of such processors enable high-performance execution of demanding applications like numerical Finite Element Methods. However, today’s application pro- gramming for parallel systems lacks performance portability: the same program code cannot achieve stable high performance on different parallel architectures. One of the main reasons for this is that parallel programs are developed by utilizing system-specific profiling interfaces of the corresponding hardware vendors. We describe a novel, portable profiling interface: its design, implementation, and evaluation within the popular framework DUNE for solving differential equations using finite element methods. Our profiler is built on top of the PACXX framework for parallel programming in C++, and it supports portable parallel single profiling tool on various target hardware platforms.

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Sensor Based on-the-go Detection of Macro Nutrients for Agricultural Crops

Shraddha Balayya Hiremath, Raghavendra Shet, Nikita Patil, Nalini Iyer

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 128-134 (2020);

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Agriculture, being the vital sector, contributes to India’s GDP by 18%. It is necessary to enhance the production in this sector with minimal need of resources to get the good yield of crops. It in turn boosts up the necessity of automation in the field of agriculture. This paper discusses about the experimental study which includes the invasive/non-invasive method to sense the approximate supply of macro nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium to the plants. The nutrient content of leaf is sensed by the usage of optical sensors. The results have been obtained based on the sensor data carried out for the sample test leaf. Thus, the level of the estimated nutrient contents is indicated by three different ranges such as Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). A mathematical model is developed for nutrient measurement especially for nitrogen and validated with SPAD meters for the measurement of nitrogen content. The other macro nutrients were also estimated, and the entire system is tested at different test conditions with the support of UASD in the field of University of Agricultural Science.

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Design and Implementation of State-PID Feedback Controller for Poultry House System: Application for Winter Climate

Ilyas Lahlouh, Ahmed Elakkary, Nacer Sefiani

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 135-141 (2020);

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The poultry house is the area where the chickens are maintained for the main purpose to improve the productivity and the environmental conditions for the broilers. The growth of chickens inside the poultry house can be affected by several criterions such as relative humidity and temperature. In this paper, we propose to design and implement experimentally a state-PID feedback controller in order to achieve a high stabilization of the dynamics systems of the poultry process. The purpose of this study is to keep the temperature and relative humidity at desired values and to eliminate the disturbance generated during the winter climate. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is evaluated through numerical examples and with an experimental poultry house prototype. To feature more the efficiency of the proposed approach implemented, a comparative study has been conducted between the results achieved by the proposed method and the state-PI feedback controller and that of a state feedback controller.

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Into the Online Space: Outcomes for a PASS Online Pilot Across Different First Year University Subjects

Tracey Woolrych, Melissa Zaccagnini, Moira Stephens, Murray Stace, Rebekkha Middleton, Melissa Bergner, Sian O’sullivan, Reetu Verma

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 142-150 (2020);

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Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is a student let program designed to support students transitioning into university and tackling traditionally difficult first year core subjects. The model is collaborative with student leaders facilitating activities and discussions driven by student need. Consistently research has found that students can benefit, in terms of increased grades, from attending PASS, however findings for online delivery modes are mixed. These studies have generally only compared face to face (F2F) with online modes of PASS-like programs for one subject. No study has compared different subjects from varying disciplines to investigate if the benefits of PASS online are the same for all students. PASS at UOW conducted a pilot study of synchronous online sessions, tested across three different first year university subjects. A total of 1.471 students enrolled into these subjects, with 409 attending some form of PASS. Result revealed PASS students gained significantly higher average final marks compared to students who did not attend any type of PASS, regardless off subject. However, results for PASS varied depending upon mode of delivery engaged in (F2F or online) and also with subject. Although not all differences were statistically significant, trends suggest a student/subject interaction that may vary the amount of benefit gained from PASS online formats. Possible drivers for these results are discussed as well as consideration given to cohort effects and student skills for online learning modes.

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SiC-FET Gas Sensor for Detecting Sub-ppm Gas Concentrations

Yoshitaka Sasago, Hitoshi Nakamura, Takahiro Odaka, Atsushi Isobe, Shigenobu Komatsu, Yohei Nakamura, Taizo Yamawaki, Chiko Yorita, Nobuyuki Ushifusa, Kohei Yoshikawa, Kazuo Ono, Yumiko Anzai, Shuntaro Machida, Masaharu Kinoshita, Koji Fujisaki, Kenji Okishiro, Yuta Sugiyama

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 151-158 (2020);

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This paper describes a silicon carbide-field effect transistor (SiC-FET) gas sensor that is able to detect NO, O2, NH3, CO, and SO2. The gate of the sensor FET is a gas detection layer that consists of yttria-stabilized zirconia, nickel oxide, and platinum. The threshold voltages of the sensor depend on the target gas concentration, measurement temperature, and sensor gate materials. The device on SiC substrate can measure gas at temperatures up to 800°C. The gate material dependence and the wide-range temperature dependence of the sensitivity make it possible to detect the concentration of each component in a mixture of gases. In addition, a gate stack composed of composite materials improves the sensitivity of the FET sensor by helping to maintain the sensor’s heat resistance and the reproducibility of its measurements.

