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Current Issue features key papers related to multidisciplinary domains involving complex system stemming from numerous disciplines; this is exactly how this journal differs from other interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary engineering journals. This issue contains 26 accepted papers in Electrical domain.
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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), (2017);
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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), (2017);
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), (2017);
Table of Contents
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), (2017);
Detection of Vandalism in Wikipedia using Metadata Features – Implementation in Simple English and Albanian sections
Arsim Susuri, Mentor Hamiti, Agni Dika
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 1-7 (2017);
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In this paper, we evaluate a list of classifiers in order to use them in the detection of vandalism by focusing on metadata features. Our work is focused on two low resource data sets (Simple English and Albanian) from Wikipedia. The aim of this research is to prove that this form of vandalism detection applied in one data set (language) can be extended into another data set (language). Article views data sets in Wikipedia have been used rarely for the purpose of detecting vandalism. We will show the benefits of using article views data set with features from the article revisions data set with the aim of improving the detection of vandalism. The key advantage of using metadata features is that these metadata features are language independent and simple to extract because they require minimal processing. This paper shows that application of vandalism models across low resource languages is possible, and vandalism can be detected through view patterns of articles.
Travelling Wave Solutions of Coupled Burger’s Equations of Time-Space Fractional Order by Novel (G?/G)-Expansion Method
Rashida Hussain, Tayyiaba Rasool, Asghar Ali
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 8-13 (2017);
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In this paper, Novel (G?/G)-expansion method is used to find new generalized exact travelling wave solutions of fractional order coupled Burger’s equations in terms of trigonometric functions, rational functions and hyperbolic functions with arbitrary parameters. For the conversion of the partial differential equation to the ordinary differential equation, complex transformation method is used. Novel (G?/G)-expansion method is very effective and provides a powerful mathematical tool to solve nonlinear equations. Moreover, for the representation of these exact solutions we have plotted graphs for different values of parameters which were in travelling waveform.
Evaluation of Pure Aluminium Inoculated with Varying Grain Sizes of an Agro-waste based Inoculant
Adeyemi I. Olabisi, Thankgod E. Boye, Emagbetere Eyere
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 14-25 (2017);
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Pure Aluminium and its alloy are widely utilized in Engineering and Industrial applications due to certain significant properties such as softness, ductility, corrosion resistance, and high electrical conductivity which it possesses. Addition of an agro-waste based grain refiner to the melt can alter the characteristics positively or negatively. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the inoculating capability of an agro-waste based inoculant and the effect of adding varying sizes of its grains on some of the properties of pure aluminium after solidification. The beneficial outcome of this investigation would enhance the economic value of the selected agro-waste and also broaden the applications of aluminium in Engineering. The assessed properties include; microstructure, micro hardness, ductility, and tensile strength. The agro-waste used as the grain refiner is pulverised cocoa bean shells (CBS). Three sets of test samples were produced using dry sand moulding process, with each melt having a specified grain size of the inoculant added to it (150, 225 and 300microns respectively). Ladle inoculation method was adopted. The cast samples after solidification were machined to obtain various shapes/sizes for the different analysis. The microstructural examination showed that the mechanical properties are dependent on the matrix as the aluminium grains became more refined with increasing grain size of the inoculant. I.e. Due to increasing grain size of the inoculant, the micro hardness increased (56, 61, 72HB) as the aluminium crystal size became finer. Meanwhile, the tensile strength (284, 251, 223N/mm2) and ductility (1.82, 0.91, 0.45%E) decreased as grain size of the inoculant increased. The overall results showed that the used agro-waste based inoculant has the capability of refining the crystal size of pure aluminium as its grain size increases. This will make the resulting aluminium alloy applicable in areas where hardness is of superior consideration relative to tensile strength.
