Volume 2, Issue 2


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Current Issue features key papers related to multidisciplinary domains involving complex system stemming from numerous disciplines; this is exactly how this journal differs from other interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary engineering journals. This issue contains 06 accepted papers in Bioinformatics domain.


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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), (2017);

Editorial Board

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), (2017);


Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), (2017);

Table of Contents

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), (2017);



Effects of the Metropolitan Civil Resilience Program: Comparison of the SAT Resilience Program and an Exercise Program

Yoko Kobayashi, Tsunetsugu Munakata

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 1-6 (2017);

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Purpose: To conduct preliminary research for developing a program to enhance resilience, a topic that has generated attention of late.

Methods: We compared the Structured Association Technique (SAT) resilience program and an exercise program. The citizen’s lecture on stress management occurred 1 month after East Japan Earthquake, and the intervention was carried out in the afternoon of the same day. Participants could choose to join SAT (an imagery therapy to improve the self-image using associative images) resilience program (17 people) or healthy exercise program (Shakkiri gymnastics program; 9 people). They were metropolitan area residents, including workers and families. Participants filled in the checklist before the intervention, immediately after the intervention, and 1 month later. The saliva of all participants was extracted to assess SIgA as an immunity index before and immediately after the intervention. We compared the SAT group (9 females, age 34–60) and the exercise group (9 females, age 32–57).

Results: Compared to the exercise group, mental health indices such as self-solving and significantly improved in the SAT group. However, this does not suggest that there was no improvement in the exercise group. After intervention, in the exercise group, SIgA in saliva and depression improved. In the group, the immunity index shown in SIgA in the saliva, the mental health index as measured by state anxiety and depression, the self-image index as measured by self-affirmation, problem-solving, moral independence, and perceived family support all significantly improved.

Considerations: It appears that, through the change in self-image, resilience in daily life was promoted by the resilience program.

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Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A Clinical Review of Zika Virus (ZIKAV)

Muhammad Hashim Raza, Sarfraz Hussain, Muhammad Abdul Rehman Tanveer, Ayesha Zaman

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 7-10 (2017);

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Zika virus (ZIKAV) is a flavi-virus, first isolated in 1947 in the Zika Forest of Uganda. ZIKAV is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus. ZIKAV is made up of two noncoding regions (5? and 3?) that verge an open reading frame, which put into code a polyprotein smote into the capsid, precursor of membrane, envelope, and 7 nonstructural proteins. Inoculation of a human host is by Mosquito. After cellular en¬try, the virus enters skin cells through cellular receptors, enabling migration to the lymph nodes and blood circulation. ZIKAV may also enter to skin fibroblasts, keratino¬cytes, and immature dendritic cells. Several entry and adhesion factors enable infection, and cellular autophagy, needed for flaviviral replication. Transmission is by infected mosquito dur¬ing a blood meal. After endorsement, the virus replicates and is pass on to a reservoir animal at the next blood mealtime. ZIKAV is also transmitted via congenital, perinatal, and sexual, possible transmission by blood transfusion, ani¬mal bite and intrauterine transmission. Trans-mission via breast-feeding has not been reported. Incubation period from mosquito bite to symptom commencement is 3–12 days. Infection is likely subclinical in 80% of cases. Symptoms, which last for almost two to seven days include fever, conjunctivitis, arthralgia, myalgia, and pervasive rash, which may be itchy. Headache, retro-orbital pain, peripheral oedema, and gastrointestinal fracas have also been witnessed. Diagnosis is directed by history and consideration. The symptoms and clinical signs do not have adequate positive or negative prognostic value, and therefore laboratory testing is needed for dependable diagnosis. Laboratory testing includes polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of ZIKAV RNA. There is formerly no vaccine against ZIKAV, nor definite antiviral for the management of ZIKAV. Treatment is suggestive. Vector control by insecticides and removal of small pools of still water, the breeding sites for Aedes, is being instituted on a local level.