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Testing Web Service Compositions: Approaches, Methodology and Automation

Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Denitsa Manova, Sylvia Ilieva

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 159-168 (2020);

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Web services give a new view of the web as the biggest, widely accepted and the most straightforward distributed software platform. Their composition into applications and business processes is still a complex, non-trivial task, requiring highly rational efforts not only from the software developers, but from the quality assurance specialists. The provision ?f web service compositions’ quality brings a lot of challenges due to variability of difficulties at infrastructure, service and choreography levels and the need of different types of testing in unknown context and environment. A consolidated quality assurance methodology that advances the fundamental understanding of testing in terms of concepts, models, techniques, standards and automation is required. This methodology needs to enable effective exploration, comparison, evaluation and selection of testing approaches, platforms and tools.
This article proposes such a methodology and reviews the current testing approaches for single and composite web services from an objective, holistic perspective. The methodology is presented as an end-to-end testing procedure, in which activities are facilitated by a set of testing approaches, techniques and best practices. A concrete solution is recommended for actual implementation of each activity either through selection among the most appropriate and effective existing approaches or development of new approaches, mainly in case of critical issues such as dependencies analysis, partner web services’ isolation and injection of faults. A common framework that integrates different testing tools automates the methodology. Its applicability, completeness, level of automation, and level of novelty is evaluated through testing of real testing scenarios.

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With advances in information and communication technologies and internet technologies, we have many benefits in our daily life. Most people have smart devices and use them for their work and leisure, and so on. However, these advances technologies brought us various side effects such as copyright violation, internet addiction, cybercrimes, personal information infringement, etc. In order to cope with those side effects, it is very important to teach information and communication ethics to students as early as possible. In addition, in order to teach young students, first, their awareness to information and communication ethics needs to be tested. In the literature, most awareness test tools are to test knowledge of information and communication ethics. In fact, those awareness tools have not consider sensitivity for information and communication ethics. In this work, an extensive and integrated sensitivity measurement tool is developed. At first sensitivity measurement standards are developed based on literature review works. Many elementary school teachers and ICT education experts survey the initial standards. Finally, sensitivity measurement standards are finalized with 6 areas and 19 standards. It is hoped that the proposed standards will be very helpful to diagnose awareness of elementary school students for information and communication ethics.

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Classification Model of Contact Center Customers Emails Using Machine Learning

Michael Wenceslaus Putong, Suharjito

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 174-182 (2020);

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E-mail is one of the media services used at the contact center. The challenge faced by e-mail services is how to handle e-mails that enter large quantities every day efficiently to provide fast and appropriate service to customers. The purpose of this study is to find which method has the best accuracy in classifying emails with four classes. The machine learning models compared in this study are Naive Bayes, SVM, and KNN. The data used in this study are primary data got from one of the contact centers. The NLP technique – Stop word removal, Stemming, and feature extraction using TF-IDF and Word2vec also applied to each algorithm to improve accuracy. The results of this study indicate that the SVM model with the Word2vec data feature produces the highest level of accuracy and the lowest level of accuracy produced by the Naive Bayes model using the TF-IDF data feature. The conclusion is that the classification using the word2vec data feature has a better level of accuracy than the classification using the TF-IDF data feature.

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Configurable Process Model: Discovery Approach from Event Logs

Rabab Sikal, Hanae Sbai, Laila Kjiri

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 183-190 (2020);

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In the domain of business process management, the configurable process model is widely used to optimize time and cost of business process models design, which is known as the concept of “reuse”. Using process mining techniques for process model discovery helps to provide a better view on processes and improve quality of models. The majority of existing configurable model discovery approaches work intensively on control flow discovery as main process perspective without considering other perspectives such as resources and data, and do not propose a detailed discovery of variability elements. In addition, the configurable process model creation is generally done by merging variant models not directly from event logs, which is not the optimal way to get a reliable configurable process model. This paper presents an overview of new multi-perspective variability discovery approach. The approach respects the variability of different process perspectives and allows users to create a configurable process model directly from event logs.

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Biometric System Vulnerabilities: A Typology of Metadata

Abdou-Aziz Sobabe, Tahirou Djara, Antoine Vianou

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 191-200 (2020);

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This study presents a root cause analysis of biometric vulnerabilities and provides a comprehensive typology of metadata in biometric adaptation. Although they are more reliable and secure than traditional authentication methods, biometric techniques are subject to vulnerabilities that pose challenges. Faced with the proliferation of cases of identity theft and fraud, biometrics is increasingly used to protect assets and people in several areas such as commercial, forensic and government applications. As a first step, a metadata analysis was performed. A focus has then been placed on their role in the fight against biometric vulnerabilities. Thus, the vulnerabilities studied have been classified into two main categories: intrinsic limits and adverse attacks. Finally, one of the scenarios considered was implemented, particularly the case of the combination of skin color with facial recognition. The implementation resulted in encouraging results with an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.826 for the face system and 0.908 for the multimodal system.

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An Algorithm for Automatic Measurement of KI-67 Proliferation Index in Digital Images of Breast Tissue

Guillermo Kemper, David Atencia, Ivan Ortega, Roberto Kemper, Alejandro Yabar

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 201-211 (2020);

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This paper proposes an algorithm aimed at quantifying the expression of KI-67 protein in digital images of breast biopsy tissue samples obtained through an optical microscope. The algorithm allows to obtain a report on the quantity of non-proliferating and proliferating cells through the detection and quantification of KI-67. The sample analysis via software aims to reduce the level of subjectivity in the diagnosis of diseases such as breast cancer. The algorithm proposed involves the application of statistical image processing techniques, adaptive thresholds, object segmentation and color filtering. A method of analysis and quantification of overlapping cells is also proposed to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. The results of the method proposed were satisfactory, as they were highly correlated with those obtained by visual inspection by pathologists.

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Alternative Financing Model for Smart Cities Initiatives in Indonesia

Robertus Nugroho Perwiro Atmojo, Tota Pirdo Kasih, Yakob Utama Chandra

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 212-221 (2020);

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Currently Indonesia is working actively in the implementation of the Smart Cities initiative program. However, to be able to apply the concept, there are three main elements that must be prepared as the basic foundation. These elements are structure, infrastructure, and superstructure. In this study we focused on the problem of the high cost of funding needed to finance these three elements. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the government must create new investment opportunities outside the stock exchange whose impacts can also be directly used for financing programs. In this study, we conducted an investigation of the interest of urban people to invest in online channels. The aim is to determine the decision-making behavior of the Indonesian people in non-consumptive capital expenditure activities when the government creates and publishes financing instruments on the market. The hope is to be able to create a national development financing strategy that is in accordance with the characteristics of the Indonesian people and right on target.

