Volume 4, Issue 3


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Current Issue features key papers related to multidisciplinary domains involving complex system stemming from numerous disciplines; this is exactly how this journal differs from other interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary engineering journals. This issue contains 35 accepted papers in Telecommunication domain.


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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), (2019);

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Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), (2019);


Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), (2019);

Table of Contents

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), (2019);


Detection the Places of the Heat Energy Leak on the Underground Thermal Pipelines Using the Computer System

Iryna Zhuravska, Dmytro Lernatovych, Oleksandr Burenko

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 1-9 (2019);

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The purpose of this paper is to improve the thermographic method for detection the places of heat energy losses on the urban underground thermal pipelines using the computer system. This goal was achieved by building a heat map of the surveyed heating main with data layering directly on a computer map of the area, which can be accessed from a mobile device by authorization via the Internet (profile on the social network Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). An analytical model was proposed for converting the temperature values measured over the underground heating main by a non-contact digital pyrometer to an image of the RGB color model using the parameters of the HSV color model. The implementation of the integrated Google technologies complex (Google Firebase, Firebase Authentication, and Google Maps) in the technological process of urban housing and public services was realized. The integrated information and control system (IICS) were developed. The proposed improvements in the thermographic method provided independently from each other work of different service teams due to the exchange of data between structural units through the cloud data storage. The results of the practical research allowed detecting the place of the underground breakthrough of the heat pipe quickly, to position the repair equipment over the accident section precisely using the GPS module on the mobile device. Thus, the size of the dug road section was minimized, material resources were saved. The experimental studies carried out confirmed the correctness of the theoretical assumptions.

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Microstrip Patch Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications

QADDI Mohamed Hamza, SRIFI Mohamed Nabil and MHARZI Hassan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 10-15 (2019);

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A new microstrip patch antenna for ultra-wideband applications is presented in this paper. The design and performance of the antenna component are discussed. The propounded antenna is mounted on a compact FR-4 substrate having dimensions 20 x 30 x 1.6 mm3 with relative permittivity ?r=4.3. The rectangular patch antenna is slotted with two types; rectangular and semi-circle slots so as to ensure a broad bandwidth. The results reveal that the antenna covers the frequency range of 3.1–7.5 GHz with a reflection coefficient reduced to -55 dB and a maximum gain of 5.9 dB. The details of the simulated and measured results for reflection coefficient are presented, showing a good agreement between them. To analyze the effect of the slots, the surface current distribution is investigated. The performances of good impedance matching are achieved within the operating band. Simulations are performed using CST Microwave Studio. The propounded antenna can be deployed for UWB applications and other radio communication services systems such as high-resolution radar, military communication, communications and sensors, position location and tracking

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Vowel Classification Based on Waveform Shapes

Hakan Tora, Gursel Karacor, Baran Uslu

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 16-24 (2019);

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Vowel classification is an essential part of speech recognition. In classical studies, this problem is mostly handled by using spectral domain features. In this study, a novel approach is proposed for vowel classification based on the visual features of speech waveforms. In sound vocalizing, the position of certain organs of the human vocal system such as tongue, lips and jaw is very effective on the waveform shapes of the produced sound. The motivation to employ visual features instead of classical frequency domain features is its potential usage in specific applications like language education. Even though this study is confined to Turkish vowels, the developed method can be applied to other languages as well since the shapes of the vowels show similar patterns. Turkish vowels are grouped into five categories. For each vowel group, a time domain speech waveform with an interval of two pitch periods is handled as an image. A series of morphological operations is performed on this speech waveform image to obtain the geometric characteristics representing the shape of each class. The extracted visual features are then fed into three different classifiers. The classification performances of these features are compared with classical methods. It is observed that the proposed visual features achieve promising classification rates.

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An Immutable Algorithm Approach to Improve the Information Security of a Process for a Public Organization of Ecuador

Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta, Andrés Javier Bravo Jácome, Maximo Giovanny Tandazo Espinoza, Luis Enrique Mafla Gallegos

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 25-30 (2019);

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Currently, information security is among the main characteristics that must be achieved within the security of private and public organizations worldwide. For this reason, globally recognized algorithms such as the AES, IDEA, RC5, DES, RSA are researched with the aim of identifying the most suitable and obtaining a greater degree of security and speed of encryption in order to mitigate the information vulnerabilities between processes and be applied as a feasible alternative in an electoral process. The deductive method was used to analyze the information obtained in the references. After the study, it is possible to conclude that to improve security in the processes of public organizations in Ecuador it is necessary to implement cryptographic mechanisms.

