Simulation-Optimisation of a Granularity Controlled Consumer Supply Network Using Genetic Algorithms

Simulation-Optimisation of a Granularity Controlled Consumer Supply Network Using Genetic Algorithms

Volume 3, Issue 6, Page No 455-468, 2018

Author’s Name: Zeinab Hajiabolhasani1,2,a), Romeo Marian2, John Boland1

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1School of Information Technologies and Mathematical Sciences, University of South Australia, 5095, Australia
2School of Engineering, University of South Australia, 5095, Australia

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 3(6), 455-468 (2018); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj030654

Keywords: Consumer Supply, Network Simulation, Optimisation Granularity, Genetic Algorithms


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The decision support systems regarding the Supply Chains (SCs) management services can be significantly improved if an effective viable method is utilised. This paper presents a robust simulation optimisation approach (SOA) for the design and analysis of a granularity controlled and complex system known as Consumer Supply Network (CSN) incorporating uncertain demand and capacity. Minimising the total cost of running the network, calculating optimum values of orders and optimum capacity of the inventory associated with each product family are the objectives pursued in this study. A mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model was formulated, mathematically described, simulated and optimised using Genetic Algorithms (GA). Also, the influence of the problem’s attributes (e.g. product classes, consumers, various planning horizons), and controllable parameters of the search algorithm (e.g. size of the population, crossover rate, and mutation rate) as well as the mutual interaction of various dependencies on the quality of the solution was scrutinised using Taguchi method along with regression. The robustness of the proposed SOA was demonstrated by a series of representative case studies.

Received: 29 August 2018, Accepted: 05 December 2018, Published Online: 20 December 2018

1. Introduction

The main challenges affecting today’s Supply Chains (SCs) are globalisation, environmental and technological turbulences and rapid changes in economy capacity. They have provoked companies to recognise that, in order to remain competitive in the global market, they need to gain more from their SCs.

Supply Chains are defined as links (relationships) between every unit (enterprise) in a manufacturing process from raw materials to customers. Traditionally, products were made and flowed to consumers through SCs. However, due to globalisation and complexity of the economy, today’s SCs are better characterised as Supply Networks (SNs).

Consumer Supply Networks (CSNs) refer to complex networks consisting of sets of companies working in unison to supply, manufacture, distribute and deliver final products and services to end-users (Figure 1), being controlled by information flow.

CSNs are examples of industrial systems that are naturally large, complex, stochastic, and dynamic. These attributes translate into difficulties in representing the actual behaviour and in planning, optimising and anticipating performance. Also, the combination of these attributes makes the choice of an appropriate solution methodology difficult at best, if not simply impossible at this point in time [1].

Figure 1  Three echelon Consumer Supply Network

Different methodologies have been utilised to solve this class of complex problem; simulation and optimisation methods are widely used to tackle such problems.

Simulation is a powerful tool for modelling, analysis, and validation of CSNs. However, its major disadvantage is that it will produce a very detailed analysis but strictly for a given configuration. Simulation cannot change the configuration of the system, and any optimisation would be searching for the best combination of variables for a given system.

A recurrent, key issue when attempting to optimise CSN is the granularity of the model. An appropriate granularity – the size of the smallest indivisible unit (of product, part, flow, time, etc.) of the process – makes the difference between a successful implementation of the optimisation methodology and an algorithm that does not converge or gets consistently stuck in local optima. Additionally, the choice of the granularity of the model has to be easy to translate in practice – a purely theoretical solution that cannot be implemented in real life is of little help.

This paper is an extension of the work initially has been presented in Intellisys Conference [2] in which a unique simulation optimisation approach (SOA) within an integrated methodology was developed. A small-scale Multi-Period, Multi-Product Consumer Supply Network (MPMPCSN) model, using mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) was designed. Then, the optimum quantity of orders was determined incorporating GA optimisation algorithm which simultaneously results in the total inventory cost minimisation. This way, the unique advantages of simulation were incorporated with optimisation method and higher quality solutions were achieved. Also, the quality of the solutions that were obtained by the proposed framework was checked by fine-tuning of the search algorithm’s parameters combining the simulation model with the Taguchi method. Hence, in this study, a series of computational trials on realistic test problems are designed and analysed to demonstrate the generalisability of the proposed SOA for problems of similar size at different granularity levels.

