New Solution Implementation to Protect Encryption Keys Inside the Database Management System

New Solution Implementation to Protect Encryption Keys Inside the Database Management System

Volume 5, Issue 2, Page No 87-94, 2020

Author’s Name: Karim El bouchtia), Soumia Ziti, Fouzia Omary, Nassim Kharmoum

View Affiliations

Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Intelligent Processing Systems & Security (IPSS) Team, Morocco

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 5(2), 87-94 (2020); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj050211

Keywords: Encryption keys protection, Database encryption, Database security, keys protection in Databases


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Due to the attacks’ growth on sensitive databases by deploying advanced tools, beyond access control and authentication mechanisms, the database encryption remains a useful and effective way to ensure robust security of data stored within it. Any database encryption solution is based on a specific encryption model that determines how data is encrypted inside it. A relevant database encryption model must necessarily adopt a strong security policy of data encryption keys. It determines how these keys are generated, stored, and protected. In this work, we will implement an original solution that protects the encryption keys when encrypting data occurred at the Database Management System level. Our solution suggests protecting the keys by their encryption with other ones named Master Keys, which are generated according to the encryption granularity defined by the database encryption model. The proposed solution protects the keys of two database encryption models: at the level of the columns and the level of tables.

Received: 31 December 2020, Accepted: 13 February 2020, Published Online: 09 March 2020

1. Introduction

Database (DB) level encryption is a way to encrypt and decrypt data within the Database Management System (DBMS) using keys held by the DB server [1]. In fact, this encryption model offers major advantages, in particular, those related to the security of the encryption keys against external attacks performed outside the information system [2, 3]. Though the probability of the administrator attack is not negligible, he owns large privileges on DB. Hence, he can attack the DB directly, via a collaboration with a malicious external attacker (disclosure of the administrator account for example), or with an internal attacker such as a legitimate user [4, 5, 6]. Obviously, the DB administrator has the ability to perform all these attacks without leaving any traces [7, 8].

Data encryption at the DBMS level is based fundamentally on its specific encryption model. The management of encryption keys within this model is a crucial point, it defines the ways how keys are generated, stored, and protected [9, 10]. Actually, keys values, how users access them, and where they are stored are the ultimate goal of any attacker. Therefore, it should be necessary to establish a protection policy for encryption keys to minimizing their exposure face of malicious attackers. Indeed, many solutions have been developed in order to resolve this problem. For instance, the keys protection solutions implemented at DBMSs such as Oracle, Ms SQL Server and My SQL are mainly based on the use of “Wallets”, Hardware Security Module (HSM) and “Security server” [11-14]. In fact, each one of these solutions has advantages and major limits, as have already explained in more detail in our previous work [8, 15].

Several studies proposed several solutions to protect DB encryption keys either in DB encryption models or separate solutions of keys protection [16, 17]. The authors of [16] proposed a model to protect encryption keys based on a concept of distributed keys representation. The first key part stored in the DB, and the other part is obtained by converting the user password. Elovici et al. presented a special DB encryption model that permits to protect keys using “Wallet” mechanism [17], although Itimar et al. used asymmetric key encryption [18]. The authors of [19] suggested a solution called “Server-HSM” which merges an HSM and a security server into a module called “HW Security Module” that might be integrated into a DB server. This module manages user privileges and protects keys with their encryption. El bouchti et al. presented a full package of encryption keys protection models inside the DBMS. Their method allows encrypting keys with master keys generated according to encryption granularity adopted by the DBMS encryption model [15]. Sesay et al. in their proposed DB encryption model suggested protecting keys by the use of a particular way. In fact, they generate the encryption keys from a unique master key (Km) generated and stored in a tamper-proof controller [20].

Notwithstanding several DB security studies for improving the concept of encryption keys protection within DBMS, more investigations are required to develop, improve, and provide more security and flexibility to keys protection. Then, as discussed in our previous work presented in [7, 10, 15], most of the proposed solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. However, to our knowledge, a trusted and simple solution concretized by a real implementation, and adapted to more than one DB encryption model has not yet been proposed.