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Resourceful Residual Energy Consumption in TDMA Scheduling for IoT-based Wireless Sensor Network

Amir Rizaan Rahiman, Md. Ashikul Islam, Md. Noor Derahman

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 31-37 (2019);

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Recently, wireless sensor network (WSN) gets more concern due to the robustness in the latest communication technology iteration such as big data, IoT and 5G. Such daily usage of these technologies includes smart home, smart farming, smart traffic control etc. Moreover, WSN becomes the best preference for mobile objects in data accumulating in a wild range area. Routing distance, signal interference and routing computational cost give a significant impact to the WSN nodes lifetime. Unsynchronized node time allocation slot and neighbor discovery are the main factors in the energy consumption issue faced by the WSN. Higher energy consumption reduces the network lifetime and WSN nodes performance. This paper discusses the optimization of energy-topology (E-T) factors for distributed time division multiplexing algorithm (TDMA) slot scheduling for high-speed data link capacity. The E-T factor is based on the influence of residual energy and topology on the time slot allocation. Both node residual energy and topology information have shown a respectable impact on the TDMA node slot allocation. Moreover, the numbers of neighbors and the network residual energy have been proved both nodes execution time and energy utilization can be reduced in the algorithm. The algorithm performance has been evaluated based on the previous experiment parameters with new high-speed data link. The experimental results have shown a significant improvement in residual energy consumption for the proposed optimized TDMA slot allocation

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Stress Level Classification Using Heart Rate Variability

Tlija Amira, Istrate Dan, Badii Atta, Gattoufi Said, Bennani Az-eddine, Wegrzyn-Wolska Katarzyna

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 38-46 (2019);

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The research programme reported in this paper is set within the framework of our research under the theme of ICT support for Active Healthy Ageing (AHA). This longitudinal empirical research is focused on the study of the impact on the management of cardio-vascular disease if supported by sustained health monitoring using wearable connected devices. One of the key objectives is stress monitoring and its classification during the daily routine of life thus enabling psycho-physiological monitoring to study the correlation between emotional states including variable stress levels and the evolution and prognosis of cardiovascular disease. In this paper, the calibration phase will be studied in order to distinguish between two emotional states: i) meditation and ii) stress condition. For this, the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) features are used as extracted from the RR interval and a support vectors machine (SVM) classifier deployed which resulted in 74% and 87% recognition accuracy based on HRV data for the recognition of the two emotional states, namely meditative, and, stressed, respectively.
The main objective is to prevent Cardio-Vascular Disease (CVD) in healthy people and to treat those who already suffer from it. Creating a reference database was our first step in this research project. The sensor choice was made based on doctors’ recommendations. The work methodology was as follows: first validate the « objective data » issuing from the calibration state. Second, set up the automatic algorithm and detect automatically the patient’s emotional states during the experimentation period (subjective data). Third analyse the physical activities correlated to the blood pressure and emotions. This study has involved the challenge of distinguishing the influence of stress versus relaxation on the Cardio-Vascular function and in particular on the risk of exacerbation of pre-existing Cardio-Vascular Disease.

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Walker Ergonomic Design for Visually Impaired Elderly

Fang-Lin Chao

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 47-52 (2019);

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The study proposed a self-driven guidance walker through user-oriented integration design. The common two-wheel drive performs left and right turn. By reducing the weight of the walker body, the durability of the battery can be increased. Secondly, we use a foldable structure so that the walker can be conveniently stored in a small space. A small number of sensors are required to reduce the complexity of signal processing. The front sensors of the walker are infra-red and ultra-sonic detectors, which determine and evade obstacles. The walker handle has three to five force sensors. The combination of the pressure data from these sensors can be used to determine the intent of the user, like turning or stopping.

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Flame Distribution and Attenuation in Narrow Channels Using Mathematical Software

Bayan Sapargaliyeva, Aigul Naukenova, Bakhyt Alipova, Javier Rodrigo Ilarri

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 53-57 (2019);

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The article of given research presents the mathematical and computer modeling of flame attenuation in narrow channels for different fire extinguishing and explosion suppression compositions. Such kind of flame distribution and attenuation could be considered for different media and channels but in this case it was considered for narrow channels. The effect on the combustion reaction is possible with gas mixture components concentration reducing, cooling the combustion zone and slowing down of chain reactions with the help of a phlegmatizing or inhibiting substances, of which the most universal and perspective are powder materials. Therefore, a necessary condition for solving the problems of developing effective flame arresters is to find common indicators and properties of substances that can become criteria for their phlegmatizing ability. The computer model in MatLab was created for methane allowing the choice of diameter and length of channel and velocity of explosion suppression composition, showing the dependence of temperature on length of channel.