The rest of this article is organised as follows: Section 2 is devoted to reviewing modelling methodologies that were used to solve CSNs problems. Section 3 presents the proposed MINLP model. Section 4 provides details about granularity. The optimisation module of the SOA methodology is described in Section 4. The numerical examples are given in Section 6 and discussed in Section 7. Section 8 concludes the paper.

2. Literature Review

A number of potential solution methods for the class of problems of similar size and complexity have been developed in the literature ranging from classical mathematical programming to hybrid and systematic methods [1, 3].

Optimisation methodologies combined with mathematical models are mainly contributed to solutions validation. A stable optimal solution can be obtained by a given objective function subject to several constraints. However, they are unable to provide the gradient of design space over time [4]. The extent of the optimisation problem cannot be expanded beyond a certain limit as the complexity of the problem adversely affects the computational costs which make less efficient and less practical [5]. This concern can be addressed by using, simulation methodologies.

Simulation models can deal with all attributes of CSNs problems which makes them a powerful analytical tool in this area [6]. In particular, CSN simulation provides a model that suitably represents, processes associated with specific business units such as ordering system, manufacturing plant, distribution centres, etc. in the presence of uncertainty [7, 8]. Simulation modelling methods alongside with mathematical and models based on algorithms almost always come together. The main advantage of simulation approaches is a possibility to explore what-if scenarios that provide a deeper understanding of the dependencies in a system. The operations of a real system that are usually very dangerous, expensive, or impractical to implement can be evaluated according to their resilience and robustness subject to various predefined inputs (e.g. time horizon, resources, etc.) and at any desired granular level via simulation modelling. Using computer programming, the performance of a real system subject to controlled and environmental changes can be simulated. Therefore, many input values and their combinations can be explored through simulation models [9]. Also, simulation models offer flexibility in developing and assessment of different scenarios, with reasonably high-speed processing. In addition, an embedded standard reporting system make them unique in modelling, analyzing, and validating of complex systems.

As pointed out, independent deployment of optimization and simulation methodologies has some benefits. However, it also has limitations. The main drawback of simulation models is that they can only work with a set configuration of a solution. On the other hand, finding the optimal solution by independently using the traditional optimization approaches incurs heavy computational cost. Therefore, the integration of the two methods may lead to a uniquely efficient optimization.

SOA is a key factor of modern design across industries [3]. SOA is often used in the design, modelling and in analyses of systems. It can provide an optimal setting for set of parameters for a simulation model [10]. But due to high computational requirements, scientists have not given much attention to the use of SOA in CSNs [10-12]. Consequently, SOA turns into a hot research topic for optimization of CSNs. The optimization core together with a simulation model in SOA, can search the solution space globally (ergodicity of GA) whereas the simulation module acts as a quality assessment unit.

Following the advances in computational power, increased efforts have been made to leverage simulation for optimization/simulation-based optimization of hybrid systems with behaviors that can be discrete or continuous [13]. CSNs are hybrid systems with a high level of complexity.

Inventory control planning problems have been tackled using many metaheuristic algorithms [5, 14-18]. GA was widely used to solve related problems [19]. Through exploring the solution space, GA finds optimal or near optimal solutions. But, like in other evolutionary algorithms (EA), GA cannot carry out self-validation. GA risks to converge to local optima [20]. Hence, a valid question is whether or not the obtained solution is a high-quality candidate.

The parameters of the search algorithm – population size, crossover and mutation and rates, as well as the interaction between these parameters have significant impacts on the quality of solutions. As the entire search population or its fitness function might be highly affected by variation of these parameters. This necessitates implementation of a mechanism that can offer parameters tunning is essential. However, it is very hard to perform perfect tuning due to complexity among the interactions of EA’s parameters. Most often, trial and error of EA’s parameters is used in OR studies. However, experimentally tuning the parameters is less practical and very expensive [21]. We thus, propose using statistical methods based on experiments as a more robust approach [22].

In [23], the authors present a multi-echelon SN simulation-based optimisation model for a multi-criteria P-D design. The model offers concurrent optimisation of the network’s structure, the set of the control strategies, and the quantitative parameters of the strategy for control. The modelling, simulation and then optimisation of networked entities are performed using a graphical interface designed in C++ programming. In this study, the candidate solutions are evaluated by a discrete-event simulation (DES) module. A multi-objective GA algorithm is developed aiming at finding compromised solutions regarding structural, qualitative and quantitative variables. The toolbox developed in the research considers a real Production-Distribution model which makes it a unique decision support system. However, there is no evidence shown with regards to parameters tuning of the GA algorithm.