Channel Inversion Schemes with Compensation Network for Two-Element Compact Array in Multi-User MIMO
Maxwell Oppong Afriyie, Obour Agyekum Kwame Opuni-Boachie, Affum Emmanuel Ampoma
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 26-31 (2017);
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In this paper, we investigate the performance of channel inversion schemes for interference cancellation with compensation network in multi-user MIMO broadcasting channel. To achieve good performance, mutual coupling between two-element compact arrays is characterized by the receiving mutual impedance method (RMIM) to formulate the compensation network-operating matrix. A prototype of two-element compensation network with an insertion loss between input and output ports better than 11 dB is fabricated. We demonstrate results to confirm that output voltages of decoupling network can effectively be removed off the coupling effect. A typical standard MIMO channel model is presented, and system performance is evaluated when coupling effects existed and after decoupling process. Bit error performance results also indicate the promising potentials of regularized channel inversion scheme with efficient decoupling scheme in massive MIMO system.
Design of Petri Net Supervisor with 1-monitor place for a Class of Behavioral Constraints
Alexander Nuñez, Arturo Sanchez
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 32-43 (2017);
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This paper studies the design of supervisory controllers with a minimum number of monitor places for Manufacturing System modeled as safe Petri Nets. The proposed approach considers a class of safety specifications known as Behavioral Constraints with a restricted syntax. The set of Behavioral Constraints are represented as predicate logic formulas in normal conjunctive form. Then, each Behavioral Constraint induces a set of algebraic linear inequalities. The approach establishes an equivalence in order to minimize the number of monitor places. Thus, each Behavioral Constraint induces a single linear inequality, giving rise to a 1-monitor place Petri Net supervisor. The approach is illustrated with the design and implementation of 1-monitor place modular supervisor for an automated manufacturing prototype.
Toward Confirming a Framework for Securing the Virtual Machine Image in Cloud Computing
Raid Khalid Hussein, Ahmed Alenezi, Hany F. Atlam, Mohammed Q Mohammed, Robert J. Walters, Gary B. Wills
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 44-50 (2017);
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The concept of cloud computing has arisen thanks to academic work in the fields of utility computing, distributed computing, virtualisation, and web services. By using cloud computing, which can be accessed from anywhere, newly-launched businesses can minimise their start-up costs. Among the most important notions when it comes to the construction of cloud computing is virtualisation. While this concept brings its own security risks, these risks are not necessarily related to the cloud. The main disadvantage of using cloud computing is linked to safety and security. This is because anybody which chooses to employ cloud computing will use someone else’s hard disk and CPU in order to sort and store data. In cloud environments, a great deal of importance is placed on guaranteeing that the virtual machine image is safe and secure. Indeed, a previous study has put forth a framework with which to protect the virtual machine image in cloud computing. As such, the present study is primarily concerned with confirming this theoretical framework so as to ultimately secure the virtual machine image in cloud computing. This will be achieved by carrying out interviews with experts in the field of cloud security.
Chikungunya virus; Review of Epidemiology and Outbreak in Pakistan
Tousif Raza, Habiba Ijaz, Naseer Ahmad, Muhammad Hashim Raza
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 51-55 (2017);
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is mosquito-borne, alpha virus. It causes acute fever and acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain in humans. CHIKV has spread to 22 countries including Pakistan resulting in hundreds of thousands of death across the world. International travel stands out as one of the major risk factors for rapid global spread of the disease. CHIKV can be highly debilitating and large epidemic have severe economic consequences. Reemergence of CHIKV is serious public health concern. In the past 10 years, after decades of infrequent, specific outbreaks, the virus has caused major epidemic outbreaks in Africa, Asia, the India Ocean, and more recently the Caribbean and Americas. Chikungunya virus represents a substantial health burden to affected population, with symptoms that include severe joint and muscle pain, rashes, and fever, as well as prolonged periods of disability in some patients. Entry of virus into tissues causes infiltration of innate immune cells, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells and adaptive immune cells. Macrophages bearing the replicating virus, in turn, secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1B, TNF-a, IL-17. Together, this pro-inflammatory milieu induces osteoclastogenesis, bone loss, and erosion. Understanding the mechanisms of host immune responses is essential for the development of diagnosis, treatments and vaccines. Viral culture and isolation from blood cells of infected patients are the Gold standards for diagnosis. Early diagnosis of CHIKV is possible by nucleic acid detection techniques. Thus there is urgent need for continued research into the epidemiology, pathology, prevention and treatment of this disease. In this article, we have provided and update on Chikungunya virus with its recent epidemiology, molecular virology and antiviral therapies and vaccines.