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Stability of Ionized Air Using Density Functional Theory (DFT) for High Voltage Engineering

Fri Murdiya, Neni Frimayanti

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 222-225 (2020);

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In high voltage engineering, air is the one insulation gas that can ionized cause by electrical discharge. Air consisted of many gases such as O2, N2, CO2, H2, etc. In order to study the characteristic of the insulation gas, we can apply density functional theory (DFT) to determine gas ionization level such as charge distribution and excitation energy. These data are shown the stability of gas molecule when ionization process occure cause by electrical discharge, ultraviolet light, etc. For application on ozone production by electrical discharge, the oxygen atom can transform to ozone need energy above the stabiity excitation energy of oxygen.

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Framework for Automation of Cloud-Application Testing using Selenium (FACTS)

Mohammad Nurul Islam, Syed Mohammad Khurshaid Quadri

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 226-232 (2020);

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A framework is an amalgamation of integrated tools, libraries, utilities and its coordination to interact with the other automation components. The motive of designing a test automation framework is to implement uniform standards towards automation throughout the organization to achieve the desired outcomes. Test automation framework is required to maintain the standardization of the activities performed to manipulate the operations (addition, modification and deletion) on the test scripts and functions easily, to provide the scalability and reliability. Tools, process and testing team are the three key player of test automation. The proposed framework is based on the consideration of test environment (includes language binding, IDE, automation tools and testing framework). Selenium WebDriver is used as web application automation framework to execute test across multiple browsers that supports multiple operating system with variant programming language. Selection of WebDriver automation tool for this framework is due to their internal architecture to directly communicate with browser for fast execution. The combination of test automation tools (i.e. Java, Eclipse, Selenium and TestNG) makes JEST for designing test automation framework. Both Positive and negative test must be performed to verify functionalities of applications to handle unusual exceptions.

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A Survey of Smart Hydroponic Systems

Falmata Modu1, Adam Adam, Farouq Aliyu, Audu Mabu, Mahdi Musa

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 233-248 (2020);

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The explosion in human population has left researchers scrambling for solutions on how to feed the world. Furthermore, rural-urban immigration has on the one hand left the farms in the rural areas devoid of farmers and on the other hand has left the urban areas over-populated. Hydroponics is a form of agriculture where crops are grown without soil. This technique allows the farms to follow the farmers to the urban area. In addition, the fact that no soil is needed, allows hydroponic system to be stacked vertically (also known as vertical farming) to save space. The final frontier in hydroponics is automation. It will allow one farmer to work more than one job and cultivate more than one farm simultaneously. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on smart hydroponic system developed to date.

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A Smart Box for Blood Bags Transport: Simulation Model of the Cooling Autonomy Control System

Lorenzo Damiani, Roberto Revetria, Emanuele Morra, Pietro Giribone

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 249-255 (2020);

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This paper faces the topic of blood products transport by applying simulation, control and data exchange technologies in order to implement a safe and efficient integrated transportation system. As known, the bio-chemical properties of blood and its derivatives are subjected to deterioration whenever a well determined temperature range is not respected for an excessive time interval.
At present, blood products are mainly transported in thermally insulated boxes filled with ice which, other than ensuring a limited time of the material survival, are not able to allow any type of control over the state of the material and the history of temperature variations occurred within the storage volume.
The innovative proposal discussed in this paper regards a smart box for blood transport, equipped with a system for temperature control which uses elements of eutectic material stored in a separated compartment; eutectic exchanges heat with the transported blood bags through a separation wall on which blowers are installed for cold air circulation. The air flow is activated as soon as the box internal temperature increases over a pre-defined threshold, to extend as much as possible the eutectic material duration.
The smart box is equipped with sensors that dialogue by cloud with a central server on which is installed a Matlab-Simulink dynamic simulator of the box thermodynamic behavior, main object of the present paper. In particular, the simulator here presented has been improved by advanced heat exchange correlations and a more realistic system of thermal balance equations. The simulator allows to monitor the time remaining to the exhaustion of the cooling effect. In case of lack of autonomy, a logistic algorithm provides the coordinates of the nearest healthcare location for safe storage.

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Hospital Warehouse Management during the construction of a new building through Lean Techniques

Carlotta Patrone, Maryna Mezzano Kozlova, Monica Brenta, Francesca Filauro, Donatella Campanella, Antonietta Ribatti, Elisabetta Scuderi, Tiziana Marini, Gabriele Galli, Roberto Revetria

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 256-262 (2020);

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This paper shows a method applied during the reconstruction of an existing middle size Italian hospital. In fact, during this delicate phase, the project had a significant decrease in storage space and access gates for goods, medicines and medical devices. This aspect has a negative impact on road traffic. There was no consensus among the management on how to deal with this problem. In addition, a great tension between engineers and warehouse managers made it impossible to find a solution. For the best of our knowledge there is no available literature on this topic. Hence, a deep analysis had been carried out according to the Business Process Reengineering (BPR). For this reason, a hospital lean group has been created and a statistically study on storage volume inside the warehouse and a monitoring of trucks and goods arrival has been implemented. Three different solutions had been identified through data collection, design of experiments and lean application. The first one was focused on an exclusively internal management, the second one on an exclusively external management whereas the last one was focused on a partially internal scenario. Advantages, disadvantages, costs and the impact on the road traffic has been highlighted for each scenario. Afterward the Management had all the elements to make the best decision. The method reported in this study could be extended during the construction or reconstruction of any company that needs a warehouse or to face a problem in a tense atmosphere.