In [24], the authors describe a two-phase Mixed Integer Linear Programming model addressing planning and scheduling systems of a build-to-order SN system. They use GA to optimise the aggregate costs of both subsystems. Three different scenarios were developed, in which distinct recombination rates for genes was used to improve the quality of solutions.

In [25], the researcher model a P-D network over a tactical planning horizon with uncertain demands and capacity. The proposed algorithm incorporates a simulation and an optimisation module; each calculates the total costs of the network for P-D. The problem is mathematically formulated by a MILP, and the fitness function (total cost) is evaluated via the simulation core. Then the solution resulting from the optimisation module is compared with the obtained output from the simulation module recursively. This procedure iterates until there is a set difference between two solutions. This study reports on data obtained from the implementation of the proposed SOA on a SN problem of a reduced scale. Although the simulation and the optimisation modules are both included in the proposed approach, there is no interaction or connection between them. The application of the simulation module is used to produce initial values for the parameters of the mathematical model. Also, the capacity to generalise the model for similar or larger problems was not addressed. Moreover, no evidence was shown around approaching a solution with better quality if different configurations were chosen for the optimisation parameters.

In [15], the authors developed a modified Particle Swarm Optimisation model (MPSO) for a location-allocation Supply Network problem. They formulated a two-echelon Distribution Network (DN) considering multi-product and multi-period inventory, subject to uncertainty of seasonal demands. The determination of the orders quantity and the vendors’ location are pursued as the main objectives in this paper. They use Taguchi to tune the parameters of the MPSO. They considered parameter tuning in their model and they performed a sensitivity analysis for similar problems with different granularity levels.

In a similar study, In [26], the researcher developed a PSO algorithm attempting to find the maximum profit for a channel of a two-echelon SN for a single product. Sales quantity and production rate were used as decision variables of their model. Using a combination of GA, PSO, and simulated annealing (SA), they conduct a detailed sensitivity analysis. However, the improvement of the proposed heuristic is computed by using another heuristic. This seems very inefficient.

In [27], the authors proposed a simulation optimisation approach to reduce the number of delayed customer orders while costs are kept under control for an integrated production-distribution supply chain. The hybrid modelling combined linear programming and discrete event simulation. This research is a great potential of using SOA approach; however, no effort was made considering the tunning of the control factors of the GA algorithm.

In [28], the researchers developed an agent-based simulation optimisation model through which an online auction policy within the context of the agricultural supply chain was optimised. Three different scenarios namely, oversupply, balance and insufficient supply with different demand and supply quantities were presented to obtain the optimal lot-size and to determine the optimum online auction policy to control inventory. The investigation towards improving the solution quality derived from the proposed methodology was not provided.

An important observation concerning SOA studies is that, in almost all studies, the tuning of the model’s variables (e.g. lead time, production rate, etc.) was only attempted in the optimisation module for small problems. Good examples are included in [20] and [22]. On the other hand, evidence in this regard seems to be missing in some studies [23, 29]. Furthermore, very few ([15, 24]) indicated efforts for tuning the optimisation parameters – selection methodology, mutation, and crossover in GA or swarm’s cognitive and social components in PSO. They reported that this had been done by trial and error – a typical approach used in the majority of OR studies [21]. The simulation model is run several times, then the better solution is selected. Due to the complexity of the interaction of parameters of the search algorithm as well as the high computational cost, it is unclear how many iterations would be sufficient for a given size problem. Besides, as the scale of the problem increases, the complexity of interactions increases exponentially. Therefore, the difficulties corresponding to this class of SNP problems will further escalate if a more detailed model is simulated. So, it is necessary to study in more depth the variation of the solution quality.

This paper presents an integrated simulation-optimisation approach to solve a class of CSN problem using GA. The objective is to minimise the total cost while an optimum/near optimum inventory level associated to each product family is obtained. An important feature of the under-investigated problem is that both demand and the inventory capacity are uncertain. The randomness of the uncertain parameters is captured by the simulation model. The optimal quantities are searched by GA. Also, a fine-tunning mechanism for the optimization algorithm’s controllable parameters is applied using Taguchi experimental design and ANOVA to improve the quality of the solution. In Section III, the mathematical model, parameters and notations of the proposed problem are summarized.