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In classical cryptography, the Hill cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher based on linear algebra. In this work, we proposed a new problem applicable to the public key cryptography, based on the Matrices, called “Matrix discrete logarithm problem”, it uses certain elements formed by matrices whose coefficients are elements in a finite field. We have constructed an abelian group and, for the cryptographic part in this unreliable group, we then perform the computation corresponding to the algebraic equations, Returning the encrypted result to a receiver. Upon receipt of the result, the receiver can retrieve the sender’s clear message by performing the inverse calculation.
Simulation and Implementation of Sensorless Control in Multi-Motors Electric Drives with High Dynamics
Marcel Nicola, Dumitru Sacerdotianu, Claudiu-Ionel Nicola, Adrian Hurezeanu
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 59-67 (2017);
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In this article we’ll tackle the control of multi-motors electric drives with high dynamic, with rapid changes in torque and speed, with rigid or flexible coupling of motors, where the control strategy is FOC (Field Oriented Control) for each drives and the distributed control in local network using the CANopen protocol. In the surface mining industry, from which the electric drive application for this article is selected, the general trend is toward using asynchronous motors with short-circuit rotor, due to the advantages of this motor both in terms of design and operation. In order to achieve the variable speed, must be used the static frequency converters with sensorless control, where speed is estimated using a Model References Adaptive Control Estimator. The global control system proposed in this paper contain this type of MRAC estimator together with PI-control based, who ensures a good dynamic performance but in a lower complexity of structure such that are properly to implement in real time in a distributed control system with DSP in local network using the CANopen protocol with advantages in terms of software technology, as well as control cost and flexibility of use. Following these directions a functional application was implemented and tested in practice.
Forced Vibration Response of Double-Bay Multi-Storey Building Frames with Joints of Infinite Rigidity
Mbanusi Echefuna Cyril, Ngwu Chukwuemeka, Onyeka Festus, Onoh Felix
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 68-77 (2017);
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This paper studied external-source-excited vibration response of double-bay multi-storey building frames for the effect of joint stiffening on bending moment and joint displacement. One of the frames has normal rigid joints. Three others of the frames have stiffened joints of stiffened lengths: 275mm, 425mm and 775mm respectively. Lumped mass system was the dynamic model adopted. The frames were modeled as those with flexible horizontal members, permitting rotation of joints and having multi degrees of freedom (MDOF). Classical displacement method of analysis was adopted using fixed end reactive moments which were modified to include the contributions of joint stiffening. The study revealed that stiffening of joints results in: (i) decrease in displacements at the joints; (ii) substantial reduction in deflection and significant increase of deflection ductility and energy ductility of flexural members. (iii) increase in joint moments and decrease in span moments.
The main characteristics of five distributed file systems required for big data: A comparative study
Akram Elomari, Larbi Hassouni, Abderrahim Maizate
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 78-91 (2017);
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These last years, the amount of data generated by information systems has exploded. It is not only the quantities of information that are now estimated in Exabyte, but also the variety of these data which is more and more structurally heterogeneous and the velocity of generation of these data which can be compared in many cases to endless flows. Now days, Big Data science offers many opportunities to analyze and explore these quantities of data. Therefore, we can collect and parse data, make many distributed operations, aggregate results, make reports and synthesis. To allow all these operations, Big Data Science relies on the use of “Distributed File Systems (DFS)” technologies to store data more efficiently. Distributed File Systems were designed to address a set of technological challenges like consistency and availability of data, scalability of environments, competitive access to data or even more the cost of their maintenance and extension. In this paper, we attempt to highlight some of these systems. Some are proprietary such as Google GFS and IBM GPFS, and others are open source such as HDFS, Blobseer and AFS. Our goal is to make a comparative analysis of the main technological bricks that often form the backbone of any DFS system.