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An Expanded Derivation of Suppressing Anisotropic Birefringence in a Rectangular Waveguide

Gregory Mitchell

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 58-62 (2019);

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Birefringence is a known property of anisotropic media where incidence of a single propagating wave on a biaxial boundary gives rise to what scientists refer to as an ordinary wave and extraordinary wave. This article explores the anisotropic electromagnetic theory that gives rise to the phenomenon of birefringence focusing on both ordinary and extraordinary plane wave propagation. The dispersion equation in an unbounded anisotropic medium leads to a fourth order polynomial solution for the wave number which is shown to be the root cause of birefringence. Finally, a derivation of the unique properties for a partially filled biaxial rectangular waveguide that serves to suppress wave propagation in the vertical direction will negate the effect of birefringence in the case of the first propagating mode.

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Novel Design of Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication

Youssef Rhazi, Outman El Bakkali, Youssef El merabet, Mustpaha Ait lafkih, Seddik Bri, Mohamed Nabil Srifi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 63-58 (2019);

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This paper presents a novel six band frequency reconfigurable antenna for 2.4 GHz (Lower Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)), 5.3 GHz (Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)) and 9.1-10.2 GHz (X-band) frequency bands. The proposed antenna has a compact size of 22mm_30mm at lower resonance of 4.2 GHz and is printed on FR4 material with height h =1.6 mm, loss tangent _= 0.02 and dielectric constant _r=4.4. Multiband phenomenon in the designed antenna is reached by inserting a circular hole inside a rectangular patch antenna and rectangular slots in the ground plane. During simulation, the designed antenna exhibits hexa band with S11<-10 dB bandwidth of about 4.76% (4.1- 4.3 GHz), 4.71% (5.21- 5.43 GHz), 16.27% (6.55-7.25 GHz), 1.83% (7.02-7.15 GHz), 0.87% (9.07-9.15 GHz) and 4.90% (10.02- 10.5 GHz) under simulation. We used HFSS (high frequency structured simulator) software for simulation of antennas and to find out the results. We keep changing the design of the antenna, as our objective is to achieve miniature antenna with better performance than traditional one.

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Multi-Step Iteration Algorithm of Total Asymptotically Quasi-Nonexpansive Maps

Salwa Salman Abed, Zahra Mahmood Mohamed Hasan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 69-74 (2019);

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In Banach spaces an iteration algorithm for two finite families of total asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive maps is introduced. Weak and strong convergence theorems of this algorithm to approximation common fixed points are proved by using suitable conditions. As well as, numerical example by using Mat-lab is given.

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This paper is an extension of work originally presented in 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC). Researches are devoted to the development of Smart technology for complex objects control and prediction on the basis of a distributed Honeywell DCS control system of the TengizChevroil enterprise using the example of a technological process of medium pressure gas cleaning. The article describes how on the basis of the multi-algorithm approach there was developed a modified algorithm based on modern artificial intelligence methods in order to select informative features (principal component method, Random Forest algorithm, particle swarm algorithm) and artificial immune systems (clonal selection) solving the image recognition problem and predicting the state of a complex control object. There was conducted a comparative analysis of the simulation results using the example of real production data (daily data of sensors from an average pressure absorber).

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Analysis of Fuzzy Data for the Selection of Ingredients of the Polymer Composition by Technical Functions in Quality Management

Ilya Vasilyevich Germashev, Tatyana Petrovna Mashihina, Evgeniya Vyacheslavovna Derbisher, Vyacheslav Evgenyevich Derbisher, Mikhail Alexeevich Kharitonov

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 88-99 (2019);

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The task of fuzzy mathematical modeling of the composition of a polymer composition is singled out and formulated, as one of the types of chemical-technological systems for creating the theoretical foundations for managing the physicochemical properties of the material produced from this composition. Fuzzy data on the technical functions and concentration of individual ingredients that included in the composition in the form of fuzzy numbers are used as the initial formalized information at modeling the polymer composition. As a result, a parametric space is formed that describes the multicomponent system under study. The index of compliance of each parameter of the polymer composition with the requirements for the physicochemical properties and quality of the polymer material is calculated. This allows you to go to the relative dimensionless real values. Weighted voting procedure is used as an aggregate function. The obtained numerical value reflects the integral measure of the compliance of the chemical-technological system with the requirements for the polymer composition.
An example of the choice of ingredients of the polymer composition by calculating using fuzzy numbers is presented. In addition to the formulation of the problem, the study develops the mathematical software for the intellectual system supporting the research and production activities of the chemical technologist to substantiate the decision to choose a polymer composition.