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Design and Optimization of ZnO Nanostructured SAW-Based Ethylene Gas Sensor with Modified Electrode Orientation

Argha Sarkar, Padarthi Venkataramana, Nimmala Harathi, Thummuru Jyothsna, Neeruganti Vikram Teja

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 263-266 (2020);

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Here the work approaches the detection of fruit maturity level. In addition, a gas sensor is proposed to obtain better sensitivity to know the level of ethylene gas released from matured fruit. Better sensitivity can be achieved by obtaining an enhanced active area, changing the intermediate layer thickness and the pitch value of the electrode. Hexagonal nanostructured zinc oxide is used as a sensing layer. Finally, frequency shift and a total displacement of the device are increased. The hexagonal structured ZnO nanorod-based surface acoustic wave gas sensor may be used to detect ethylene gas in fruit ripening sensor with enhanced sensitivity. This paper reports a simulation of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) wave propagation with respect to interdigitated transducer (IDT), piezoelectric material and sensing layers.

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Enabling 3D Heterogeneous Structures Towards Smart Chips: A Review

Cheng Li, Mengfu Di, Zijin Pan, Albert Wang

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 267-273 (2020);

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This review paper discusses recent research outcomes of fabricating three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous structures in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit (IC) technologies to enable smart future chips. The CMOS-based 3D heterogeneous structures demonstrated are vertical magnetic-cored inductors for radio-frequency (RF) ICs, through-back-end-of-line (BEOL) metal wall structures for global flying noise isolation, above-IC nano crossbar array electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection devices and graphene-based nano electromechanical (NEM) switch ESD protection structures, and individually controlled multiple-gated MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFET) for non-binary computing. These disruptive 3D heterogeneous structure concepts can potentially enable future smart IC chips in Si CMOS IC platforms.

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NAO Humanoid Robot Obstacle Avoidance Using Monocular Camera

Walaa Gouda,Randa Jabeur Ben Chikha

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 274-284 (2020);

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In this paper, we present an experimental approach that allows a humanoid robot to effectively plan and execute whole body motions, like climbing obstacles and straight stairs up or down, besides jumping over obstacles using only on-board sensing. Re- liable and accurate motion sequence for humanoid employed in complex indoor en- vironments is a necessity for high-level robotics tasks. Using the robot’s own kine- matics will construct complex dynamic motions. A series of actions to prevent the object from being performed on the basis of the identified object from the database of the robot, obtained using the robot’s own monocular camera. As shown in real world experiments beside simulation using NAO H25 humanoid, the robot can ef- fectively perform whole body movements in cluttered, multilevel environments containing items of various shapes and dimensions.

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Implementation of Paraconsistent Logic Based PI Controller for TA Converter

Tapas Kumar Mohapatra, Asim Kumar Dey, Krushna Keshab Mohapatra

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 285-293 (2020);

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A novel control technique is implemented for TA converter. This converter is used for charging of electric vehicle Battery from a Photo Voltaic (PV) Module. TA converter is one type of non-isolated buck-boost converter. This converter provides positive output voltage. This article is an extension work that is originally presented in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET). A Comparative study of the performances of different converters has been described. The Paraconsistent Logic (PL) is used for a PI controller. The performance of new Paraconsistent Logic based PI (PLPI) controller is compared with the conventional PI controller. This control has the similar action as PI and the logical actions as structured in Paraconsistent Logic. Operational details of TA converter with the different performances has been described in this article. MATLAB is used to validate the performance by developing both state space and simulation model. The robustness of the controller is compared with traditional PI controller. The hardware of the TA converter with the new PLPI control technique is projected and also matched with simulation results.

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Mitigation Methods of Voltage Disturbances and Harmonic Currents of PWM Two-Level Inverter Supplying The 6-Pulse Diode Rectifier

Jerzy Ryszard Szymanski, Marta Zurek-Mortka

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 294-301 (2020);

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In fast charging station for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) the three-phase PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) inverters generate parasitic Differential-Mode Voltages (DMV) and Common-Mode Voltages (CMV). Parasitic voltages are a side effect of using the width modulation to shape the phase-to-phase inverter’s voltage. In this article the authors present a mathematical description of the differential-mode (DM) and common-mode (CM) voltages and carry out their spectral analysis. Based on the spectral harmonics analysis, the authors present a method for filtration of harmonics of DM and CM voltages aimed at limiting the capacitance parasitic currents: due to DM voltage – phase-to-phase parasitic current and CM voltage – ground parasitic currents. A resonant filter was used to eliminate harmonics of the input rectifier of the DC/DC converter supplied from a voltage inverter. As a result of tests, the T HD harmonic content factor was significantly reduced and ground leakage ted from the PE electric shock protection system.

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The Impact of Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) as Partially and Fully Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete

Altamashuddinkhan Nadimalla, Siti Aliyyah Masjuki, Siti Asmahani Saad, Ean Lee Woen, Siti Maisarah Ali, Naseer Ulla

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 302-306 (2020);

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In fast charging station for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) the three-phase PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) inverters generate parasitic Differential-Mode Voltages (DMV) and Common-Mode Voltages (CMV). Parasitic voltages are a side effect of using the width modulation to shape the phase-to-phase inverter’s voltage. In this article the authors present a mathematical description of the differential-mode (DM) and common-mode (CM) voltages and carry out their spectral analysis. Based on the spectral harmonics analysis, the authors present a method for filtration of harmonics of DM and CM voltages aimed at limiting the capacitance parasitic currents: due to DM voltage – phase-to-phase parasitic current and CM voltage – ground parasitic currents. A resonant filter was used to eliminate harmonics of the input rectifier of the DC/DC converter supplied from a voltage inverter. As a result of tests, the T HD harmonic content factor was significantly reduced and ground leakage ted from the PE electric shock protection system.