Grid Connected Hybrid Solar and Diesel Generator Set: A Cost Optimization with HOMER
Amevi Acakpovi, Mathias B. Michael, Issah B. Majeed
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 92-98 (2017);
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Extensive increases in electricity cost added to the numerous power outages encountered in developing countries has led to the deployment of hybrid energy supplies that mainly ensure continuity of power supply while attempting a reduction of electricity generation cost. This paper, specifically deals with the cost optimization of electricity generation from a grid connected hybrid solar and diesel generator. An electrical audit was first conducted on a selected building: the Electrical Block of Accra Technical University. The load estimate led to a total energy of 234 kWh for all electrical gadgets with the exception of the air-condition systems. The estimate was used to design the hybrid system with HOMER software that resulted in a total capacity of 115 kW and a levelized cost of electricity of 0.472 $/kWh taking into consideration no power outage in the year. Furthermore, the proposed hybrid system was made of a grid connected solar system that supplies the full load with the exception of the air-condition systems while the National Grid is used to cover the rest. In situation of power outages, the Generator Set takes over the National grid while the solar is still connected to the Grid. This mechanism was simulated and the cost of electricity in absence of the grid was estimated at 1.496 $/kWh. A general cost of electricity taking into consideration 90% ON period of the grid against 10% Off period of the grid per year, was estimated to 0.574 $/kWh. Besides, the proposed system produced savings in emission of carbon dioxide, 26.42 kg/year, sulfur dioxide, 115 kg/year and Nitrogen oxides, 56 kg/year. Finally, the system yielded a very good payback period of 10.43 years with regard to a lifetime of 25 years.
Precision Statistical Analysis of Images Based on Brightness Distribution
Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani, Khattab M. Ali Alheeti
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 99-104 (2017);
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Study the content of images is considered an important topic in which reasonable and accurate analysis of images are generated. Recently image analysis becomes a vital field because of huge number of images transferred via transmission media in our daily life. These crowded media with images lead to highlight in research area of image analysis. In this paper, the implemented system is passed into many steps to perform the statistical measures of standard deviation and mean values of both color and grey images. Whereas the last step of the proposed method concerns to compare the obtained results in different cases of the test phase. In this paper, the statistical parameters are implemented to characterize the content of an image and its texture. Standard deviation, mean and correlation values are used to study the intensity distribution of the tested images. Reasonable results are obtained for both standard deviation and mean value via the implementation of the system. The major issue addressed in the work is concentrated on brightness distribution via statistical measures applying different types of lighting.
A novel algorithm for detecting human circadian rhythms using a thoracic temperature sensor
Aly Chkeir, Farah Mourad-Chehade, Jacques Beau, Monique Maurice, Sandra Komarzynski, Francis Levi, David J. Hewson, Jacques Duchêne
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 105-110 (2017);
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Circadian rhythms undergo high perturbations due to cancer progression and worsening of metabolic diseases. This paper proposes an original method for detecting such perturbations using a novel thoracic temperature sensor. Such an infrared sensor records the skin temperature every five minutes, although some data might be missing. In this pilot study, five control subjects were evaluated over four days of recordings. In order to overcome the problem of missing data, first four different interpolation methods were compared. Using interpolation helps covering the gaps and extending the recordings frequency, subsequently prolonging sensor battery life. Afterwards, a Cosinor model was proposed to characterize circadian rhythms, and extract relevant parameters, with their confidence limits. A divergence study is then performed to detect changes in these parameters. The results are promising, supporting the enlargement of the sample size and warranting further assessment in cancer patients.
