Investigating Heart Rate Variability Index Classification in Macaca fascicularis and Humans: Exploring Applications for Personal Identification and Anonymization Studies

Investigating Heart Rate Variability Index Classification in Macaca fascicularis and Humans: Exploring Applications for Personal Identification and Anonymization Studies

Volume 9, Issue 1, Page No 143-148, 2024

Author’s Name: Daisuke Hirahara1, Itaru Kanekoa),2, Junji Nishino3, Junichiro Hayano4, Oscar Martinez Mozos5, Emi Yuda2

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1Department of AI Research Lab, Harada Academy, 2-54-4 Higashitaniyama, Kagoshima, Kagoshima 891-0113, Japan
2Tohoku University, GSIS, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan
3The University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan
4 Nagoya City University, Nagoya, 467-8601, Japan
5Örebro University, Institutionen för Naturvetenskap och Teknik, Örebro, 701 82, Sweden

a)whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 9(1), 143-148 (2024); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj090114

Keywords: Macaca fascicularis, Privacy risks, Heart rate patters



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In this paper, we determine the feasibility of differentiating between the heart rate patterns of Macaca fascicularis and human infants by comparing pertinent hyperparameters. This verification process was undertaken to ascertain the suitability of Macaca fascicularis heart rate data as a testbed for evaluating heart rate parameter privacy safeguarding methodologies. The biological characteristics of Macaca fascicularis bear significant resemblance to those of humans, which consequently renders them useful subjects in medical experiments alongside other laboratory animals. The process of capturing heartbeat data from Macaca fascicularis is notably akin to the methodologies used to record human cardiac activity. In other hand, the recent years have witnessed the construction of extensive heart rate databases, thus raising important considerations surrounding privacy in their usage. Heartbeat recordings, indeed, can provide a wealth of diverse information, necessitating careful handling to maintain data privacy. Specifically, a Holter monitor, a type of electrocardiogram device, can record cardiac electrical activity for over 24 hours. The statistical indices derived from these recordings prove useful for various types of analysis, and simultaneously hold information relating to individual behaviors and health conditions. The extent to which individuals can be identified within such expansive databases is a topic warranting exploration; however, few individuals have granted consent for their data to be used for such research purposes. Given this scenario, since the protection of personal data is not a requisite for Macaca fascicularis, the proposition of employing Macaca fascicularis data to investigate the potential for individual identification appears to be a plausible approach. The experiment verified the similarity of cynomolgus monkey heart rate data to human heart rate data. The results are similar, suggesting that it is appropriate to use cynomolgus monkey heart rate data for personality identification experiments.

Received: 09 November 2023, Revised: 25 January 2024, Accepted: 26 January 2024, Published Online: 22 February 2024

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