All-Pass RC-Filters Architecture with Independent Adjustment of the Main Parameters Based on Differential Difference Amplifiers

All-Pass RC-Filters Architecture with Independent Adjustment of the Main Parameters Based on Differential Difference Amplifiers

Volume 4, Issue 4, Page No 65-72, 2019

Author’s Name: Darya Denisenko1,2,a), Nikolay Prokopenko1,3, Nikolay Butyrlagin1

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1Information systems and radio engineering, Don State Technical University, DSTU, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russia
2Systems of automation control, Southern Federal University, SFedU, Taganrog, 347928, Russia
3Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, IPPM RAS, Zelenograd, 124681, Russia

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(4), 65-72 (2019); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj040409

Keywords: All-Pass ARCF, Low-Pass Filter, High-Pass Filter, Band-Pass Filter, Rejection Filter, Differential Difference Amplifier, Pole Q-Factor, Pole Frequency, ARCF Transfer Ratio, Filter Parameters Trimming


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We have suggested an architecture of the second-order all-pass active RC-filter (ARCF), based on three differential difference amplifiers (DDA’s), which provides full set of amplitude-frequency responses (AFR’s) (low pass filter (LPF), high pass filter (HPF), band pass filter (BPF), rejection filter (RF)). We have given the basic equations, which allow ARCF’s. The results of computer simulation of the LPF, HPF, BPF and RF’s are discussed. In case of small volume production, it is possible to produce the given ARCF in a form of specialized structural arrays, in which LPF, HPF, BPF and RF characteristics are realized by using one of the seven inputs, to which the processed signal is supplied, and four outputs, from which the said signal is outputted. The ARCF is noted, because its transfer ratio and pole frequency are not changed, when the pole Q-factor is adjusted.

Received: 28 May 2019, Accepted: 04 July 2019, Published Online: 11 July 2019

1. Introduction

All-pass active RC-filters (ARCF), which provide amplitude-frequency responses (AFR) of low-pass filter (LPF), high-pass filter (HPF), band-pass filter (BPF), rejection filter (RF) [1-16] at different outputs, are attractive for production in a form of special structural crystals [17,18] in conditions of small volume specific type of electronic equipment. At the same time, the application of promising electronic component base in ARCF, for example, differential difference amplifiers (DDAs) [19-33], which provides new properties of frequency selection devices of this class, is of considerable interest.

The present article’s purpose and novelty are analysis of all-pass ARCF’s new structure’s properties [34]. The filter is provided with independent adjustment of base parameters (for example, with digital potentiometers or passive elements’ digital switching. A full set of LPF, HPF, BPF, RF’s characteristics are implemented by switching seven inputs, on which the signal is supplied, and four outputs, form which the said signal is outputted.

2. ARC-Filter Base Architecture’s Properties

There is a circuit of the suggested all-pass ARC-filter (LPF, HPF, BPF, RF) on Fig. 1 [34]. It provides an independent adjustment of pole Q-factor, when pole frequency and transfer ratio, which depend on other elements’ parameters, are constant. The independent adjustment is achieved by controlling resistors’ resistance. It significantly simplifies a process of frequency selection devices’ trimming and adjustment, based on the suggested ARCF circuit. The buffer amplifier (BuffAmp) in scheme Fig. 1 is implemented on a base of traditional operational amplifiers (OpAmps) or DDA, it provides a wide range of R3, R4 resistors’ resistance change.

All types active RC-filters’ (LPF, HPF, BPF, RF) generalized transfer function is written as (the filters are implemented on the circuit, given on Fig. 1):

Figure 1: Suggested ARC-Filter’s Circuit

where ai, bj are equation (1) numerator’s and denominator’s coefficients, which depend on components’ parameters and inputs and outputs in circuit on Fig. 2.

A set of transfer function’s numerator coefficients ai defines a type of ARC-filter (LPF, HPF, BPF, RF).

There are transfer functions’ (1) numerator coefficients ai, which are realized in particular ARCF of the Fig. 1 connection circuits, given in Table 1.

The sensitivity functions of the basic parameters of ARCF (Fig. 1) easily correspond to formulas (1) and Table 1.

In the proposed ARCF schemes, typical schemes are applicable, including digital potentiometers or digital switching passive elements, which are described in detail in [35, 36].