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Metamaterial antennas are some sort of antennas which utilize metamaterials to improve the efficiency of small (small electrical) antenna systems and also enhance the antenna’s radiation pattern. The unusual properties of metamaterials such as coefficients of permittivity and permeability, as well as the negative refractive index, have led to increase the use of these artificial materials in variant fields including microwave engineering and medical applications. This paper explores a metamaterial coating and impact of it on a microstrip patch antenna from two different perspectives on satellite and biomedical applications. For this purpose, a microstrip antenna is modeled using CST software and then a particular metamaterial cover is configured upon the patch antenna to enhance its efficiency such as radiation pattern and directivity. The method is arranged in several stages and the output of the antenna is then analyzed in each stage after applying some adjustments to the design process. On the other hand, because the type and position of the applicator on the tissue is a consequential variable, in order to improve the effectiveness of hyperthermia treatment in medical applications, in the next step the metamaterial antenna is applied to hyperthermia treatment on the body tissue. Eventually the results of metamaterial antenna are compared with the usual antenna.

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Stress Response Index for Traumatic Childhood Experience Based on the Fusion of Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenocorticol and Autonomic Nervous System Biomarkers

Noor Aimie Salleh, Malarvili Balakrishnan, Anna C. Whitttaker

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 317-324 (2020);

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Stress occurring in the early days of an individual was often assumed to cause several health consequences. A number of reports indicated that having to deal with unfavourable events or distress situation at a young age could tweak stress responses leading to a broad spectrum of poor mental and physical health condition. Therefore, changes identified within stress response were recommended to be taken as a measure in regulating and managing such health situation. This study combines the biomarker that represents both autonomic nervous system (ANS) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocorticol (HPA) as a single measure to classify the stress response based on traumatic childhood experience and propose a stress response index as a future health indicator. Electrocardiograph (ECG), blood pressure, pulse rate and salivary cortisol (SCort) were collected from 12 participants who had traumatic childhood experience while the remaining 11 acted as the control group. The recording session was done during a Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT). HRV was then computed from the ECG and the HRV features were extracted. Next, the best HRV features were selected using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Biomarkers such as BP, PR and SCort were then integrated with 12 HRV features picked from GA. The integrations were conducted using two fusion methods which are Euclidean distance and serial fusion. The differences in reaction of the fused features were then identified. Based on the result, the Euclidean distance (ed) which is the fused feature by the parallel fusion, displayed the most efficient reaction with accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity at 80.0%, 83.3% and 78.3%, respectively. Support Vector Machine (SVM) was utilized to attain such result. The fused feature performance was then fed into SVM which produced indexes on stress responses. The result retrieved from these indexes acts as a measure in handling future health deliverability and perhaps could eventually enhance the health care platform for midlife individuals.

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Performance of a Thermoelectric Powered by Solar Panel for a Large Cooler Box

Mirmanto Mirmanto, Syahrul Syahrul, Made Wirawan, I Made Adi Sayoga, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Ilham Mahyudin

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 325-333 (2020);

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An experiment to determine the performance of a thermoelectric powered by solar panel for a large cooler box was carried out. The size of the cooler box tested was 1000 mm x 500 mm x 400 mm and inside the cooler box, a plastic bottle containing 19 liters of water was placed. The thermoelectric hot side was cooled using a mini channel flowed with water. Meanwhile, the cold side of the thermoelectric was connected to the inner heat sink to absorb heat inside the cooler box. The thermoelectric was powered from a battery charged by solar panels directly. There were 2 solar panels, each of which had a power of 100 WP. The cooler box was tested for 6 days in June 2019. The results showed that the lowest temperature on the thermoelectric cold side was around 16.21°C, while the lowest temperature inside the cooler box was 24.25°C. The experimental COPs obtained were ranging from 0.01 to 0.76. Moreover, in general, solar panels were potential as power sources for thermoelectric cooling systems.

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Skin Tissue Oxygen Saturation Prediction: A Comparison Study of Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Audrey Huong, Xavier Ngu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 334-339 (2020);

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Noninvasive measurement of skin tissue oxygen saturation, StO2, is of interest especially in the studies of wound healing and detection of vascular diseases. This work aims to compare Partial Least Square (PLS) regression, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique in the prediction of StO2 using spectral data obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. We found a good performance of PLS technique with mean and standard deviation (SD) of the absolute prediction errors given by 2(1.37) % for noisy data with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 30 dB. The errors increased to 4.67(3.87) % under SNR of 20 dB. This is followed by KNN technique, which calculated errors varied from 4.28(3.58) % to 7.61(6.08) % with a decrease in SNR. Meanwhile ANN produced large errors in its prediction ranging from 4 to 9 % for the considered SNR values. This work concluded PLS is suitable for use in selecting significant spectral information for the development of prediction models using artificial intelligent (AI) system or a hybrid combination of AIs to achieve a higher accuracy.

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Design of Efficient Convolutional Neural Module Based on An Improved Module

Daihui Li, Chengxu Ma, Shangyou Zeng

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 340-345 (2020);

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In order to further improve the feature extraction performance of the convolutional neural networks, we focus on the selection and reorganization of key features and suspect that simple changes in the pooling layers can cause changes in the performance of neural networks. According to the conjecture, we design a funnel convolution module, which can filter out the key features and perform multi-scale convolution of key features. And we apply this module to the design of high performance small neural networks. The experiments are carried out on 101_food and caltech-256 benchmark datasets. Experiments show that the module has higher performance than classical module, and the small convolution networks based on the module has less parameters and more excellent performance.

