First International Virtual Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018, Walnut, USA



Analysis and Methods on The Framework and Security Issues for Connected Vehicle Cloud

Lin Dong, Akira Rinoshika

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 105-110 (2018);

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In the world today, the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the application of the Connected Vehicle Cloud (CVC) as the Internet of Things in the intelligent transportation are becoming widespread. They can improve people’s safety, vehicle security as well as reduce the cost of ownership of an automobile. At the same time the security of the Internet is a non-negligible factor in the development of the Internet of Vehicles. Therefore, the security of vehicle networking is of great concern. This article starts with the network architecture of vehicle networking and combines the examples of vehicle networking security issues, which analyzes and researches the security problems of vehicle networking, and proposes solutions to the security problems faced.

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Non-bearing Masonry Walls Behavior and Influence to High Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Sorina Constantinescu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 111-117 (2018);

Media: Poster Presentation

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This is a study on non-bearing masonry walls, in a high, reinforced concrete walls building. It will be built in Bucharest, Romania. This is a high seismic area. The building will be used as a dwelling. The structure is composed of a ground floor and 10 stories above. It is interesting to see the interaction between the structure and the partitioning masonry walls. The paper presents the non-bearing walls design, the structure’s behavior in the elastic and plastic stage, in particular the failing mechanism and the non-bearing walls stresses development. The paper will also compare the non-bearing walls seismic force from the design code and from the model. It will show the non-bearing walls important effect on the structure’s behavior in the elastic and plastic stage.

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Slender Confined Masonry Buildings in High Seismic Areas

Sorina Constantinescu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 118-123 (2018);

Media: Poster Presentation

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This is a study on a confined masonry slender walls building in a high seismic area. The structure also contains frames, but the walls bear most of the gravity and seismic loads. The building will be used as a school. It will be built in Bucharest, Romania. It contains a ground floor and 2 stories above it. Story height is 4m. The structure is interesting as it is not common practice to use slender masonry walls for buildings with large bays. Such a structure is allowed by the design codes in force but this solution is not often used. The building will be studied in the elastic state, as the structure bears important gravity and seismic loads, then in the plastic state to establish the walls stresses development and the failure mechanism. It is interesting to see how the walls behave in the nonlinear stage, as they are slender, but masonry is a stiff material.

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Masonry Walls Behavior in Predominant Frames Structures

Sorina Constantinescu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 124-130 (2018);

Media: Poster Presentation

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This was a study on the behavior of a confined masonry bearing wall in a medium height dual building. This wall had to be placed at one corner of the building. It had to be a masonry wall, not to be too stiff and drag the rigidity center too far from the building’s center. The structure’s stiffness was also to be analyzed by using a concrete wall instead of the masonry one, as an alternative solution. This showed the importance of using a masonry wall. The dual structure contained only one other wall, made of reinforced concrete. The 2 bearing walls bore most of the shear force from seismic loads, because they were the stiffest load bearing elements in the structure. It was interesting to see if the masonry wall could bear these loads. The structure was unusual, as it contained frames, a concrete and a masonry wall. These elements behave differently. The structure was analyzed for both the elastic and plastic stage. The loadbearing elements stiffness, the stresses development and structure failure mechanism were studied for both solutions. The results showed it is appropriate to use a masonry wall at the corner. This wall can bear the loads it is subjected to.

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This paper deals about an application of optimal power flows (OPF) constrained with synchronous generator capability curve for power market analysis (SGCC). OPF main features gather in its mathematical formulation non-convexity, non-linearity, and it shows to be a hard to solve optimization problem. In some operational scenarios, SGCC can limit power flows bringing the theoretical OPF situation to not be applied for real context on power plants. Thus, for electric market analysis solutions without those constraints could provide results that are not exact for systems Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), messing with the power cost estimation .For this work SGCC includes limits of current and power, preserving the generator against overheating and immoderate mechanical stress. Properties of convexification brings to mathematical problems in general a good performance if compared to original problem and a simpler way of its formulation and solution. Thereby, OPF formulation is given as a second order cone programming (SOCP) approach handled by techniques of convex relaxation, with active power generators cost objective function. Numerical results are obtained in MATLAB® environment and applied in IEEE 14-bus test system. OPF results shows the good performance of the proposed methodology, whereas solutions will not violate SGCC limits constraints.