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Multimedia Application Development With Islamic Critical Reflection Through 3-2-1 Technique for Novice Teacher Internship Program

Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, Rakhmawati Rakhmawati, Eni Purwati, Moh. Hafiyusholeh, Ahmad Hanif Asyhar

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 100-105 (2019);

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The use of technology in the learning process has become the most significant point in helping teachers reaching the objectives of the learning. This study focuses on the use of multimedia by novice teachers in comprehending the internship program’s guidance. The Islamic Critical Reflection model is a new and innovative model in the field of education which development is a result of integration between Islamic value and science. This study aims to answer problems related to the internship supervision which occurs among novice teachers. The multimedia application in the form of Flash Macromedia is developed using Islamic Critical Reflection model for internship program of novice teachers at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The research design of this study is Research and Development. It includes the process of collecting information, designing a product, validating the design, improving the design, piloting the product, re-revising the product, trying out the product, revising further and creating products for large numbers. The results of this study indicate that the products produced by Macromedia Flash application integrated with Islamic Critical Reflection Model for Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya’s internship program are feasible to use. The results are from the experts’ analysis and users’ trials. Experts involved in the validation of this product are Islamic Education specialists, application experts, educational technology experts, and curriculum expert.

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An Approach to Vulnerabilities, Threats and Risk in Voting Systems for Popular Elections in Latin America

Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta, Iván Fernando Marriott Saá, Félix Gustavo Mendoza Quimi, Luis Enrique Mafla Gallegos

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 106-116 (2019);

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The problems in information security regarding vulnerabilities, threats and risks in voting systems for popular election in Latin America and the world persist; because in most of the countries of the world there is no maturity in democracy and defined policies; the problems of confidentiality, integrity and authenticity in the electoral processes can be evidenced. The objective is to perform the analysis to identify the threats, risks and weaknesses in electoral systems in Latin American countries and determine which of the systems used by different countries may be appropriate, to be considered as an alternative. The deductive method and exploratory research has been used to perform the analysis of the articles and information regarding electoral processes. It resulted in a description in statistical tables of the threats and weaknesses that must be examined to implement a system for electoral voting; considering the culture, technological availability and social conditions of each country. It was concluded that to mitigate the potential risks of the information, it is necessary to identify the weaknesses in the electronic voting system to improve the integrity and security of the electoral process; made in the last three presidential elections in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador.

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Cognitive Systems for Monitoring: Architectural View

Alexander Vodyaho, Evgeniy Postnikov, Alexander Ekalo, Vasiliy Osipov, Nataly Zhukova, Michael Chervontsev

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 117-125 (2019);

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The modern stage of information technology development is characterized by the acute need to use cognitive technologies for the solution of tasks of practice, in particular, in the sphere of real world objects monitoring and management. Practical usage of cognitive systems of monitoring is significantly limited to two factors now: operation at the level of knowledge leads to loss of speed, and the high complexity of software solutions leads to increase in cost of development. In order to solve these problems it is suggested to use architectural cognitive approach to design of systems of monitoring. In the article the concept of cognitive monitoring is defined. A new approach to creation of cognitive systems of monitoring which functioning is based on use of model of a target object and the model of monitoring system presented in terms of knowledge are proposed. The idea of this approach is generation of the loaded architecture according to these models. The generalized structure of cognitive system of monitoring is given, the concept of the cognitive monitoring machine, which basic elements are the subsystem of creation of models, a subsystem of transformation of models, a subsystem of processing of models, a generator of architecture, a generator of reports and reactions, a repository and a set of adapters is entered. The structure of the platform focused on realization of this approach is described. The example of cognitive monitoring system is given.

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Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Digital Image Processing Through Iridology, An Alternative Method

Fernando Hernández, Roberto Vega, Freddy Tapia, Derlin Morocho, Walter Fuertes

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 126-137 (2019);

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Over the years, alternative medicine has carried out numerous systematic studies related to the ophthalmological field, specifically the eye. Studies that propose as support of analysis to the Iridology, which studies the alterations of the iris in correspondence with the organs of the human body. Thus, it presents the opportunity to investigate neuronal diseases related to certain alterations that occur in the iris such as Alzheimer’s, in this way generate an alternative method for the early detection of Alzheimer’s based on iridology and based on the digital processing of images. Addressing this problem, a systematic literature review was carried out to evaluate the characteristics of the iris, which allow to establish criteria to determine if a person could have a problem associated with Alzheimer’s. With all this, the prototype is evaluated with an image data of N individuals who have and do not have such a clinical picture. In addition, within the evaluation is considered the extraction of several parameters that allow detecting anomalies in the iris, at the same time the best range of approximation in the pixelated will be analyzed, for the location of the brain area in the iris applying Newton’s interpolation, which will allow the modeling of a function that meets the best approximation criteria. The criteria for evaluation are presented in terms of precision, sensitivity and predictive capacity, with which the behavior of the characteristics and the impact that is generated on the performance of the proposed system can be understood. Also for a technical support the algorithm was exposed to an evaluation of results estimation and this process generated an adequate radius for the correct extraction of the segment of the iris, where the whole study will be carried out to determine and validate whether the person has Alzheimer’s or not.