Efficient Tensor Strategy for Recommendation
Aboagye Emelia Opoku, Gao Jianbin, Qi Xia, Nartey Obed Tetteh, Opoku Mensah Eugene
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 111-114 (2017);
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The era of big data has witnessed the explosion of tensor datasets, and large scale Probabilistic Tensor Factorization (PTF) analysis is important to accommodate such increasing trend of data. Sparsity, and Cold-Start are some of the inherent problems of recommender systems in the era of big data. This paper proposes a novel Sentiment-Based Probabilistic Tensor Analysis technique senti-PTF to address the problems. The propose framework first applies a Natural Language Processing technique to perform sentiment analysis taking advantage of the huge sums of textual data generated available from the social media which are predominantly left untouched. Although some current studies do employ review texts, many of them do not consider how sentiments in reviews influence recommendation algorithm for prediction. There is therefore this big data text analytics gap whose modeling is computationally expensive. From our experiments, our novel machine learning sentiment-based tensor analysis is computationally less expensive, and addresses the cold-start problem, for optimal recommendation prediction.
Solving the SAT problem using Genetic Algorithm
Arunava Bhattacharjee, Prabal Chauhan
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 115-120 (2017);
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In this paper we propose our genetic algorithm for solving the SAT problem. We introduce various crossover and mutation techniques and then make a comparative analysis between them in order to find out which techniques are the best suited for solving a SAT instance. Before the genetic algorithm is applied to an instance it is better to seek for unit and pure literals in the given formula and then try to eradicate them. This can considerably reduce the search space, and to demonstrate this we tested our algorithm on some random SAT instances. However, to analyse the various crossover and mutation techniques and also to evaluate the optimality of our algorithm we performed extensive experiments on benchmark instances of the SAT problem. We also estimated the ideal crossover length that would maximise the chances to solve a given SAT instance.
Pixel-Based Unsupervised Classification Approach for Information Detection on Optical Markup Recognition Sheet
Enoch Opanin Gyamfi, Yaw Marfo Missah
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 121-132 (2017);
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This paper proposed an Optical Markup Recognition (OMR) system to be used to detect shaded options of students after MCQ-type examinations. The designed system employed the pixel-based unsupervised classification approach with image pre-processing strategies and compared its efficiencies, in terms of speed and accuracy, with object-based supervised or unsupervised classification OMR systems. Speed and accuracy were tested using asymptotic running time and confusion matrix, respectively. The study began by involving the ideas of 50 sampled students in the design of an OMR template to be used by the proposed system. The study used six accuracy parameters to compute the effects of the three image pre-processing strategies, two-dimensional median filtering, contrast limited adaptive histogram equalisation, scanlines and standard Hough transform techniques. These strategies proved to increase the accuracy rates of the proposed system. The study finally proposed strategies to detect shaded circle bubble with its centre and block neighbouring pixels within it. These labels were stored in row-by-column one-dimensional array matrices. The study then concluded that the proposed pixel-based untrained classification OMR algorithm, is statistically fast and accurate than the object-based untrained classification OMR algorithms.
An Efficient Authentication Method For Smart Card Verification In Online
Kanamarlapudi Venkata Srinivasa Rao, Ramanathan Udayakumar, Velu Khanaa
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 133-138 (2017);
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The great cards are getting a charge out of a critical part inside the on-line managing wherever we have tendency to can’t check the cardholder up close and personal. The phishing sites may parody the data in the middle of the customer website and along these lines the common webpage. To protect the data and managing here we have tendency to are presenting the three level confirmations. In arranged approach there are two stages i.e. Enlistment and login. All through enlistment part control the word which can figure and separated into two segments i.e. parcel one can keep inside the client or customer viewpoint, segment a couple of can keep in server perspective. Next level is to exchange the client icon which can figure and split into two shares each are keep severally. In the end zero information code will be get refreshed and it’s furthermore get keep as two components. All through the login part before starting the managing the client and server ought to uncover their three-genuine data offers if each stacked data got coordinate then the client is legitimate and server isn’t a phishing site.