The implemented filters’ (LPF, HPF, BPF, RF) transfer functions’ (1) denominator coefficients bj relate to elements of the circuit on Fig. 1 by the following equations:

where Rij are resistance of ij-resistor, C1, C2 are capacitance of capacitors С1 and С2.

The active RC-filters, shown in Table 1 and defined as LPF(+), HPF(+), BPF(+), RF(+), have the pole Q-factor, transfer ratio’s and pole frequency’s independent adjustment properties. Here the pole Q-factor adjustment does not change the filter’s transfer ratio and its pole frequency. These filters have the greatest practical interest.

The active RC-filters, defined in Table 1 as LPF, HPF, BPF, RF, do not have the Q-factor, transfer ratio’s and pole frequency’s independent adjustment properties. Here the transfer ratio and pole frequency coefficients may change, when the pole Q-factor is changed.

The active RC-filters, defined in Table 1 as LPF(-), HPF(-), BPF(-), RF(-), have an amplitude-frequency response slope, which corresponds the first-order transfer function. It limits application scope for these circuit solutions.

There are variants of ARCF Fig. 1 inputs and outputs application on Fig. 2-Fig. 6, they provide AFR different modifications’ implementation. In this case, connecting a signal source, for example, to the first input (In.1) assumes that unused inputs are connected to a common bus.

Figure 2: ARCF (Fig. 1) Inputs and Outputs Application Variants, which Provide BPF(+), RF(+), LPF(+),HPF(+) Implementation with Pole Q-Factor Independent Adjustment

Figure 3: ARCF (Fig. 1) Inputs and Outputs Application, which Provide Low-Pass Filters LPF(+) and LPF Implementation

Table 1: ARC-Filters’ Transfer Functions’ (1) Numerator Coefficients ai, Implemented on Base of Circuit, Given on Fig. 1

Figure 4: ARCF (Fig. 1) Inputs and Outputs Application, which Provide Band-Pass Filters BPF(+) and BPF Implementation

Figure 5: ARCF (Fig. 1) Inputs and Outputs Application, which Provide Rejection Filters RF(+) and RF Implementation

Figure 6: ARCF (Fig. 1) Inputs and Outputs Application, which Provide High-Pass Filters HPF(+) and HPF Implementation

The computer simulation of the ARCF Fig. 1 different modifications, which correspond Fig. 2-Fig. 6, was made in MicroCap on AD830 DDA. It has confirmed the above properties of the suggested ARCF’s circuit solution.

3. Low-Pass Filter LPF(+)

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 7a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of HPF(-)&BPF(-), LPF(+), LPF on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4), Out.3.

Figure 7: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its AFRs (b)

Analysis of the AFR’s curves (Fig. 7b) has shown, that transfer ratio and pole frequency are not changed in LPF(+), implemented for output Out.2(4), when the pole Q-factor is adjusted (by changing R3 and R4 resistors resistance). At the same time, the pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned using resistors R5 and R6.

4. Band-Pass Filter BPF(+)

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 8a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of HPF(-)&BPF(-), BPF, BPF(+) on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4), Out.3.

Figure 8: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its Amplitude-Frequency Responses (b)

Based on the BPF(+)‘s AFRs curves (Fig. 8b) for output Out.3, can be concluded, that transfer ratio and pole frequency are not changed, when the pole Q-factor is adjusted (by changing R3 and R4 resistors’ resistance). In this case, the pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned with resistors R5 and R6, and the transfer ratio change with resistors R1 and R2.

5. Rejection Filter RF(+) and Low-Pass Filter LPF (+)

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 9a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of LPF(+), BPF, RF(+) on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4) and Out.3.

Figure 9: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its Amplitude-Frequency Responses (b)

So the ARC’s curves (Fig. 9b) show, that transfer ratio and pole frequency are not changed in the implemented LPF(+) and RF(+) for outputs Out.1 and Out.3, when the pole Q-factor is adjusted by changing R3 and R4 resistors’ resistance. The pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned with resistors R5 and R6, and the transfer ratio with resistors R1 and R2.

6. High-Pass Filter HPF(+)

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 9a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of BPF, HPF(+) and HPF on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4), Out.3.

