Study of MX/M/1 Queueing System with Vacation, Two kinds of Repair facilities and Server Timeout

Study of MX/M/1 Queueing System with Vacation, Two kinds of Repair facilities and Server Timeout

Volume 4, Issue 6, Page No 339-342, 2019

Author’s Name: Naga Rama Devi Vedala1,a), Yadla Saritha2, Ankam Ankamma Rao2, Gaddam Sridhar2

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1Department of Mathematics, GRIET, Hyderabad, Telanagana,500049, India
2Department of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,522508, India

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(6), 339-342 (2019); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj040643

Keywords: Vacation queueing system, Two types of repair facilities, Server timeout


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The present paper details a queueing model with two kinds of repair facilities and server timeout. Here the customer arrives in compound Poisson process into the system and the lifetime of the server follows exponential distribution. At the point when the system is vacant, the server waits for customers for a settled time ‘c’. If nobody enters into the system amid this time, the server takes vacation otherwise the server commences the service to the arrived customers exhaustively. If the server fails, repair process will be initiated immediately. Here broken-down server is facilitated with two kinds of repair facilities. Type –I repair is done if the customer service is interrupted due to server failure and the customer stays back in the system with a probability of 1-q to receive the remaining service whereas Type-II repair is initiated if the customer whose service is interrupted due to server failure quits the service zone and joins head of the queue with a probability of q. Explicit expressions are derived for various constants of queueing System and also numerical results are illustrated with various batch size distributions.

Received: 18 June 2019, Accepted: 16 November 2019, Published Online: 16 December 2019

1. Introduction

Queueing models are used to evaluate operational attributes of the service facility: service times, waiting times, number of customers including impatient customers in the system and more. Quite often, the service process includes delays.

The waiting time for service is one of the most key attributes of service process. Customer surveys in service systems demonstrate that holding up time is a key factor while assessing quality of service. Long waits may lead to feelings of anger and low customer satisfaction. Obviously, a balance must be brought between the number of servers that provide service and the factors like waiting times, cost etc.

In queues the situation where a server is unavailable for primary clients in occasional intervals of time is known as vacation.  Queues with server vacations have been studied over long period and also being adapted in many areas such as manufacturing, computer communication network models. In vacation queuing model the server completely stops service when it is on vacation. Queueing system with server vacations has pulled in the consideration of numerous analysts.

The subject of queueing systems with server failures is a prominent subject which has gained lot of attention of many researchers in the last five decades. In many realistic situations, the server may face unforeseen failures. For example, in manufacturing systems the machine may suddenly fail which leads a span of unavailable time until it is restored. Understanding the nature of the unreliable server in terms of unforeseen failures is vital as it influence system’s efficiency in terms of average Queue length and the customers’ mean waiting time. Hence, queueing problems with server breakdowns are more realistic phenomina. Single server queue subjected to breakdown and repair has been studied by number of authors.

Optimum utilization of server is vital for any system to run optimally. In this context we have explained the Vacation with the concept of Timeout and Server Breakdown with two types of repair facilities for an Mx/M/1 queueing model and also derived expected system length. Further, numerical solutions for various parameters by using batch size distributions are also illustrated.

did by the author [1] did numerous excellent surveys on the vacation concept and explained different kinds of vacation models. The paper [2] explained an M/G/1 Queueing System with interruption service and connection with the priority model. The paper [3] discusses queueing model with different types of server interruptions and also obtained the performance measures of the queue and customer delay. The authors [4] presented Vacation bulk queueing Model with setup time and server timeout and derived the average waiting time of this system. The author [5] has proved that the M/G/1 retrial queueing system with server breakdowns has a unique non negative transient solution and also studied asymptotic behavior of it. was explained by The authors [6]  explained a short survey on vacation models and also intends to provide a brief compact of the most recent trends in queueing systems with vacation in the previous 10 years. The paper [7] detailed M/G/1 type queue with Time-Homogeneous Breakdowns and Deterministic Repair times by using supplementary variable technique, The author [8] studied an M/G/1 queue in steady state with optional deterministic server vacation also designate the system as M/G/D/1 queueing system. The authors [9] were first studied vacation .They have shown the utilization of idle time of M/G/1 queue.

When the system is empty, the server will wait for settled time is known as server timeout; The paper [10] discussed the M/G/1 queue with vacation and timeout and elaborated the Average waiting time of the system and also developed for N-policy. The paper [11] detailed the analysis of optimization in single server queueing system with vacation and elicited the mean waiting time for single queue and also formulated for N-policy. The authors [12] studied M/M/1 Queue with vacation, server breakdown, Heterogeneous arrival as well as departure and also derived various constants of both system and queue in both un-operating modes  i.e.; either empty or  server breakdown.

The authors [13] explained an Mx/G/1 Vacation queueing model with Server Timeout and calculated expected system length for varying different bulk size distributions. The paper[14] detailed derivation of Queueing constants for an M/G/1 Vacation Queueing model with server breakdown, repair and Timeout. The authors [15] studied Optimal Strategy Analysis of N-Policy M/Ek/1 Vacation Queueing System with Server Start-Up and Time-Out and derived explicit expressions for the system length .

2. Model Description

 Consider single server queue where arrival rates are of compound Poisson process with mean rate ‘λ’. The server commences service in FIFO discipline. Whenever the system becomes empty the server waits for certain time ‘c’, which is called server timeout. At this time if a customer arrive the server return to the system and do service. At the end of this timeout period if no customer arrive the server takes vacation. Service may be interrupted due to Server breakdowns. Here we consider two kinds of repair facilities. Type–I repair is done if the customer’s service is interrupted due to server failure and the customer stays back in the system with a probability of 1-q to receive the remaining service whereas Type-II repair is initiated if the customer  whose service is interrupted due to server failure  quits the service zone and joins head of the queue with  a probability of  q. Service is restored immediately upon the repair of server.