3. Mathematical Model

This section presents a mathematical model for a multi-product multi-period consumer supply network. The mathematical model presented here consider a planning period of T (indexed by t), a set of product family P (indexed by i) and a set of retailers R (indexed by j) with the limited budget and inventory restrictions.

The parameters in the model are the following:

Demand for product family  by retailer  in period
Demand for product family  by retailer  at the end of period
Initial inventory level for product family
Minimum quantity of product family  manufactured for retailer  in period
Maximum quantity of product family  manufactured for retailer  in period
Maximum capacity of the inventory at DC
Total capacity of inventory at DC in period
Cost for the ordering of product family
Cost for purchasing one unit of product family at time
Storage cost for one unit of product in period
Handling cost at DC for one unit of product family in period
Cost for backordering one unit of product family in period
Cost for transporting one unit of product family in period
Total cost of ordering at the end of period
Total cost of storage in inventory at the end period
Total cost of handling in inventory at the end of period
Total cost of purchasing at the end of period
Total cost of order shortage at the end period
Total cost of transportation at the end of period
The total network costs at the end of period
The backorder intensity rate for product family  at the end of period
The capacity severity rate for product family  at the end of period

The objective function (1) comprises the minimization of the total CSN costs, consisting of ordering costs, purchasing costs, transportation costs from manufacturing plants (MP) to retailers (RE), inventory holding and handling costs at the distribution center (DC), and backordering costs subject to a set of constraints present in (2-4). Constraint (1) represents the quantity of order of a product family  in a period  bounded by the upper and the lower limits. Note, the maximum quantity of an order for product family  from retailer  cannot exceed maximum  folds of the maximum quantity of the demand for the entire planning period . Constrain (2) is the capacity of the inventory denoted by . The order quantity is a positive integer that is normalized between 0 and 1 by (4) denoted by . Table 1 and Table 2 shows a numerical representation of  and  for , 5 and  .

  • numerical representation of

Note:  presents the quantity of product family 1 to be manufactured for consumer 1 in time interval  is 259 unit.

The  and are related to the decisions regarding the inventory level and the quantity of orders that are calculated by (5).  is the main decision variable, since is obtained recursively from . The demand quantity,  is unknown but bounded. It can be expressed by probabilistic distribution functions such as normal or uniform distribution functions. In this model, a uniform distribution is used to model  using (6), where  are the lower and upper bounds, respectively.

Also, each product family has a set volume ( ) so the total volume of the order i.e. the total volume occupied by the inventory,  , is calculated by (7)


If a solution breaks any constraint ( ) it is infeasible and therefore the associated evaluation should be penalised in proportion to how violently they break the constraints. In this problem  and  are defined and assigned to the fitness function via (8). The problem size and substantially the changes in the planning period result in changes of  .

Also, the average backlogged orders, and the average volume occupied by the inventory are denoted by  and , respectively. In associate with the planning policy in-use, the values of  may vary. For example, if the customer satisfaction rate is %100, which means shortages are not allowed and . Conversely, if a company unable to deliver their promises on time then  can be set according to the safety stock level. Note, in both cases, the inventory capacity cannot be exceeded, thus . So, a solution candidate is regarded feasible if both conditions are satisfied.

4. Granularity

In systems engineering literature, granularity translates into the level of detail one can decide to consider in a model or decision-making process where the same functionality is expressed with different ‘sized’ designs [30]. In SN, the size of the problem determines the granularity level of the problem which has a significant influence on the computation time and the algorithm’s efficiency. Measures such as the number of product families, the number of facilities, planning periods, etc. are some important factors which affect the granularity level [31]. In this study, in order to verify the robustness of the proposed methodology, three case studies with different granularity levels are considered for the design of experiments represented by a tree structure with two levels and  (Figure 2). The leaves at  denoted by , correspond to an individual scenario with a distinct problem size, known as Small, Medium and Large-scale problems.  is developed based on the problem size categories proposed by Mousavi, Bahreininejad, Musa and Yusof [15], shown in Table 3. The roots at are the number of experiments considered for each category. This is determined according to the number of parameters and the levels of variation of a specific parameter which will be developed using Taguchi method  (see Section 6).