It should be noted that when the pole Q-factor is adjusted, the transfer ratio and pole frequency of HPF(+) for output Out.2(4) are not changed, which follows from AFR on Fig. 10b. At the same time, the pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned using resistors R5 and R6.

Figure 10: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and Amplitude-Frequency Responses (b)

7. Low Pass Filter LPF(+) and Rejection Filter RF(+), Inverting Input Signal

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 11a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of LPF(+), BPF, RF(+). on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4), Out.3.

The given AFRs’ curves’ (Fig. 11b) analysis has shown, that the transfer ratio and pole frequency in LBF(+) and RF(+) for outputs Out.1 and Out.3 are not changed, when the pole Q-factor is adjusted by changing R3 and R4 resistors’ resistance. At the same time, the pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned with resistors R5 and R6, and the transfer ratio with resistors R1 and R2.

Figure 11: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its Amplitude-Frequency Responses (b)

8. Low Pass Filter LPF (+) and Rejection Filters (+), Non-inverting Input Signal

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to the circuit, given on Fig. 12a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of LPF(+), BPF, RF(+) on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4) and Out.3.

When the pole Q-factor is adjusted (by changing R3 and R4 resistors resistance), the transfer ratio and pole frequency of LPF(+) and RF(+) (for outputs Out.1 and Out.3 correspondently) are not changed. At the same time, the pole frequency in this circuit can be adjusted using resistors R5 and R6, and the transfer ratio using resistors R1 and R2.

Figure 12: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its AFRs (b)

9. Rejection Filter RF(+)

ARCF’s inputs (Fig. 1) are connected according to Fig. 13a, it provides amplitude-frequency responses of LPF, RF(+), RF on outputs Out.1, Out.2(4), Out.3.

Figure 13: Special ARC-Filter’s Switching Circuit (a) and its Amplitude-Frequency Responses (b)

From the analysis of the AFRs’ curves (Fig. 13b), it may be concluded, that the transfer ratio and pole frequency are not changed in the RF(+), implemented for output Out.2(4), when the pole Q-factor is adjusted (by changing R3 and R4 resistors resistance). At the same time, the pole frequency in this circuit can be tuned using resistors R5 and R6.

10. Conclusion

We have developed a structure of all-pass ARCF with pole Q-factor, transfer ratio and pole frequency independent adjustment for the whole spectrum of amplitude-frequency responses of the second-order filter (LPF, HPF, BPF, RF) implemented. This is a significant advantage of the considered circuit design solutions in comparison with the known ARCF of this class. We recommend using the suggested ARCF as a specialized chip of a structural array because of its universality. It is possible to implement a wide range of frequency selection devices in the said ARCF, because the signal source is connected to one of seven inputs and four outputs.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding publication of this paper.


The research is carried out at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation Grant (Project No. 18-79-10109).

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  1. Nikolay Butyrlagin, Pyotr Budyakov, Larissa Cherckesova, Marina Zvezdina, Yuliya Shokova, "On the possibility of using graphene–based metamaterials in microwave, sub–THz, THz, infrared and optical filters." In PROCEEDING OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH (IC-STAR 2021), pp. 050002, 2023.
  2. Dmitry Kleimenkin, Larissa Cherckesova, Marina Zvezdina, Yuliya Shokova, Vladislav Chumakov, "On a probabilistic approach to the research of the characteristics of microwave, sub–THz, THz, infrared and optical frequency ranges based on multilayer nanostructures of the “graphene – dielectric” type." In PROCEEDING OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH (IC-STAR 2021), pp. 050003, 2023.
  3. Boshi Feng, Xiuyun Chen, Guangquan Wang, Yujie Liu, Feng Long, Site Cai, Xibin Shao, "Near‐field communication integration into in‐cell touch thin‐film‐transistor liquid‐crystal display." Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 267, 2024.
  4. Vladislav Chumakov, Ilya Pakhomov, Larissa Cherckesova, Marina Zvezdina, Yuliya Shokova, "Mathematical modeling of electrically controlled graphene filters of microwave, sub–THz, THz, infrared and optical frequency ranges based on multilayer structures of "graphene–dielectric" type." In PROCEEDING OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH (IC-STAR 2021), pp. 050001, 2023.

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