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Project-Based Learning as a Tool of Enhancing of Entrepreneurial Attitude of Students

Dana Pa?ová, Martin Veja?ka, Lukáš Kakalej?ík

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 346-354 (2020);

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The increase in employment and productivity is crucial for the economic growth of the European Union. Specifically, the employment of young people needs to be increased. The excessively theoretical approach to education is identified as one of the most significant problems in the educational system. Acquirement of practical experience while study, presents for the students the advantage when applying for a job or starting their own business. Self-employment or entrepreneurship might be one of the partial solutions for high youth unemployment in EU countries. The information and communication technologies transform education processes already for decades. The education in the area of entrepreneurship is also the field where these transformations occur. New educational forms and tools are being used in this area. Project-Based Learning and virtual laboratory are two examples of such new forms of education supported by information and communication technologies used in entrepreneurial education. This paper aims to present how project-based learning and virtual laboratory can support entrepreneurial education on the examples of two courses offered at our faculty. Through project-based learning, participants of these courses achieve the opportunity to implement their knowledge, skills, and experience to solve practical problems. It, all together, enhances the students’ motivation and involvement in the educational process. They also practical experience establishing and managing a small virtual business within the virtual laboratory of entrepreneurial education. The paper describes the setup of these courses, their content, and evaluation by students and achieved results. The findings show that project-based learning and the virtual lab supporting entrepreneurship education via electronic tools are useful ways of entrepreneurial skills development.

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Analysis of Reducing Defect Waste in Rubber Product for Magnetic Disk Drive Industry

Hernadewita, Evan Haviana, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Hendra

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 355-360 (2020);

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Productivity is increasing when less input was used in getting the same outcomes. Thus, the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input. As in derivative rubber industry which is producing the seal product for final assembly of Disc Drive. The function of seal is to protect the instrumentality within magnetic disc. Throughout production runs, there were number of issues occurred inflicting a poor quality or high defect rate, such as the embrace machines that perpetually breakdown or stop and creating a less productivity within the production. The data used for this analysis are the Rubber production for seal product on year 2017 till 2018. One of the seven QC tools, Ishikawa diagram, and along with Failure Modes and result Analysis (FMEA) were applied. The results of the analysis are the improvement program among the production space of Rubber product and extend the standard by the foremost highest defect waste at rubber production processes. There were tends to decide it into auto-deflashing. The improvement result showed that the product defects were seen to be reduced by 35% (from 11.7% into 7. 6% ) for auto-deflashing issues.

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The character education program conducted through extracurricular areas of the Scout. The method used in this study is the Research and Development (R&D). The research objectives are scouts elementary and junior high school. This research resulted in 3 Prototype Free Model implementation of character education through extracurricular scouting programs in the form of three models that must be followed. All three models include 1) a regular model so-called Block model; 2) Actualization models and 3) Regular models. Having tested through descriptive statistics, the percentage of respondents who obtained the opinion states that the model most widely used is the Block model, which reached 33.78%. The actualization model application reached 6.75%, while the Regular model application reaches 17.57%. The findings further analysis of the model character education through extracurricular activities scouting in basic education in West Java can be done via the Blocks model. The Results of the obtained tendencies that cause suboptimal extracurricular of the Scout to embed the characters early on elementary and secondary school.

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The Proportionality of Women Graduated from the Professional Career of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at UNTELS: Analysis of their Academic Performance and Labor Field of Action

Dora Yvonne Arce Santillan, Omar Freddy Chamorro Atalaya, Yesica Pamela Leandro Chacón, Jorge Isaac Castro Bedriñana, Elizabeth Rosario Martínez Santillán

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 368-372 (2020);

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This research seeks to describe the proportionality of women graduated from the Professional Career of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, analyzing their academic performance and the field of work action in which they are working. This study was done with the purpose of highlighting academic performance, and encouraging women to continue with this career, eliminating the myth that Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is not for women; In addition, this study will be a source of information for the National Technological University of Lima Sur, since, with this, action plans can be generated to increase the number of women entering in the coming years. Once the research has been carried out, it is concluded that the percentage of women who graduate in relation to the percentage of men, per academic semester 2012-II to 2018-II, is equal to 8.1%. Likewise, the weighted average of the academic performance of women graduated in the professional career of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, is 12.98, this represents a high average for the career; so it can be indicated that the 38 women graduated, have had a good academic performance. Finally, it is concluded that there is a high Spearman ratio of 0.822 between the weighted average by specialty with the field of labor action; These results agree with what has been indicated in relation to the fact that there is a higher qualification in the specialty of Mechanics (AM) with a weighted average range of subjects from 11.73 to 15.42, and according to professional practice reports, of the 38 women graduated from the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering career, 25 are working in the field of Mechanical specialty. With these results it can be said that although the percentage of women linked to this career is still low; Women in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering have a good academic development, which is why women should continue to be encouraged to be included in the area of science, technology and innovation.