Estimation of Power System Stabilizer Parameters Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques to Improve Small Signal Stability of Power System
Hossein Soleymani, Amin Hasanvand
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 139-144 (2017);
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Interconnection of the power system utilities and grids offers a formidable dispute in front of design engineers. With the interconnections, power system has emerged as a more intricate and nonlinear system. Recent years small signal stability problems have achieved much significance along with the conventional transient constancy problems. Transient stability of the power system can be attained with high gain and fast acting Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs). Yet, AVRs establish negative damping in the system. Propagation of small signals is hazardous for system’s health and offers a potential threat to system’s oscillatory stability. These small signals have magnitude of 0.2 to 2 Hz. The professional control tactic to develop system damping is Power System Stabilizer (PSS).This paper presents application of swarm intelligence for PSS parameter estimation issue on standard IEEE 10 Generator 39 Bus power network (New England). Realization of the objective function is done with the help of interpolation investigation using MATLAB. The system performance is compared with the conventional optimization algorithms like Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based PSS controller. The strength of proposed controller is tested by examining various operating conditions. An Eigen property analysis is done on this system i.e. before installing PSS, and after the employment of GA and PSO tuned PSSs. A significant comparison is carried out with GA and PSO on the basis of convergence uniqueness and dynamic response of speed deviation curves of various generators.
Design and Construction of a remote control switching device for household appliances application
Mbunwe Muncho Josephine
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 154-164 (2017);
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Remote control switching device for household application is a home device used to control the switching of household appliances from a distance. It serves to make the switching of household appliances easy for the elderly, physically challenged, the young and anyone who, in any circumstance, needs comfort and security. This paper develops a remote control system using the Radio Frequency technology utilizing multiplexers, demultiplexers, encoders, decoders, and Radio Frequency module with the analysis of various technologies which can be used for the development of a remote control system. A security system is incorporated in this remote control to provide a secured usage of the system from a distance of about ten meters away. To achieve the aim of this work: a transmitter system is design and constructed which processes and sends out signal when a button is pressed; the construction of a receiver system which receives and processes the signal from the transmitter system, then turn on or turn off the appliances; and incorporate a security system which allows transmission of signal only when certain condition is met. Avoiding the use of microcontroller, this paper developed an affordable, reliable and effective remote control system for household applications.
Finite Element Modeling for Wind Response of Aluminum Wall Cladding in Tall Building
Okafor Chinedum Vincent, Mbanusi Echefuna Cyril, Kevin Chuks Okolie, Dominic Anosike Obodoh
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 165-172 (2017);
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This paper analyzed wind loading responses of Aluminum Wall cladding panels in Tall Building using Ikeja Lagos State Nigeria. The wind loads were calculated according to Standard and Specification From BS6399-2:1997 Using the wind speed data of Lagos state Nigeria and finite element analysis, we predicted the responses of these Aluminum wall Cladding panels to the design wind loads being calculated. The result of the calculation from BS6399-2:1997 showed that the aluminum cladding panels located on the facade upwind was subject to positive pressure, which increases with height. Also, the cladding panels located on the leeward, as well as sidewalls, were subjected to negative pressure, which tended to be high at the top and bottom corners due to flow separation. From the result of the modeling and analysis, the researcher found out that stresses on the aluminum wall cladding panels were generally below the material yield point, showing that the high wind speed were not the reason for the collapse of aluminum cladding panels in the locality being considered. Instead, the reality lies on one or more issue on the materials construction and placement as discussed.