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A Development of Agility Mode in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Learning Support System Visualized by Augmented Reality

Keisuke Fukagawa, Yuima Kanamori, Akinori Minaduki

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 136-139 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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This paper showed visualization of technics about cardiopulmonary resuscitation contributed to acquiring the skills and understanding them. Especially, this system is focused on the individuality in each object (men, women, and babies) There are problems of a general cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training because learners are generally taught by instruction based on a subjective judgment. Because of this way, they are difficult to get a knack about the CPR themselves.
Our system solved these problems by using Kinect (Augmented Reality) and Wii Balance Board (Weight Scale) when it calculates pressure and posture. They can understand the CPR training as fixed information. The system also expresses the features of compression as results whether the posture is extension or bending. However, it cannot evaluate a process of the compression. In the inspection, 84 people wrote a questionnaire which focused on impression of before and after. This questionnaire expressed two things. The one is that general public don’t know the presence of CPR for infants. The other is that visualization was effective and enjoyable. As future works, Another function is going to be added to the present system to evaluate CPR in a process.

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Analysis Refactoring with Tools

Zhala Sarkawt Othman

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 140-143 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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The drive for this report is to inaugurate the innumerable techniques espoused by the refactoring tools in coding development. The software product is a very complex and time-consuming process of development. Difficulty understanding and maintaining poorly designed software systems Software maintenance can take up to 50% of total development costs for software production. As a modus operando, the refactoring tools purpose ultimately to amend the basis codes into an easier and more comprehensible way.
Moreover, refactoring succors to check the trifle of the coding procedure. This is apparent through having deliberation on the program catalog, precision and the use of the deconstruct trees. Refactoring tools are convenient for innumerable observes done by the human beings. Software refactoring has a direct impact on reducing the cost of software maintenance by changing the internal structure of the code without changing its external behavior. So the time taken to process as well as doing a critical analysis of complex codes is reduced.
This report proposes to have a precarious scrutiny on the various use including the pluses of using refactoring tools.

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Actual Use and Continuous Use of Retail Mobile App: A Model Comparison Perspective

Sunday Adewale Olaleye, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi, Bisola Adepoju

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 151-158 (2018);

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A mobile retail app is a growing innovation in a retailing setting and there is an argument on the prominent status of a mobile application in contrast with a mobile website and web applications. The study used quantitative data to run multiple regression analysis with keen attention to linear regression assumption and compare four models for mobile retail app use and continuous use based on mobile retail app technology, trust, and gratification. Theoretically, the study integrates the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), trust and gratification and expand the technology acceptance model with the trust and gratification elements. To have a better understanding of the hypothesized theory and clearer perception of the model that have explanatory power, the study employs SPSS linear regression and general linear regression to look at the relationship of mobile app technology, trust and gratification predictors and the outcome variable. The study emphasized the importance of trust, privacy assurance, learning and relaxation features in a mobile retail app as an antecedent of its use and continuous use. This is a novel contribution to the literature on technology acceptance and retailing. This study also shed more light on the importance of age as a moderator of gender and marital status regarding mobile retail app use and continuous use. Further, it also explicates the managerial implication of mobile app and makes a necessary future recommendation.

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cv4sensorhub – A Multi-Domain Framework for Semi-Automatic Image Processing

Kristóf Csorba, Ádám Budai

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 159-164 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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Although there are many research domains with very good software support and workflow automation, there are even more which do not have it: software development is too expensive to create domain specific applications for every research topic. This leaves many domain experts to work for example with general purpose image processing and statistics tools. Many research ideas get even omitted as requiring unfeasible much manual work. This paper presents a multi-disciplinary image processing software framework called cv4s (cv4sensorhub). Its aim is to create an environment where reusable components make development of domain specific image processing software solutions easier, and thus, more feasible. The paper presents the basic architecture of the framework and two example applications: GrainAutLine which is for analysis of microscopy images of marble, sandstone and schist thin sections, and ChemoTracker which is designed for the motion analysis of white blood cells. As many image processing operations are relatively domain independent, the possible application areas are not limited to petrographic and medical images processing.

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Medium Height Dual Buildings with Masonry and Concrete Walls in High Seismic Areas

Sorina Constantinescu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 165-172 (2018);

Media: Poster Presentation

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This is a comparative study on the behavior of a dual medium height building with different walls solutions, in a high seismic area (Bucharest, Romania). The main feature of those buildings is the placement of load bearing walls on the perimeter of the building. This is done to limit the lateral displacement when the structure is subjected to seismic loading. The walls cannot be placed inside because of architecture demands. The structure has frames on the inside. The walls may be made of confined masonry, as the medium height buildings are allowed to have, but they may also be made of reinforced concrete. The wall area on direction Y is smaller than on X. There may be high efforts on direction Y. This study will show witch walls solution ensures the best behavior for the building. It is also interesting to see the way frames, masonry and concrete walls work together. The study contains both elastic and plastic state analysis results. This study results may be used for any dual medium height building with perimeter walls, and smaller walls area on one direction.