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360-Degree Videos, VR Experiences and the Application of Education 4.0 Technologies in Malaysia for Exposure and Immersion

Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, Mohamad Syafiq Ya Shak, Rafidah Abd Karim, Mohd Haniff Mohd Tahir, Dianna Suzieanna M Shah

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 373-381 (2020);

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Obstacles, both imagined and real, continue to hinder the wider adoption of Education 4.0 learning technologies although these technologies are available in the mainstream consumer market. At the same time, the boom in Industry 4.0 manufacturing has brought down the prices of these technological tools making them generally more affordable. A case in point is 360-degree spherical video cameras and software that can record, render and playback immersive ‘real life’ contents. 360-degree spherical video contents can then be rendered and post-processed into VR (virtual reality) experiences that are not just immersive but also allow for limitless exposure time to learners. Both technologies allow for learner-driven learning to happen in the truest sense, for instance for second and foreign language learners. This research paper examines data collected from 560 undergraduates (n = 560) who were immersed and exposed to 360-degree videos and VR experiences for degree level courses on English (as a second language), Mandarin (Chinese) (as a third or foreign language, and Arabic (as a third or foreign language) at four public university campuses in Peninsular Malaysia. The benefits of 360-degree videos and VR experiences in second and foreign languages content delivery were evident to support learner-driven learning: Contents were developed by local lecturers and then uploaded for free online and learners could learn anytime, anywhere; total immersion could be achieved using cheap VR goggles powered by learners’ smartphones; and most beneficially, weaker learners who desperately need more time to understand and practice difficult degree level second or foreign languages now have the freedom to revise and upskill themselves at their own pace.

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Optimization of the Feeding Point Location of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

Md. Biplob Hossain, Md. Selim Hossain, Md. Mahabub Hossain, Md. Dulal Haque

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 382-386 (2020);

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Microstrip patch antennas (MPAs) are comfortable and have better anticipation compared to traditional antennas. Not only the weight of this type of antennas is lighter but also, they have little capacity, minimum price, reduced in measurement as well as affluence of fiction then observance. Recently, it has been many times reevaluated for the improvement of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA). The performance of an antenna relies on dimensions of antenna, operating frequency, substrate material and height of substrate, the thickness of patch as well as different feeding techniques of the antenna. The main concept that highlights this work is to determine the finest location of the feed point that plays a vital role in the performance measurement of the designed antenna and investigate the performance by studying distinct feed point location. Here we used Rogers R03006 (lossy) as substrate material whose dielectric constant is 6.15 and the operating frequency of our designed RMPA is 1.22 GHz. The RMPA is analyzed based on the different constraints factors of antenna like loss of return, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and the improvement factors that mean the directivity, gain, overall efficiency, the pattern of radiation, etc. It is revealed that the best feeding point (9.07, 15.75) of our designed RMPA is unique concerning the substrate materials and antenna height, as well as width, at a specific operating frequency.

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Trust and Reputation Mechanisms in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: A Systematic Review

Amit Kumar Tyagi, A. Mohan Krishna, Shaveta Malik, Meghna Manoj Nair, Sreenath Niladhuri

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 387-402 (2020);

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An emerging trend has been observed in the Trust and Reputation (T & R) systems in field of decision-making support for a majority of the provisions propagated by the Internet. It is the extreme importance that peers (users) are able to trust each other and rely on them for file sharing and for services. This paper provides the reader an apprehensive and completely true information and details on a large number of the present conceptions, proposals, issues, and the key to those problems in VANETs and other fields to enhance the eminence of the data in transportation through a systematized literature review. Trust and reputation have also been discussed gravely in this paper. After the scrutinized analysis of more than 90 articles related to trust in a plethora of fields, extracted from few of the apt scientific sources ((i.e., SIEEE Computer Society, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, Science Direct, and Wiley Online Library), and hence, succeeds to bring about the major hurdles and necessities for trust in real world and future research.

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Classification System for the Interpretation of the Braille Alphabet through Image Processing

Brian Meneses-Claudio, Witman Alvarado-Diaz, Avid Roman-Gonzalez

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 403-407 (2020);

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The Braille language system or also known as the language for the blind people was created so that these people can understand the vocabulary words depending on the country in which they are located, this system is based on points in which the points raised or also known as the largest points depending on their location will have a meaning of a letter. At present, very few educational centers have Braille translation systems or Braille language specialists for the understanding and teaching of people with visual disabilities. According to INEI, 1.9% of the Peruvian population has visual impairment and only 20% of that population manages to finish their studies thus having a great deficit in cognitive preparation. That is why a Braille translation system was proposed, capable of capturing images in Braille language and translating them through image processing into Peruvian vocabulary, giving as a result, the understanding of the person or specialist who is teaching or training in that moment. The Braille language image has to go through different filters of which are intended to obtain the areas of the circles that compose it in order to obtain a binary matrix of it and convert it to a number that will represent the letter. The result was the translation of the Braille language into Peruvian vocabulary and also the identification of the points that have each letter.

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Resource Selection Service Based on Neural Network in Fog Environment

Nour Mostafa

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 408-417 (2020);

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As an emergent technology in Internet of Things (IoT), the ultimate target of fog computing is to provide a widely distributed computational resources and data repository closer to the network edge providing heterogeneous systems both in terms of software and hardware. The fog system must have the capability to deal with huge number of resources and users at the same time, such increased size sometimes presents the issue of performance degradation. Therefore, the fog should be able to support adaptability, scalability, and extensibility to avoid such degradation by adopting efficiently and effectively an optimal resource selection and allocation model. As many fog users have limited interest in, or knowledge of fog middleware issues, it follows that in a large fog environment the best approach would be to have an automated system for resource selection and allocation. Such an approach eliminates the need for user intervention. This paper proposes a fog resource selection service based on neural network to perform resource selection tasks by coordinating with the metascheduler. Five different selection algorithm were used to evaluate the prediction model for resource selection. In addition to introducing a history update and management algorithm to manage and control the storage of the history log records.