In this context, the present work aims to implement two solutions proposed in our previous work [15] to protect DB encryption keys. Our solutions protect encryption keys when encryption granularity adopted by the DBMS is fixed at the column level or the entire table level. They consist of encrypting the DB encryption keys of tables and columns using Km, generated by deploying two models. We consider that the main original features of our solution are its reliability and its principle. It does not require any control or management of key protection by a DB or security administrator as well as it resists strongly against attacks performed by administrators.

The present work will be structured as follows: section two presents the proposed models of Km and the common objects of the implementation of each model. It also explains how our Km models work with DB encryption models that we will implement. Section three explains the implementation and discusses the provided results. Finally, our article ends with a conclusion.

2. Definition of the proposed solution

In this section, we will define two models (1 and 2) of the Km generation that protects, respectively, the columns and tables keys. We will also describe the role of the common objects that have used between the two models’ implementation and how those models work in an encryption/decryption process.

2.1.  Proposed models of Km

 The generation of the Km follows the two different models below:

  • The Km (C) key used to protect the encryption keys of the DB columns. It is generated by the DBMS according to the model defined below:

Km (C) = H (Table _name || Column_name) (1)

  • The Km (T) key utilized to protect the encryption keys of the DB tables. It is generated by the DBMS according to the model defined below:

Km (T) = H (Table_name || Database_name) (2)

In order to concretize the functioning and the response of the models (1) and (2), we have designed and implemented two models of DB encryption (A) and (B) having, respectively, two encryption levels: column and table. The functioning of each Km generation model is associated with the execution of a DB encryption model, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: The generation model of Km and the DB encryption model associated

Km generation model


Associated DB encryption


Model (1): Km generation

model for protecting

encryption keys of columns

Model (A): DB encryption

model at the column level

Model (2): Km generation

model for protecting

encryption keys of tables

Model (B): DB encryption

model at table level

2.2.  The common objects of each model implementation

The creation of elements below is common for the implementation of the models (1) and (2).

MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET: This DB table contains records of : i) the names of the objects on which encryption has defined, ii) the used encrypt algorithms, and iii) the encryption of the encryption keys using Km. It has the following structure:


TEST_MANAGEMENT: This DB table contains the records of : i) the names of the objects on which encryption has defined, ii) the used encrypt algorithms, iii) the object encryption keys, and iv) the Km of each object name. In fact, TEST_MANAGEMENT table is not implemented in the real working case of our solution. Nevertheless, its main role is to illustrate the results of the creation of both encryption keys and the Km. The table has the following structure:



C1_OBJECT, K_OBJECT_NAME: the object on which we have defined encryption;

C2_ALGO, K_ENCRYPT_ALGO: the algorithm used for encryption;

C3_KEY: the encryption key;

C4_MASTERKEY: the generated Km;

K_KEY: the encrypting result of encryption keys using Km.

The Md5 hash function: it is used to create the encryption keys and the Km while implementing all models.

The AES256 algorithm: it is the algorithm used to encrypt / decrypt the data.

Note: The term “Objet” signifies the column and table names.

2.3.  Principle of the encryption/decryption process

An encryption/decryption process in the model (A) follows the defined steps below:

When a user sends a query to be executed, the DBMS generates the Km for each column on which encryption is defined. The DBMS decrypts, using the generated Km, a value from the K_KEY column belonging to MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET table and which corresponds to the column desired to be encrypted or decrypted. This process generates the real encryption key of column that will encrypt (in the case of an inserting or updating query) or decrypt (in the case of a consulting query) the data.

The encryption/decryption process in the model (B) follows similar operations. In this case, the DBMS generates a single Km in response to the user’s query since the encryption is defined on the entire table.

2.4.  Case study: the dosimetric monitoring of agents

A real case study has chosen to illustrate the models’ implementation results.

Let have a database named “ORCL10G” of a nuclear power plant intended to manage the dosimetric monitoring of agents working under ionizing radiation. The “agent” table stores the accumulation of the different types of doses received by each agent during the period of his work within the plant. We assume that all the data in the “agent” table are sensitive since the dose values are considered in the nuclear field as medical secret. The table “agent” has the following structure:

agent (idf_agent, name_agt, Dose_interne_agt, Dose_superficielle_agt, Dose_profonde_agt, Catégorie_agt)

3. Implementation of the proposed models

In this section, we will present the implementation of the models (1) and (2) generating Km as well as the corresponding DB encryption models (A) and (B).