Mathematical Model Based on Newton’s Laws and in First Thermodynamic Law of a Gas Turbine
Ottmar Rafael Uriza Gosebruch, Carlos Alexander Nuñez Martin, Eloy Edmundo Rodríguez Vázquez, Eduardo Campos Mercado
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 173-179 (2017);
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The present article explains the modeling of a Gas Turbine system; the mathematical modeling is based on fluid mechanics applying the principal energy laws such as Euler’s Law, Newton’s second Law and the first thermodynamic law to obtain the equations for mass, momentum and energy conservation; expressed as the continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes equation and the energy conservation using Fourier’s Law. The purpose of this article is to establish a precise mathematical model to be applied in control applications, for future works, within industry applications.
Kalman filter Observer for SoC prediction of Lithium cells
Faten Ayadi, Mongi Lahiani, Nabil Derbel
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 180-188 (2017);
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The SoC estimation of Li Ion batteries presents a difficult task for almost applications in order to ensure their higher energy density and their safety. Hence, there have been several methods to optimize the state of charge of the Lithium cells such as observer strategies which have been considered in this work. Kalman filter observer has been selected for state optimization. It has been considered to stabilize the error estimation of battery state thanks to its gain through the following non linear fractional model. The fractional model has been deduced from analysis of Impedance Spectroscopy data and it has been well defined by Fractional Order Calculus. The performance of Kalman filter has been evaluated through the simulation results. They have improved the efficiency and limits of Kalman theory to determine the actual internal state of cells.
Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Organization: A Study of BDA Process, Benefits and Challenges of BDA
D. Siva Sankara Reddy, R. Udaya Kumar
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 189-196 (2017);
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Day by day, data grows exponentially large using advanced technology and it requires effective analytical techniques to analyze the unknown and useful facts, patterns, associations and new trends which will provide new way for giving treatment to diseases and to provide good quality healthcare at low cost for everyone. This paper describes uncover valuable insights, various lifestyle choices, some social determinants, clinical and financial factors that it may effect the overall health of an individual. It also presents how to analyze the facts by using big data analytics to improve the healthcare in the world and also describes the various steps involved in Big Data Analytics process and discusses its advantages and challenges which show impact on healthcare organization.
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Model in High-Rise Building Wind Analysis-A Case Study
Okafor Chinedum Vincent
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 197-203 (2017);
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Over the years, wind loading codes has been a crucial tool in determining design wind loads on buildings. Due to the limitations of these codes especially in height, wind tunnel testing is recommended as the best approach in predicting wind flow around buildings but carrying out wind tunnel testing in the preliminary as well as final design stage of a project has proven uneconomical and incurs additional cost to the client. In response to this, CFD which is a virtual form of wind tunnel testing was developed. From immersive researches and experiments carried out by previous researchers, best practice guidelines have been given on the use of CFD in predicting wind flow around buildings. This paper compares the results of a case study application of computational fluid dynamics simulation in determining the wind loads on the facade of a typical 48.8m high-rise building to the predictions given in British wind Standards BS6399-2:1997, using wind speed data of Lagos state Nigeria. From the results, it was shown that the latter can offer considerable saving and highlight problem areas overlooked by the British code of practice (BS6399-2:1997).
A Review of Anti- Podal Vivaldi Antenna Operating in Cellular Mobile Communications
Asim Alkhaibari
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(4), 204-208 (2017);
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The antenna proposed is a new geomantic structure of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Anti- Podal Vivaldi antenna (AVA). It remarkably offers an attractive performance over the bands of cellular networks. However, its benefits are not limited only in particular applications, whereas radar imaging, mining detection, the biomedical science in the heating of brain cancer tumor and treatment, and the wireless communication are considered as the main applications suitable for utilization. Therefore, the focus on this paper is to spot the light illuminating into the cellular communications network Systems. On the other hands, several characteristics of Vivaldi antenna have been provided such as the gain, return loss, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), current distribution and E- fields. Finally, the results illustrate the capability and feasibility of the designed antenna.