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Biofortification of the Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) with Chicken Manure Compost in the Central Sierra of Peru

Doris Chirinos-Peinado, Jorge Castro-Bedriñana, Percy Lara-Schwartz

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 418-423 (2020);

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In Peru, large volumes of chicken manure are produced, whose compost applied at normal levels improves the ryegrass yield and protein intake, to obtain organic products and contribute to animal, environmental and human health. To evaluate the biofortifying effect of Chicken Manure Compost (CMC) incorporated in (T1): 0, (T2): 10 and (T3): 20 t ha-1 levels, on Green Forage (GF) yield, Dry Matter (DM), Total Protein (TP) and Plant Height (PH) of Italian ryegrass, in pasture located in Huancayo, Peru (3250 altitude); two cuts were made, the first one was 42 days after the first fertilization and the second was 42 days after the first cut and second fertilization. In second cut, GF yield, in T1, T2 and T3 was 70.05; 61.50 and 97.20 t ha-1 (p <0.05); the DM yield was 10.39; 8.44 and 23.34 t ha-1, respectively (p <0.05); TP yield was 1.76; 1.74 and 2.80 t ha-1, respectively (p <0.05) and the PH was 97.0; 93.8 and 99.63 cm, respectively (p <0.05). The application of 10 t ha-1 had no greater effect in front of the control. The use of 20 t ha-1 of CMC allows to obtain organic forage with higher yield of dry matter and protein and therefore it is possible to obtain organic livestock products, with the advantage of reducing the negative impact of bird manure to public health, when is traditionally eliminated to environment.

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Fuzzy Logic Control Management with Stand Alone Photovoltaic – Fuel Cell System

Ehab Mohamed Zakaria, Shawky Hamed Arafa, Maged Naguib Fahmy Nashed, Salah Ghazi Ramadan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 424-430 (2020);

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In this paper, a Hybrid System introduced (HS), which consists of Solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) system and the Fuel Cell (FC) System as alternative source of electrical power. The HS is used to supply the required electricity to a Single-Phase load with the help of Pulse Width Modulation Voltage Source Inverter (PWM-VSI). The PV provide the FC system with the required power to be used when it is needed to feed the loads during the absent of the solar sun lights. The FC system generate the Hydrogen (H2) from electrolyzer which Supplied with the Photo-Voltaic energy and water (H2O). While, the generated H2 is reserved in a Tank which provides the FC Stack by the required Hydrogen level. The output voltage from the FC Stack then, Boosted and converted to AC voltage suitable for the loads using a PWM-VSI. The fuzzy logic control (FLC) is designed to control management between level of tank H2 and power demand of load. The individual components are simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment and tested, also, complete system modeling is presented, and the results obtained are found to be satisfactory.

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Optimization of the Stabilizer Bar by Using Total Scores Method

Nguyen Tuan Anh, Hoang Thang Binh, Tran The Tran

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 431-435 (2020);

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The stabilizer bar restricts the roll angle of the vehicle when the vehicle steers based on the load balance on both sides of the wheel. Usually, the bar is in the form of the symmetrical U-shaped with the diameter is circular or annular. In order to be able to calculate the diameter of the stabilizer bar, it is necessary to determine the value of force F acting on the arm of the stabilizer bar. Previous studies often estimate the force value F is a defined constant, thus causing inaccuracy in the calculation process. This study focuses on accurately determining the maximum force value F to optimize the size of the bar. The size of the bar is optimized based on the values of the mass and the displacement. The results of the study indicate that the bar with the annular section will be more optimal in terms of mass and displacement than the circular section. In most cases, if the thickness of the bar decreases, the mass and the displacement of the bar also tend to decrease.

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Seismic Response Modification Factor for Special Concrete Structures Based on Pushover &Non-linear Time History Analyses

Rasha Attia Ahmed Attia, Reham Mohamed Galal Ebrahim El-Tahawy, Mohamed Nour El-Din Fayed

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 436-445 (2020);

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Reinforced concrete (RC) structures are able to dissipate a large amount of energy during earthquake (EQ). RC structures designed to resist EQs must have enough strength and stiffness to prevent any possible collapse as well as to control deflection. Seismic codes include the response reduction/modification factor(R) in calculation of equivalent lateral forces used for EQ resistant buildings design to reduce elastic design spectral acceleration of the RC structure to account for ductility and over strength. Furthermore, the aim of this research is to investigate the variation of seismic response of special RC structures with different configurations, such as elevated metro stations. Consequently, the response reduction factor can be evaluated. Then the calculated response reduction/modification factors (R) for reinforced concrete (RC) structures will be compared to those specified in ECP and the ASCE code. For this purpose, a 3D Finite Element Method was used for modelling RC structure using ABAQUS V.6.14 program.

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Rooftop urban agriculture model with two tomato varieties (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) and toppings in the high jungle – Peru

José Alomía-Lucero, Jorge Castro-Bedriñana, Doris Chirinos-Peinado

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(1), 446-450 (2020);

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The study objective was to design and evaluate the agroecological system of an agricultural model with vegetable covers (Luffa cylindrica, Cyclanthera pedata and Mucuna pruriens) associated with tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill), Rio Grande and Cherry varieties. The agroecological system is shown with its components of inputs, processes and outputs. The main entrances being solar radiation, rainwater and air as main sources for plant photosynthesis. Components of rooftop agroecosystem are soil, plants, animals and microbes, which form the food pyramid in ecological balance. Production benefits the family in terms of food safety with safe pesticide-free tomatoes. At the same time there is a plant barrier on the roofs to reduce the effects of solar radiation that favors the comfort of the family; in this way the research is framed in the nature of cities with green roofs with their multiple ecological benefits. A new tomato variety obtained by natural crossbreeding between the Cherry and Rio Grande varieties has also been obtained, with medium-sized fruits favorable to the organic tomato market, whose average equatorial diameter is 2.82 ± 0.086 cm, and the average polar diameter 2.47 ± 0.105 cm.

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Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025