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Linear Evaluation on Weak Story Medium Rise Structures Placed in High Seismic Areas

Sorina Constantinescu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 173-179 (2018);

Media: Poster Presentation

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The paper shows the influence of nonbearing masonry walls for medium rise framed buildings placed at higher stories but not at the ground floor. The building studied here is a hotel that will be built in Bucharest, Romania. This is a high seismic area according to the seismic codes in force. The structure is composed of a basement, a ground floor and 3 stories above it. It is necessary to use a frames structure to have a free partitioning at the ground story. Masonry nonbearing walls placed only at the upper stories may generate a weak story behavior for the structure. This becomes particularly difficult when the building is subjected to seismic loads. The ground floor columns are subjected to high bending moments and shear forces. This study will show the behavior of such buildings in the elastic state, but also the failure mechanism. The influence the nonbearing walls have on the structure’s behavior, their ability to bear the efforts they are subjected to and whether or not this solution is usable are very important aspects to be highlighted in the study. The results may be used for framed buildings with small bays and masonry partitioning walls placed at the higher stories and not at the ground floor.

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A Wi-Fi based Architecture of a Smart Home Controlled by Smartphone and Wall Display IoT Device

Tareq Khan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 180-184 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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In this age of smart devices, many people are carrying a smartphone with them all the time. When they are at home, most of them are connected with the home Wi-Fi network. In this paper, a Wi-Fi network based architecture is proposed to control home appliances using a smartphone and also with a touchscreen-based wall display panel. The proposed system enables the user to control appliances from anywhere in the home without the pain of walking towards the switch panel on the wall. In this project, the mechanical switch based panel on the wall is replaced by the state-of-the-art touch-based liquid crystal display. Along with buttons, the display also shows current weather and time widgets. The smartphone app and a prototype of the display panel using Raspberry Pi with Android Things operating system is developed and tested.

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Prospects of Wind Energy Injection in the Brazilian National Interconnected System and Impacts Analysis Through a Quasi-Steady Power Flow

Italo Fernandes, David Melo, Gabriel Santana, Fernando Brito, Allisson Almeida

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 185-189 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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There is no doubt that the wind was the renewable source of energy that had the most significant growth during the last five years, and more importantly, the wind power source in Brazil has always been the cheapest and most competitive of all the others, so it is worth saying that wind have never been so well used. The wind energy generation in Brazil is hugely getting stronger, mostly in Northeast region where for the first-time energy auctions trough hydroelectric has been surpassed wind ones. Besides, there are still those who want to benefit from this significant advance, making Brazil the first country to collect royalties from the wind. In this paper a reviewed about Brazilian wind energy scenario and prospects will be done, enumerating the main impacts caused by this kind of power injection in a static analysis. In addition, a Quasi-Steady Power Flow (QSPF) will be simulated to show the impacts of loss, and voltage fluctuation created by the intermittence of wind resource. Numerical evaluation was performed in IEEE-30 bus benchmark system. Computer results, demonstrated the needing of control to make electrical variations smoothly on different periods of the day.

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Exploring the use of Manual Liquid Based Cytology, Cell Block with Immunomarkers p16/ki67, VIA and HPV DNA Testing as a Strategy for Cervical Cancer Screening in LMIC

Nandini Nandish Manoli, Devananda Devegowda, Ashoka Varshini, Pushkal Sinduvadi Ramesh, Sherin Susheel Mathew, Nandish Siddappa Manoli

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. (6), 190-194 (2018);

Media: Presentation File

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Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women in low to middle income group countries (LMIC). Various methods for screening cervical cancer are practiced, such as the Conventional Pap Smear (CPS), Liquid Based Cytology with its ancillary techniques like Cell Block with immunocytochemistry. VIA is another method which is being advocated as a primary screening tool. Molecular diagnostics such as use of HPV DNA testing has been at the forefront of the screening programs. In the present study, we have utilized all the above methods by using cost effective in-house procedures to explore their possible utility in the clinical settings. We found them useful with need for more work and training of personnel for better diagnosis of cervical cancer.

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Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025