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A Comprehensive Review on the Feasibility and Challenges of Millimeter Wave in Emerging 5G Mobile Communication

Cosmas Kemdirim Agubor, Isdore Akwukwuegbu, Mathew Olubiwe, Chikezie Onyebuchi Nosiri, Atimati Ehinomen, Akande Akinyinka Olukunle, Samuel Okechukwu Okozi, Longinus Ezema, Benjamin Chukwujekwu Okeke

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 138-144 (2019);

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This article presents a comprehensive review on the feasibility and challenges of millimeter wave in emerging fifth generation (5G) mobile communication. 5G, a multi-gigabit wireless network is the next generation wireless communication network. The mmWave cellular system which operates in the 30-300 GHz band has been proposed for use as the propagation channel. Its large bandwidth potential makes it a candidate for the next-generation wireless communication system which is believed to support data rates of multiple Gb/s. High frequency bands such as mmWave have channel impairments. These impairments are challenges that are necessary to be properly understood. Employing mmWave as a propagation channel requires dealing with these challenges which this paper is aimed at reviewing. One aim of the work is to discuss these challenges in a more elaborate manner using simple mathematical equations and graphics to ensure clarity. To achieve this, current related works were studied. Challenges and solutions are identified and discussed. Suggested research directions for future work are also presented. One is developing suitable electronic such as fast analog-to-digital (ADC) and digital-to-analog (DAC) systems necessary for the transmitter/receiver (TX/RX) system.

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Transfer Function Analysis of Fractional-Order Three-Dimensional Electrically Coupled Cell Network

Mahmut ÜN

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 145-149 (2019);

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In this paper, a novel method is proposed for the dynamic analysis of fractional- order three-dimensional electrically coupled cell network. In general, three- dimensional cell network is constructed by combining three one-dimensional circuit networks. Analysis method is based on the principles of the dynamic analysis with transfer function approximation. Although fractional-order three-dimensional circuit network model contains nonlinear fractal elements such as fractional-order capacitors and inductors, transfer function approximation is employed in dynamic analysis of the network by using the Laplace transform.
First by using nodal analysis method, general expression in matrix forms for the transfer function and typical equivalent impedance of the fractional-order three-dimensional circuit network are derived in fractional domain. Transfer function and Equivalent network impedance of the cell network model are obtained in the form of matrix equation with the implicit analytical expression. Secondly the effects of five network parameters such as inductance L, capacitance C, number of cell unit n and fractional- orders (?, ?) on the impedance and electrical network characteristics such as transfer function and output responses are investigated by means of MATLAB Simulation programs. Finally, the validity of the proposed method is done by using PSPICE simulations which show the experimental performance and PSPICE simulation results is presented.

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Modeling of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Installation in Moroccan Ibn Tofail University

Maroua Bouksaim, Yassin Acci, Mohamed Nabil Srifi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 150-155 (2019);

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The main importance of solar photovoltaic energies research is to meet the many environmental demands of the energy challenge, to maximize power and to reduce the costs of photovoltaic (PV) systems to reply the energy needs of population. In the present research work, the first objective is to study the performance and the output energy can be produced by a photovoltaic panel installed in the parking of Ibn Tofail University at Kenitra – Morocco. These provide the basis for developing a simple and efficient model for the PV panel electrical behavior. As the output powers of photovoltaic system are influenced of the solar irradiances (G) and cell temperature (T); the effects of varying the two variable factors, series and shunt resistances, and partial shading on the output of the PV system are presented. Then, the PV system is connected to three phases grid using Boost converter controlled by the perturb and observe technique of Maximum Power Point Tracking and using the DC-AC inverter. The Matlab/Simulink software is used to model the system and to show the simulations result.

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Linearity Improvement of VCSELs based Radio over Fiber Systems utilizing Digital Predistortion

Muhammad Usman Hadi, Jacopo Nanni, Olivier Venard, Geneviève Baudoin, Jean-Luc Polleux, Pier Andrea Traverso, Giovanni Tartarini

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 156-163 (2019);

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The article proposes a Digital Predistortion (DPD) methodology that substantially meliorates the linearity of limited range Mobile Front Haul links for the extant Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and future (5G) networks. Specifically, the DPD is employed to Radio over Fiber links that contrive of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) working at 850 nm. Both, Memory and Generalized Memory Polynomial models are implied to Single Mode (SM) and Multi-Mode (MM) VCSELs respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed DPD methodology is analyzed in terms of Normalized Mean Square Error, Normalized Magnitude, Normalized phase and Adjacent Channel Power Ratio. The demonstration has been carried out with a complete (Long Term Evolution) LTE frame of 10 ms having 5 MHz bandwidth with 64-QAM modulation configuration. Additionally, the effectuality of the proposed DPD technique is evaluated for varying levels of input power and link lengths. The experimental outcomes signify the novel capability of the implied DPD methodology for different link lengths to achieve higher system linearization.