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Computer Science, Software Engineering

Implementation Of Carlson Survey Software2009 In Survey Works And Comparison With CDS Software

Mohamed Faraj EL Megrahi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 11-18 (2017);

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The automation surveying is one of the most influential changes to surveying concept and profession has had to go through, this has taken effect in two major courses, hardware (instrumentation used in data collection and presentation), and the software (the applications used in data processing and manipulation). Automation is majorly computer based and just like all such systems is subject to improvement often; this is manifested in the new kinds of instrumentation models every few years such as total station and newer versions of software’s. The software that has the potential to completely affect survey automation is Carlson Surveying Software. This when coupled with total station as data processing and collection methods respectively; is capable of greatly improving productivity while reducing time and cost required in the long run. However, it is only natural for users to desire a competent software and be able to choose from what is available on the market based on guided research and credible information from previous researches. Such studies not only help in choice of software but are also handy when it comes to testing approaches and recommending improvements based on advantages and disadvantages to the manufacturers to help in advancement in the software industry for better and more comfortable use. The expected outcome of the research is a successful implementation of Carlson survey 2009 software in survey works and a comparison with other existing software like Civil Design Software (CDS) was highlighted its advantages and disadvantages.

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Environmental Engineering

Evaluation of Three Evaporation Estimation Techniques In A Semi-Arid Region (Omar El Mukhtar Reservoir Sluge, Libya- As a case Study)

Lubna s. Ben Taher

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 19-29 (2017);

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In many semi-arid countries in the world like Libya, drinking water supply is dependent on reservoirs water storage. Since the evaporation rate is very high in semi-arid countries, estimates and forecasts of reservoir evaporation rate can be useful in the management of major water source. Many researchers have been investigating the suitability of estimates evaporation rates methods in many climatic settings, infrequently of which were in an arid setting. This paper presents the modeling results of evaporation from Omar El Mukhtar Reservoir, Libya. Three techniques namely (artificial neural networks (ANN), Multiple linear regression (MLR) and response surface methods (RSM) ) were developed, to assess the estimation of monthly evaporation records from 2001 to 2009; their relative performance were compared using the coefficient of determination(E), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE%), and 95% confidence interval. The key variables used to develop and validate the models were: monthly (precipitation Rf., average temperature Temp., relative humidity Rh., sunshine hours Sh., atmospheric pressure Pa. and wind speed Ws.).  The encouraging results approved that the models with more inputs generally had better accuracies and the ANN model performed superior to the other models in predicting monthly Evp with high E=0.86 and low MAPE%= 13.9 and the predicted mean within the range of observed 95CI%. In summary, it is revealed in this study that the ANN and RSM models are appropriate for predicting Evp using climatic inputs in semi-arid climate.

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Computer Science, Software Engineering

Computer Aided Medical Diagnosis for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Disease (Gonorrhea)

Adamu M. Ibrahim, Fatima Isiaka

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 30-35 (2017);

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The World Health Organization (WHO) report on the circumstances of clinical facilities in developing countries indicates that, there is considerable efficient delivery of medical services to the rural inhabitants where the services are available, these services are very expensive and not affordable to the average citizen. This has risen inadequacies such as prolonged suffering and even death. The slow process of diagnosis trial and error of diseases can be disastrous when a patient is at the advanced stage of a disease. Here we propose an automated system that can aid the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases and suggest adequate drug prescriptions and treatment. To achieve this, an extensive review on related diseases were reevaluated and a common type (gonorrhea) was used as an exemplary study. This is based on the Structure Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). The paper as shown a system that is most effective and have a fast way of diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted diseases, which serves as a great relief for the doctors and even non-experts in the field.

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Pseudo-Analysis: Measures of General Conditional Information

Doretta Vivona, Maria Divari

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(2), 36-40 (2017);

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The aim of this paper is to continue our study of information in the setting of Pseudo-Analysis. We shall present, by axiomatic way, the definition of measures of general conditional information and we shall study particular measure by using a system of functional equations in which it is present a pseudo-operation. We know that J.Aczel is the founder of the Theory of Functional Equations and he solved the so called ”Cauchy Equation”. The method used in this paper consists in reducing the principal equation, to some basic known equations solved by Aczel and his school. With Benvenuti we studied a generalization of the Cauchy Equation and following these our results, we are able to give the general solution of the system and the expression for this measure of general conditional information.

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Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025