Figure 2  Hierarchical structure proposed for implementation phase

  • Sizes of the proposed instances [15]
Problem Size Product Family ( ) Manufacturing Plants ( ) Retailer ( ) Periods ( )
Small [1-5] [1-5] [5-10] [1-3]
Medium [6-10] [1-10] [11-20] [1-5]
Large [11-15] [11-15] [20-30] [6-10]

Note: a problem with  and  is counted as a Medium-scale problem.

5. Solution Approach

To solve the MPMPCSN problem discussed in this paper, GA optimization method is used. GA are based on principles of natural selection and genetics to evolve better solutions through multiple consecutive generations. Selection, Crossover and Mutation are implementations in GA of similar phenomena occurring in the natural world. [23]. Based on the quality of solutions, they have a probability to be selected and evolve in new generations and converge towards optimality. Finally, the solutions are tested against termination criteria (evolving procedure). A good search space and genetic operators must maintain an equilibrium between exploration and exploitation and this is key in reaching optimality [32-34]

5.1.  Generation and Initialization

The first step in implementing the GA is to generate a random population of solutions (chromosomes). Chromosomes are resizable according to problem’s attributes and vary based on the problem type, level of complexity, number and type of variables, granularity, etc. Each chromosome consists of several atomic structures – genes representing the characteristics of the solution  (e.g. number of suppliers, position of manufacturing plants, types of products considered, etc.) [35]. Real coding has been used for this type of problem (Figure 3).

Figure 3  Chromosome representation

The performance of the GA is affected by two opposing factors; population size and computation time. The larger the population size; the longer takes the computation time. The population size should be large enough to incorporate sufficient variation in one generation from which the children in the next generations are produced. GA is designed to evolve over a number of generations. Hence, having a large population has a serious impact on the computation time. A carefully selected population size that offers sufficient variety but does permit a fast-enough evolution is needed.

5.2.  Genetic Operators: Selection, Crossover, and Mutation

Genetic operators may affect the optimal fitness value for the designed algorithm. The GA operators presented in this paper are selection, crossover and mutation. Roulette Wheel, Tournament and Ranked are the most popular selection mechanisms that are used in this study [33, 36].

In the following step, the offspring population is created by applying single point crossover and mutation. So, new offsprings are produced by combining the characteristics of two parents that can be better than both parents if they take the best characteristics from each of the parents. This mechanism should be performed with a certain probability. Throughout this study,  and  are referring to crossover and mutation probabilities respectively. Two individuals are produced per randomly selected parents followed by mutating gens of offspring population with specified probability. The mutation is implemented to preserve the variety of the solution pool and prevent GA getting stuck in local optima by exploring the entire search space and maintaining diversity in the population [37]. It is likely that some randomly lost genetic information recovered through mutation. Pm should be set carefully too as such the diversity in the population is preserved but does not negatively affect the overall, fitness of the current population by removing good solutions. Mutation can finely tune the balance between exploration and exploitation. Typically, the mutation rate is small (<2-5%).

5.3.  Simulation

After initializing the first population, each chromosome is evaluated for fitness. Fitness function is a metric used to measure the quality of the represented solution. The fitness value of a chromosome is the most important factor in GA evaluation that is always problem dependent [38]. The fitness function defined for MPMPCSN is the minimum cost of running the network. So the lower the fitness value, the higher is the survival chance of a chromosome.

5.4.  Stopping Conditions

The optimal/near optimal solution is achieved through an iterative procedure until the stopping condition is satisfied. Choosing the termination criteria depends on the complexity of the problem structure as well as the size of the solution pool [39]. Often, the maximum number of generation is adopted which is the case in this study.

The traditional GA has several shortcomings. As a result of premature convergence, the search parameters (selection, crossover, mutation) may not be very useful towards the end of a search procedure [40]. Also, obtaining an absolute global optimum is not guaranteed, however providing good solutions within a reasonable time is generally expected [41, 42]. Also, GA may not be effective if the starting point in search space was at a great distance from optimal solutions [43]. This deficiency limits the use of GA in real-time applications. However, it can be overcome if GA is hybridized with other local search methods where a closed-form expression of the objective function can be appropriately performed [42]. Simulation tools are unique methods that are tightly integrated with mathematical and algorithmic based models. Overall, to improve GA performance and obtain accurate solutions, the population size, selection mechanism, crossover and mutation rates and the computational time are required to be turned. Further validation and evaluation of the proposed model and the solution approach is discussed in the following section.