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An Adaptive Fuzzy-Sliding Mode Controller for The Bridge Crane

Trinh Luong Mien

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 164-170 (2019);

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This article presents a bridge crane nonlinear dynamic model in 2-dimensional space, and then given a novel adaptive fuzzy-sliding mode controller based on combining sliding mode control with fuzzy logic and Lyapunov function. Firstly, the article proposes an intermediate variable to link signal between two slide surfaces, related to trolley movement and payload swing. Then the fuzzy controller, compensative controller and parameter adaptive update law for the bridge crane are defined. The asymptotic stability of the proposed bridge crane control system is proven based on Lyapunov stability theory. Simulation results show that the adaptive fuzzy-sliding mode controller ensures the trolley follows the input reference with the short settling time, eliminating steady error, and anti- payload swing, anti-disturbance.

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An Efficient Automotive Paint Defect Detection System

Sohail Akhtar, Adarsh Tandiya, Medhat Moussa, Cole Tarry

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 171-182 (2019);

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Vision-based defect detection techniques are widely used for quality control purposes. In this work, an efficient deflectometry based detection system is developed for semi-specular/painted surface defect detection. This system consists of a robotic arm that carries a screen/camera setup and can detect defects on large surfaces with different topologies, such as a car bumper, by traversing its profile. A hybrid pipeline is designed that utilizes multi-threading for optimal resource utilization and process speed. Specific filters are also designed to remove spurious defects introduced by acute curvature changes and part edges. The system was successful in consistently detecting various defects on small test samples as well as on large bumper parts with varying topology and color and can accommodate inherent ambient lighting and vibration issues.

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Quantitative Traffic Congestion Analysis Approach in Ahmedabad

Tsutomu Tsuboi

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 183-189 (2019);

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This study is the extension of the previous study about “Traffic Service Quantitative Analysis Method under Developing Country” in 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). In the previous study, it is introduced how to make quantitative calculation for traffic congestion by traffic parameters and its characteristics curve such as traffic volume (q) to inverse of vehicle average speed (=1/v). In order to identify the traffic congestion condition, it is focused on vehicle speed ratio which is average speed (vave) to its free speed (vf). And the threshold level is 2/3 (=vave/vf). This 2/3 value comes from Viscous fluids model between parallel flat plates by using similarity of the viscous fluids flow and the traffic flow in India which is introduced at the CODATU XVII and UMI Conference 2017. This threshold value definition needs more traffic theory back up because its similarity between viscous fluids flow and traffic flow comes from the basis of traffic flow measurement results. In this extension study, it focuses on the occupancy of one of typical traffic parameter for traffic congestion. When it is compared between the traffic occupancy measurement data and Speed Ratio, the Speed Ratio 2/3 is the level of the occupancy 30%, which is used as traffic congestion condition. According to daily based traffic volume and average vehicle speed, the congestion condition is occurred by not only those traffic parameter, it is also considered about time zone traffic condition and its actual traffic condition. One of measurement point is always congested in the early evening even if its traffic volume is smaller than the morning traffic congestion. Therefore it is important to analyze traffic condition by time zone. As the result, it clarifies the relationship between Speed Ratio and occupancy. As the result, there are two types of traffic congestion in Ahmedabad city traffic.

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Photoluminescence Investigation of Inhomogeneous Porous P-type Si

Róbert Brunner, Pavel Vojtek, Zuzana Zábudlá, Emil Pin?ík

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 190-193 (2019);

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Photoluminescence (PL) of inhomogeneous porous silicon (PS) of p-type is investigated in this contribution. We measured the PL signal at equidistant positions separated by 0.05 mm in area localized between original crystalline Si (c-Si) wafer surface and electrochemically prepared PS layer. Two PL peaks localized at energies 1.8 and 1.9 eV were identified and their parameters were determined. The changes of PL maxima energy (“blue shift”) in dependence on position were observed.

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Digitization Impact Assessment Model for Secondary Schools: Case of Nairobi County in Kenya

Nicodemus Kalugho Mwambela, Simon Nyaga Mwendia

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 190-197 (2019);

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Digitization is viewed as the capability to utilize digital technologies for generating processing, sharing and transacting information. Studies show that digitization has now become ubiquitous. In almost all the sectors, we routinely interact with digital technologies. As a result, the impact of digitization is being observed in such sectors. For instance, the positive impact of digitization in education sector includes more efficient administration, reduction in workload, better accessibility to information, better management of school resources and enhanced quality of reports. However, in the context of secondary schools, the literature is conspicuously silent on the formal way of assessing the impact of digitization on both the academic performance and service delivery. As an attempt to address the gap, this paper describes a model that can evaluate the impact of digitization in such schools. Python programming tools were used to demonstrate implementation of the model. The model can help governments to formulate policies related digitization of secondary schools and can also be used by funding organization to demonstrate accountability when making investment decisions.