3.1.  Implementation of the model (1)

In order to create the “agent” table and defining encryption on all its sensitive columns, we have used the following SQL syntax:

Create table agent (idf_agent varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256, name_agt varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256, Dose_interne_agt varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256, Dose_superficielle_agt varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256, Dose_profonde_agt varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256, Catégorie_agt varchar2(100) encrypt using AES256);

The “Algo1” algorithm supports the execution task of this statement; it creates the “agent” table and defines encryption on its columns using the AES256 algorithm. In fact, the data column will be encrypted/decrypted with six keys KC which will be protected by six masters key Km (C). In addition, the “Algo1” generates and stores the encryption keys of the columns (Kc) and the master keys (Km (C)) within MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET and TEST_MANAGEMENT according to the models defined below:

/* The model of the encryption key used in the model (A)*/

Kc = H (Column_name)

/* The Km generation model of a column */

Km (C) = H (Table_name || Column_name)

Algorithm1: Process managed by Algo1.

Input: Sensitive_column _query

Output:Created _sensitive_column_ query




Decompose (Sensitive_column _query);

Sensitive_column_name :=  Extract (Sensitive_column _query);

Kc:= Kc_Generator (Sensitive_column_name);

Km (C):= Km_Generator (Sensitive_column_name, Table _name) ;

End loop;

Insert into TEST_MANAGEMENT values (Sensitive_column_name , Used_algo, Kc, Km (C));

Insert into MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET values (Sensitive_column_name , Used_algo, Encrypt_AES256 (Km (C), Kc ));

Execute (Sensitive_column_query) ;



The execution of the “Algo1″algorithm generates the following records:

Table 2: Records created in the TEST_MANAGEMENT table in the model (1).

idf_agent AES256 46D18AC7BD06518B5A33C650CA760D9C 36EE05BA4ACDEC7D1C07D16FCDCC9CBF
name_agt AES256 4BF0A8B1EB8CA12C2912ED25E4D4BDC5 F8422E273F1957702DE160662923C0EA
Dose_interne_agt AES256 C8FE8472457B1A9436EE90E6D022178F 452C55A53935CF7056CE1C293FE8D4FC
Dose_superficielle_agt AES256 1FD82F97BE7BA2565D7FDD4BD6A91179 44BB0C031437DB46B641257337C7C458
Dose_profonde_agt AES256 F67D1D0A822D37E3AC03D69C94A38994 8D71448C964377D9F0E539B3FB230133
Catégorie_agt AES256 822E1CDA2CFA7B1EF36B90523E337682 FE30063A2D96A6DB6059CE708103BD5F

 Table 3: Records created in the MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET table in the model (1).

idf_agent AES256 12BB4076B53A907324D42AFB9B0501006A93E1F347EC05536A7115E4554


name_agt AES256 90F4D05F7C5A11A5752E8AB1354BE82D797BFE16051F78DD7018A60856


Dose_interne_agt AES256 6B40D18BF99C712F4F4034E8A11AF73FC8B422CCC218AF595FD06EB4


Dose_superficielle_agt AES256 5F03CF21D034BFFBA1FEA4BD5CEA43A15A32E8C9F4FDE591AF842995B


Dose_profonde_agt AES256 3A468DD545A12883543199A45202E4CE3AAA4D006CE4453BFC380377423


Catégorie_agt AES256 34FEFD552E0D63C4A99281FC1B0A8189D5B527EDC303E9AB760B35C1A2


Table 4: The “agent” table before encryption.

idf_agent name_agt Dose_interne_agt Dose_superficielle_agt Dose_profonde_agt Catégorie_agt
1000 Azzaoui 10 15 25 A
1001 Rachidi 8 11 12 A
1002 Kharmoum 16 05 14 A
1003 Sajid 14 66 65 B

Table 5: The “agent” table after encryption.