3. Analysis of the Model

The customer arrivals are assumed under Poisson process with parameter ‘λ’.  The service rate is µ s per exponential law. The service time for a customer ’X’ assumed to be General with cumulative distribution function having mean E(x) and its second moment E(X2). The Laplace stieltjes transform function of X is , which is taken as

‘V’ is the duration of a vacation assumed to follow general distribution with CDF and Laplace stieltjes transform function of V is . The average value of V is E (V) and its second moment E (V2).

X and V are independent variables.

 The system may break down with a rate α, then system go for deterministic repair with rate d. After repair process completed then server start service to the customer.

 Let GL (M/G/1) (z) is PGF  the number in system is given by [Ref 8]

 Let the number of customers in the system at the beginning of busy period is indicated as A. The probability distribution function of this variable A is PA (a) =P [A=a], and corresponding z-transformation GA(z) is given by

Let B denotes the number of customers left by an arbitrary departing customer. The Probability distribution of  B is PB (b) with the corresponding z-transform GB (z) as

Let L be the number of customers in the system at an arbitrary point of time. The distribution of L is  and corresponding Z-transform is given by

E (L) and E (L2) are the mean and second moments of L.

Specific batch size distributions

As the batch size ‘d’ may also varies and hence assumed as a random variable. In particular Deterministic, Geometric and Positive Poisson distributions are considered for it.

1.) If the batch size distribution is Deterministic, then the generating function equals to

                              D (z) = zd

This gives mean  and second moment , where d is the average batch size.

2.) The batch size distribution is Positive Poisson, then the generating function equals to

 , where

This gives mean  and second momen , where m is the average batch size.

3.) If the batch size distribution is Geometric, then the generating function equals

D (z) = p [z-1-(1-P)]-1

This gives mean and second moment    , where  is the average batch size.

Let Wq denotes the waiting time in the system to determine system length. We get the mean of system length of the customer by using little’s law as [Ref 9]

Now substituting equations (9), (10) and k value in above equation (17) we get

 Thus by above expression, we obtain expected system length.

Particular case: If system suffers no breakdowns and repairs facilities then letting ß=0, d=0,q=0 and α=0 in the above expression (in equation 18)then the resulting expression is a known for the M/G/1 vacation queueing model with server timeout(Ref (12)).

4. Numerical Illustrations

Thus by using equation (18) and varying different parameters, we get some numerical illustration in Table 1 is given below:

Table 1: Effect of Different Variables (d, λ, µ, c, α, q and ) on expected system length for fixed values of d=2, λ=2, µ=50, c=1,  α=4 and =0.25.

Parameter Parameter Values Deterministic Distribution of E(L) Geometric

Distribution of E(L)


Distribution of E(L)

D 2 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
3 10.7012 9.8528 11.7669
4 14.2671 10.6947 16.0318
5 20.4660 11.9441 21.4815
6 26.5421 23.8526 27.7996
2 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
6 9.3980 9.7938 11.6209
10 10.5412 11.9592 14.2696
14 12.4641 13.4027 17.6098
18 13.0614 15.6601 24.6651
50 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
60 6.5345 6.8364 8.0277
70 6.5205 5.8154 7.9902
80 6.5088 5.7979 7.9613
90 6.4989 5.7830 7.9479
C 1 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
2 6.5495 6.8582 8.0473
3 6.5489 6.8571 8.0432
4 6.5445 6.8494 8.0383
5 6.5421 6.8475 8.0364
0.25 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
0.75 3.3932 4.6704 5.0478
1.5 1.2247 2.4775 3.6639
2 0.9712 1.2177 1.3564
2.5 0.8304 1.0865 1.0621
4 6.5515 6.8621 8.0512
6 7.3980 8.3628 10.3239
8 9.4412 11.2947 14.2496
10 11.4641 11.8441 18.6098
12 14.0614 23.8526 24.6651

As d, λ, and α were increasing then expected system length E (L) is also increasing.

As µ, and c are increasing then expected system length E (L) is decreasing.

5. Conclusion

In this model, we have derived an expression of expected system length for MX/M/1 vacation queueing model with two varieties of repair facilities and server timeout. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the system length.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Uide Dr. Kotagiri Chandan and affiliated institutes for their continuos support

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  1. V. N. Rama Devi, G. Sridhar, K. Chandan, "Performance analysis of M/Ek/1 queue with working vacation, N-policy and customer impatience in transient mode." In 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS: ICMTA2021, pp. 360013, 2022.
  2. V. N. Rama Devi, Roma Rani Das, K. Chandan, "Finite M/Ek/1 queue with server breakdowns, start-up, second optional service and reneging." In 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS: ICMTA2021, pp. 360008, 2022.
  3. G. Sridhar, V. N. Rama Devi, K. Chandan, "Performance analysis of M/M/1 queue with working vacation, N-policy and customer impatience in transient mode." In 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS: ICMTA2021, pp. 360009, 2022.
  4. Roma Rani Das, V. N. Rama Devi, Abhishek Rathore, K. Chandan, "Transient analysis of M/M/1 queue with server failures, N-policy, second optional service and customer impatience." In 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS: ICMTA2021, pp. 360007, 2022.

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