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Indoor Positioning and Path Planning Platform for iRobot Create 2 Sweeping Robot

Rung-Shiang Cheng, Wei-Jun Hong, Jhe-Lin Li, Kawuu W. Lin

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 198-206 (2019);

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Digitization is viewed as the capability to utilize digital technologies for generating processing, sharing and transacting information. Studies show that digitization has now become ubiquitous. In almost all the sectors, we routinely interact with digital technologies. As a result, the impact of digitization is being observed in such sectors. For instance, the positive impact of digitization in education sector includes more efficient administration, reduction in workload, better accessibility to information, better management of school resources and enhanced quality of reports. However, in the context of secondary schools, the literature is conspicuously silent on the formal way of assessing the impact of digitization on both the academic performance and service delivery. As an attempt to address the gap, this paper describes a model that can evaluate the impact of digitization in such schools. Python programming tools were used to demonstrate implementation of the model. The model can help governments to formulate policies related digitization of secondary schools and can also be used by funding organization to demonstrate accountability when making investment decisions.

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Study of Performance of Bio- Inspired Strategies Applied to Pursuit Evasion Game Under Feedback Laws

Lairenjam Obiroy Singh, Rajagopalan Devanathan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 207-219 (2019);

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Pursuit Evasion Game (PEG) is an abstract model of various significant problems that appear in both civil and military applications. Bio- Inspired strategies are found to be very useful in studying the PEG. While optimal response to the pursuit strategies are available using geometric control theory, it is shown in this paper that application of linear feedback control laws can further improve the time and tracking response of these strategies in capturing the evader by the pursuer. Empirical results based on computer simulation are used to illustrate the findings. Further, considering the case of sudden turn of the evader, moving at a lower speed, it is shown that both in theory and simulation that the evader can delay the capture by pursuer and in some cases even escape from being captured. These findings are in line with what is found in nature.

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Brain-inspired IoT Controlled Walking Robot – Big-Foot

Anna Lekova, Ivan Chavdarov, Bozhidar Naydenov, Aleksandar Krastev, Snezhanka Kostova

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 220-226 (2019);

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This work presents the development of an original idea for a walking robot with a minimum number of motors, simple construction and a control system based on the brain bioelectrical activities. Described are geometric and kinematic dependencies related to the robot movement, as well as brain-inspired IoT control method. Various aspects are discussed for improving the robot’s qualities, concerning the shape of the robot’s feet and base in order to overcome various obstacles and maintain the static mechanical equilibrium. Improvements in the mechanical design are provided to improve reliability and enhance the scope of robot’s applications. A new IoT framework for creating Human-robot interaction applications based on Node-RED “wiring” of Emotiv Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and Arduino based robot is designed, developed and tested. An educational application how to train the joint attention of children by a mind control method based on neurofeedback from beta oscillation in the right temporoparietal region is illustrated in a Node-RED flow. The neurofeedback is exposed on the walking robot.

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Multi-Band Hand of God Antenna with Functionality Variation with Use of Slots and Feed Position

Mervat Akram Madi, Karim Youssef Kabalan

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 227-234 (2019);

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This article investigates different versions of a new multi-band micro-strip antenna design. NASA inspired the antenna design from “Hand of God” galaxy discovery. A multi-band operation between 0.15 and 8 [GHz] is obtained and captures up to 10 frequency bands. The antenna has a small area of 4 x 5 cm2 and is printed on 1.6 mm epoxy-FR4 substrate. Adding slots and changing the feed position, led to different designs and increase in multi-band operation. Moreover, varactors are mounted on antenna surface, which resulted in frequencies as low as 50 MHz and as high as 8 GHz when. S11 simulations results were successfully compared with measured ones. Applications include different mobile generations, TV and different IoT systems.