idf_agent name_agt Dose_interne_agt Dose_superficielle_agt Dose_profonde_agt Catégorie_agt
5754957F70316A9C0201002A8CBFE412 745A2F1FF2BDAD3226910989994A7287 B5063DD0A036503D02F11B63DF1B12B1 FDBD02C08C389AE7583F8211E428B2A7 D69472905164389622589DA79E580A60 D1D88EDED1CF67BF3AB34261052FF335
A6776D65772FBF4992D8AFC2A2B387C9 1C65506D1F8AA015B5B98765133E9782 5C6ABEA848099681319175A05C4B1AB5 BD706EE5E149EBDCE6796457E944FB81 BECBC7C7B6BD0B0E12CF1AD549E22682 D1D88EDED1CF67BF3AB34261052FF335
AFBFEA3BC5FCD28396E974016169DF5D 67BC01E3BF672D7BF568ACC3A582ECB8 B8C892229BBB1E3951290107C524B12A 125180FAB503F868EDC55F42D0BB34CB A8A68F1B4D1D3DD0F398AFED4A54A0A5 D1D88EDED1CF67BF3AB34261052FF335
14DB0A7462832F494EAC7C8D12A09FC6 7A1FBFCD0E02BC1910055CF76279F21A 23BF97F16393EC6A84B93FF4F9EB74AA 293A72927BD5C9760450FFFF14CEC693 A2B800E15CAFD3AFA9A22FB0A4C257B8 5315BF4B7B530AA729AC1CDCB53F4C8B

In order to test model (1), the “Algo2” algorithm represents the functioning of Model (A). It supports the data encryption inserted by a user. Tables 4 and 5 show the result of inserting four lines in the “agent” table before and after the encryption.

Algorithm 2: The DB encryption using the model (1) and (A).





Kc1 varchar2(100);

Kc2 varchar2(100);

Kc3 varchar2(100);

Kc4 varchar2(100);

Kc5 varchar2(100);

Kc6 varchar2(100);





/*Generating Km and seeking Kc for each column from MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET*/


Kc1:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘idf_agent’);

Kc2:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘name_agt’);

Kc3:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘Dose_interne_agt’);

Kc4:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘Dose_superficielle_agt’);

Kc5:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘Dose_profonde_agt’);

Kc6:= Search_Encrypt_Key (‘Catégorie_agt’);


/* Inserting in table “agent”*/


INSERT INTO agent VALUES (Encrypt_AES256 (Kc1, :new.idf_agent), Encrypt_AES256 (Kc2, :new.name_agt, Encrypt_AES256 (Kc3, :new.Dose_interne_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (Kc4, :new.Dose_superficielle_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (Kc5, :new.Dose_profonde_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (Kc6, :new.Catégorie_agt));

End ;

3.2.  Implementation of the model (2)

To implement model (2), we define encryption on the “agent” table level using the following SQL syntax:

Create table agent encrypt using AES256 (idf_agent varchar2(100), name_agt varchar2(100), Dose_interne_agt varchar2(100), Dose_superficielle_agt varchar2(100), Dose_profonde_agt varchar2(100), Catégorie_agt varchar2(100));

The “Algo3” algorithm supports the execution of this instruction. It creates the “agent” table and defines encryption on all its data using the algorithm AES256. In this case, the data are encrypted /decrypted with a single key KT, which will be protected by a single master key Km (T). The “Algo3” algorithm generates and stores KT and Km (T) also in MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET and TEST_MANAGEMENT according to the models defined below:

/* The model of the encryption key used in the model (B)*/

KT= H (Table_name)

/* The Km generation model of a table */

Km (T) = H (Table_name || Database_name)

Algorithm 3: Process managed by Algo3.

Input: Sensitive_table _query

Output: Created _sensitive_table _query



Decompose (Sensitive_table _query) ;

Sensitive_table_name:=  Extract (Sensitive_table _query);

KT:= KT_Generator (Sensitive_table_name);

Km(T):= Km_Generator (Sensitive_table_name, Database _name);

Insert into TEST_MANAGEMENT values (Sensitive_table_name, Used_algo, KT, Km(T));

Insert into MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET values (Sensitive_table_name ,  Used_algo, Encrypt_AES256 (Km(T), KT));

Execute (Sensitive_table _query);

End ;

End ;

The execution of the “Algo3” algorithm generates the following records:

The “Algo4” algorithm represents the functioning of the model (B). It supports the data encryption inserted by a user. The tables 8 and 9 show the result of inserting four rows in the “agent” table before and after the encryption.