6. Computational Experiments

This section provides experimental results obtained from applying the proposed SOA methodology on practical tests associated to MPMPCSN problems with different granularity levels.

A manufacturing CSN with a central distribution center is considered in which orders received from consumers are being processed. The demand quantities for ,  and  were randomly generated first and remained unchanged throughout the rest of the optimization algorithm (see. Appendix A, Table 22-Table 24), because the variation of  causes changes of other parameters. Also, associated purchase cost per unit of product family  and the corresponding volume  for ,  and are given in Appendix A (Table 21). All other related costs of running the network consist of ordering cost, backordering cost, holding cost, handling cost and transportation cost are computed via (9)-(14). In addition, the fixed parameters of the model are presented in Table 4.

  • fixed parameters of the model
Parameters P R T
Small-Scale 5 2 2 1000
Medium-Scale 6 11 5 10000
Large-Scale 10 25 8 100000

Note: P, R, and T are referred to the Product family, Retailer and Planning period respectively.

7. Results and Discussion

As discussed above, the performance of the GA optimization algorithm is mostly influenced by its controllable parameters. These parameters are selection method ( ), crossover and mutation rate ( ), population size ( ) and the maximum number of iteration ( ). Thus, though utilizing Taguchi Orthogonal Array Design along with Regression Analysis and Optimization Solver the optimal parameter set was determined. More details are given in the following sections.

7.1.  Process of Experiment Design

The main two components of the Taguchi method are the number of parameters and their variation levels. In order to analyze the results obtained from ANOVA (analysis of variance) and S/N ratio (signal to noise), it is required to create a set of tables of numbers known as orthogonal arrays. These tables are then used first to reduce the number of experiments, next to determine the most critical parameters with high impact on the outcomes. In this study, we consider the GA controllable parameters as significant factors in 3 levels (Table 7). The Taguchi Orthogonal Array Design ( ) shown in Table 6 is proposed and created by Minitab.

  • The parameters’ level
Granularity Level Small-scale Medium-Scale Large-Scale
Parameters Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
0.9 0.85 0.8
0.05 0.025
[30 60 120] [100 150 200] [100 200 300]
[200 100 50] [500 400 300] [3500 3000 2000]

,  and  referred to Roulette Wheel, Tournament and Ranked Selection method respectively

  • The layout of the orthogonal array for 5 factors in 3 levels
S1 1 1 1 1 1
S2 1 1 1 1 2
S3 1 1 1 1 3
S4 1 2 2 2 1
S5 1 2 2 2 2
S6 1 2 2 2 3
S7 1 3 3 3 1
S8 1 3 3 3 2
S9 1 3 3 3 3
S10 2 1 2 3 1
S11 2 1 2 3 2
S12 2 1 2 3 3
S13 2 2 3 1 1
S14 2 2 3 1 2
S15 2 2 3 1 3
S16 2 3 1 2 1
S17 2 3 1 2 2
S18 2 3 1 2 3
S19 3 1 3 2 1
S20 3 1 3 2 2
S21 3 1 3 2 3
S22 3 2 1 3 1
S23 3 2 1 3 2
S24 3 2 1 3 3
S25 3 3 2 1 1
S26 3 3 2 1 2
S27 3 3 2 1 3

7.2.  Signal-to-Noise (S/N) Ratio Method

S/N ratios evaluate the size of the apparent effect (signal) against the size of random fluctuations (noise) witnessed in the data. The higher this indicator, the better the compromise is which can be calculated in different ways according to the optimization problem (minimization/maximization) [44]. In this study, S/N ratio values are calculated to determine the best combination of GA control factors. The proposed optimization algorithm was run four times for each parameter set to obtain more refined solutions. The numerical results for the Small, Medium and Large-scale problem are reported in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.

This problem is aimed to minimize the response value (y). Therefore, to minimize the mean-square deviation (MSD) from the target value 0 and maximize the S/N ratio, MSD has to be calculated using (15). The signal to noise (S/N) ratio, in this case, is defined by (16), where  is the sample size.