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Energy Consumption Evaluation of Air Cooled Chiller With Cold Storage System Powered by Photovoltaic Modules

Ishaq Sider, Maher Al-Maghalseh, Zaid Alnather

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 235-243 (2019);

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Renewable energy becomes an appealing technology used in many applications in our life. Environmentally, it reduces CO2 emissions and enhances the sustainability of the system. This paper study the benefits of using a photovoltaic system with a thermal storage tank to power air-cooled chiller, in two different scenarios. The simulation methodology is adopted in this research to study the various scenarios of the combination of the utility, photovoltaic system, thermal storage tank, and air-cooled chiller. The scenarios are based on TRNSYS simulation software. The two scenarios investigated in this study include supplying an air-cooled chiller using a photovoltaic system integrated with the grid. While the second one is to study the photovoltaic system integrated with the grid as well as a thermal storage tank. It was found that the reduction of the consumed energy in the first scenario reduced by 81%. Also, CO2 emissions reduced by 72%. In addition, the payback period equalled nine years and generated $4,350 in total profit along the project life cycle. The second scenario saves 75.6% of the utility energy consumption and decreases CO2 emissions by 68%. Moreover, the payback period becomes 12.4 years with $3,202 in total profit generated.

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Sentiment Analysis on Twitter for Predicting Stock Exchange Movement

Yuliana Tanulia, Abba Suganda Girsang

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 244-250 (2019);

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This paper is proposed to build a model by applying two methods, namely support vector machine and nonnegative matrix factorization in the process of predicting stock market movement using twitter and historical data. The stock exchange is based on the LQ 45 stock with period from August 2018 – January 2019. The features consist of closing price, volume, percentage of topics and sentiment. The price and volume are taken from yahoo finance data, while topics and sentiment are taken from comments of each stock market in LQ45. NMF method is used to get the topic percentage feature in the tweet data, while the analysis sentiment value is obtained using SVM. The evaluation results obtained by getting the level of accuracy using confusion matrix. The accuracy value of stock movement predictions in this study is 60.16%.

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Proposal of Ledger Technology to Apply to a Public Organization in Ecuador

Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta, Adrian Alberto Chávez Monteverde, Javier Gonzalo Ortiz Rojas, Luis Enrique Mafla Gallegos

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 251-259 (2019);

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Ledger technology has now changed financial systems around the world, applying this technology to the improvement of the public sector, mainly to the debt collection system, we improve the speed of payment and its immediate registration, we make use of the advantages of Ledger technology with respect to reliability, security and speed. The objective is to propose how we apply Ledger technology within a public organization, considering the improvement of this, without diminishing its efficiency, security and current productivity. We use a deductive method to analyze the information obtained from the scientific articles reviewed. The results of our research are reflected in an algorithm that shows the operation and application of Ledger technology. It was concluded that the strengths of the algorithm, together with the good distribution and application of Ledger technologies solve problems regarding efficiency, safety and savings.

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A Support Vector Machine Cost Function in Simulated Annealing for Network Intrusion Detection

Md Nasimuzzaman Chowdhury, Ken Ferens

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 260-277 (2019);

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This paper proposes a computationally intelligent algorithm for extracting relevant features from a training set. An optimal subset of features is extracted from training examples of network intrusion datasets. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is used as the cost function within the thermal equilibrium loop of the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. The proposed fusion algorithm uses a combinatorial optimization algorithm (SA) to determine an optimal feature subset for a classifier (SVM) for the classification of normal and abnormal packets (possible intrusion threats) in a network. The proposed methodology is analyzed and validated using two different network intrusion datasets and the performance measures used are; detection accuracy, false positive and false negative rate, Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) curve, area under curve value and F1-score. A comparative analysis through empirically determined measures show that the proposed SA-SVM based model outperforms the general SVM and decision tree-based detection schemes based on performance measures such as detection accuracy, false positive and false negative rates, area under curve value and F1-score.

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Factors Influencing the Integration of Freight Distribution Networks in the Indonesian Archipelago: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Windra Priatna Humang, Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, Nahry

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 4(3), 278-286 (2019);

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The main problem of the distribution of freight in archipelago countries such as Indonesia is how to ensure that the outlying and outermost islands are served optimally, with low freight costs and optimal frequency of vessel stops at ports. There are three types of vessels that are subsidized and have the duty of public service obligation (PSO) from the government, namely Sea Tollway, Pelni, and Pioneer shipping. Each vessel has a different route and is not mutually integrated so that its services are not optimal. Integration of the distribution systems of the three types of vessels is needed, thus the distribution costs and the round voyages of vessels are expected to be more optimal and services can be more competitive. The high cost of freight distribution must be minimized so that the government’s burden on PSO subsidies can be reduced. This study aims to determine the parameters of the variables that influence the development of an integrated sea transport network model for freight distribution in a region consisting of many islands. The method used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the variables used were time, cost, freight, port characteristics, vessel characteristics, government policies, and environmental factors (waves and weather). The data used were the results of a questionnaire from 238 respondents, a sample consisting of regulators, shipping operators, academics, and distributors. The results of the conformity testing of the SEM model indicate that all variables have a significant effect on the process of integration of sea transportation networks in the region of the archipelago.

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Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025