Algorithm 4: The DB encryption using model (2) and (B).





KT  varchar2(100);



/* Generating Km and seeking KT for each column from MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET*/


KT :=Search_Ecrypt_Key( ‘agent’);


/* Inserting in table “agent”*/


INSERT INTO agent VALUES (Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.idf_agent), Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.name_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.Dose_interne_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.Dose_superficielle_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.Dose_profonde_agt), Encrypt_AES256 (KT,:new.Catégorie_agt));

End ;


Table 6: Records created in the TEST_MANAGEMENT table in the model (2).

agent AES256 B33AED8F3134996703DC39F9A7C95783 697C371A913425CF202D15F143D2DAF0

Table 7: Records created in the MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET table in the model (2).

agent AES256 736079082547466884631FC41910AB5770A6962367465EC1CB9526A


Table 8: The “agent” table before encryption.

idf_agent name_agt Dose_interne_agt Dose_superficielle_agt Dose_profonde_agt Catégorie_agt
1000 Azzaoui 25 25 25 A
1001 Rachidi 8 11 12 A
1002 Kharmoum 16 05 14 A
1003 Sajid 14 66 65 B

Table 9: The “agent” table after encryption.

idf_agent name_agt Dose_interne_agt Dose_superficielle_agt Dose_profonde_agt Catégorie_agt
3F843D72B4CF6AF3BFEDD0F8A73A46DB 03377847D26334CDA665F815335C87F9 7012CB55124F226FA2E530E0D8133F14 7012CB55124F226FA2E530E0D8133F14 7012CB55124F226FA2E530E0D8133F14 91B5BD099938E4CE4DF76529F6740B8A
2D80DCE15D394B76594AD5E18F3405BE 0B71021170A841DAE0CB4641C08076CD 0C04B7B8C2A594ED2D6CE2FCD9EE91FD 52516FBF14B5DB600CF294F47153C168 CF92FB85EF0E373795F9C4D57D66ECF1 91B5BD099938E4CE4DF76529F6740B8A
4CDDFEF4428E61343AD6C823FF1860A4 DA45B069E89AC7BE4C2B69EE232EB1A4 0F8913B9B06C772A688E9489B13A1124 5C9D1E8240D88EAD7072C8B7673AB4C1 CC2CCB3C2994CE12959B9C9B66F478A5 91B5BD099938E4CE4DF76529F6740B8A
CA80281E0ADBD105CE371803DD3F575E EE6099C500334279227AFA5C27E199FB CC2CCB3C2994CE12959B9C9B66F478A5 9B07E13AC87C529562187B81CFCD6B2B EC2F5721D81D6CACE4C6EA7B9B49ED52 72621DFBF38C674D9BA24509BDA41160

3.3.  Results and discussion

This section introduces data discussion and analysis based on the findings obtained by implementing the two Km models. They are summarized as follow:

  • The proposed solutions are more practical than the conventional ones, primarily the Wallet, HSM, and the security server, where their disadvantages have explained and revealed in [15]. Our solutions optimize perfectly additional costs to protect the keys either in terms of hardware acquisition (case of HSM and security server) or in human resources (the administrator of the security server).
  • The Wallet solution used in Oracle TDE generates Km, which protects encryption keys, and stores it within the Wallet. Here, it is necessary to create the Wallet and its password as well as a secured location (such as backup systems) to store the password whenever the Km is newly created. This operation is mandatory before starting the process of data encryption/decryption inside DBMS [11]. It is worthy to mention that the backup system is a critic component of the Wallet concept. In this vein, the protection concept of encryption keys based on the proposed models (1) and (2) is similar to the Wallet solution in terms of Km generation within the DBMS. However, with our concept, the Km creation does not require any Wallet creation to store Km or secured location to store the password.
  • The proposed solution does not require any protection management of the encryption keys by a security administrator, DB administrator or another trusted collaborator, as discussed in [15]. Hence, none of them knew about the generation of Km or its location. The probability of attacking keys is almost impossible, even if the attacker arrives to consult table MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET stored in the DB dictionary.
  • The proposed solution does not define the place where storing Km. Km generation is performed automatically while defining encryption on a sensitive object (column or table), precisely during the creation by the DB administrator. Obtaining a value of Km by attackers (administrators, internal or external attackers) is almost an impossible operation.
  • It is important to notice that the new concept we have proposed and implemented enhances the security of encryption keys. In fact, compared to the Oracle TDE Column Encryption solution that uses a single master key to protect all the column keys, the model (1) generates several Km to protect each column key. The number of Km generated is equal to the number of sensitive columns. For example, if a DB contains 20 sensitive columns to encrypt, we need 20 keys to encrypt data and 20 Km to protect them.
  • Our solution can work with any DB encryption models, obviously with those implementing encryption granularities at the level of columns and tables. It is well adapted to free license DBMSs.
  • In the model (1) implementation, we focused on to protect 6 encryption keys of the following columns (idf_agent, name_agt,Dose_interne_agt,Dose_superficielle_agt,Dose_profonde_agt, Catégorie_agt). Each column key is protected by encrypting it with its own Km generated by the model (1). This protection was tested by the implementation of the model (A). Table 4 shows the encryption test results of the 6 columns of the “agent” table deploying the model (1). Likewise, in the model (2) implementation, one encryption key of the table “agent” has protected with a single Km generated using this model. Then, this protection was tested using the model (B). Table 8 represents the result obtained of encrypting table “agent” by deploying the model (2).
  • The results presented in tables 2 and 3 shows the keys generation when the “agent” table is created by the administrator. In table 2, the columns C3_KEY and C4_MASTERKEY represents, respectively, the encryption key generated of each column and its associated Km. In table 3, the column K_KEY, belongs to MYTABLE_ENCRYPT_OBJET table, represents the encryption of each column key of the table “agent” using its associate Km.
  • In table 6, the columns C3_KEY and C4_MASTERKEY represents, respectively, the key generated to encrypt the entire table and its Km. The value of the column K_KEY in table 7 represents the encryption of the encryption key using its associate Km. Both tables show the keys generation when the “agent” table is created by the administrator.
  • As described earlier, tables 4, 5, 8, and 9 show the result of inserting rows in the “agent” table before and after the encryption. The encryption results showed that our solution works perfectly, either when encrypting or decrypting data. Actually, the encryption process via model (A) or (B) requires the generation of Km through model (1) or (2), respectively. Each value of generated Km is used to extract, from K_KEY column, the real encryption /decryption key. The process of data decryption follows the same operations.
  • Finally, both proposed model works inside DBMS are summarized according to the algorithm flowchart described below:

Let’s consider a sensitive table A

Figure 1: Algorithm flowchart specifying the both proposed models.


Besides the conventional mechanisms deployed to secure sensitive DB (network protection, authentification, and access control), data encryption at DBMS level is a strong way that reinforces the defense in depth of the sensitive data. This process is strongly linked to the protection of the encryption keys on which they depend on two main factors: the location where the keys are stored and users who have access to them.

Our contribution in this article is to implement two solutions that secure encryption keys within the DBMS. These solutions are original and well adapted to any encryption model inside a DBMS. The solution’s purpose is to protect DB keys by their encryption using a master key generated when defining encryption on a table or column. In forthcoming works, we aim to develop a solution that covers the protection of encryption keys when encryption is done on Tablespaces.

Conflict of Interest

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


I would like to express my appreciation to all my professors, whom they helped and guided me to realize this work.

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  1. Chaimae Saadouni, Karim El Bouchti, Oussama Mohamed Reda, Soumia Ziti, "Data Migration from Relational to NoSQL Database: Review and Comparative Study." In International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development, Publisher, Location, 2023.
  2. Zühre AYDIN YENİOĞLU, "Backup Encryption and Encrypted Backup Operation Performance in SQL Server." International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 380, 2022.

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