  • Taguchi experimental design and design data of for small-scale problem
Trial No. Function Evaluation (TC)
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4
1 52545.31 52838.97 52824.62 52798.99 52751.97 138.76 RW 0.9 0.1 30 200
2 57736.13 57984.64 54800.67 56440.22 56740.41 1459.71 RW 0.9 0.1 30 100
3 55082.79 54767.13 55334.41 55983.30 55291.91 516.06 RW 0.9 0.1 30 50
4 57348.28 56895.83 58086.99 58118.95 57612.51 595.84 RW 0.85 0.05 60 200
5 59594.91 58612.27 61314.77 61253.54 60193.87 1321.56 RW 0.85 0.05 60 100
6 60380.16 62646.26 60710.87 59366.54 60775.96 1371.79 RW 0.85 0.05 60 50
7 55536.78 54608.65 55060.74 54506.04 54928.05 471.97 RW 0.8 0.025 120 200
8 55135.85 54540.19 54946.94 56517.07 55285.01 858.15 RW 0.8 0.025 120 100
9 57518.01 59179.99 56537.55 57925.29 57790.21 1094.37 RW 0.8 0.025 120 50
10 52410.97 52718.79 52428.90 52416.20 52493.72 150.24 T 0.9 0.05 120 200
11 53368.53 52881.84 53767.00 52857.57 53218.73 434.73 T 0.9 0.05 120 100
12 58698.26 55432.41 56344.90 57940.46 57104.01 1484.56 T 0.9 0.05 120 50
13 54263.36 56283.66 55064.54 55837.51 55362.27 889.02 T 0.85 0.025 30 200
14 56139.17 56388.68 57656.13 56204.80 56597.20 713.81 T 0.85 0.025 30 100
15 62448.49 94741.69 60631.15 98432.34 79063.42 20304.09 T 0.85 0.025 30 50
16 52413.82 52417.87 52439.46 52418.27 52422.36 11.58 T 0.8 0.1 60 200
17 53546.80 54432.52 53665.56 52804.39 53612.32 666.48 T 0.8 0.1 60 100
18 62686.18 56408.68 56602.45 56552.31 58062.41 3083.61 T 0.8 0.1 60 50
19 54034.56 53650.51 53214.02 53760.76 53664.96 341.24 R 0.9 0.025 60 200
20 56947.05 58519.69 57332.37 56946.45 57436.39 744.73 R 0.9 0.025 60 100
21 62368.65 58889.81 64213.45 64114.90 62396.70 2486.75 R 0.9 0.025 60 50
22 52472.93 52454.69 52466.57 52462.89 52464.27 7.61 R 0.85 0.1 120 200
23 54151.02 54381.73 54913.21 54443.82 54472.45 319.71 R 0.85 0.1 120 100
24 59054.53 58677.67 59390.45 59848.09 59242.69 497.66 R 0.85 0.1 120 50
25 54123.74 53139.69 53600.31 53588.71 53613.11 402.34 R 0.8 0.05 30 200
26 62582.39 57133.15 57636.73 58226.32 58894.65 2498.75 R 0.8 0.05 30 100
27 76782.74 63219.40 67855.77 65419.86 68319.44 5951.48 R 0.8 0.05 30 50
  • Taguchi experimental design and design data of for medium-scale problem
Trial No. Function Evaluation (TC)
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4
1 3055303 3053526 3046047 3050184 3051265.00 4074.87 RW 0.9 0.1 200 500
2 3149794 3154852 3180213 3164676 3162383.75 13396.09 RW 0.9 0.1 200 400
3 3372901 3350114 3335613 3323874 3345625.50 21114.59 RW 0.9 0.1 200 300
4 3200575 3185842 3197118 3191536 3193767.75 6464.29 RW 0.85 0.05 150 500
5 3355893 3308538 3369709 3382514 3354163.50 32301.14 RW 0.85 0.05 150 400
6 3499418 3511169 3529597 3529401 3517396.25 14775.75 RW 0.85 0.05 150 300
7 3432256 3440475 3410509 3433997 3429309.25 13022.82 RW 0.8 0.025 100 500
8 3575145 3520148 3586398 3537586 3554819.25 31141.79 RW 0.8 0.025 100 400
9 4555883 4146796 3846552 4203898 4188282.25 290903.67 RW 0.8 0.025 100 300
10 3051447 3066724 3034552 3045986 3049677.25 13368.15 T 0.9 0.05 100 500
11 3156857 3217344 3129544 3179152 3170724.25 37114.87 T 0.9 0.05 100 400
12 3281164 3310920 3406627 3340245 3334739.00 53652.67 T 0.9 0.05 100 300
13 3077422 3072374 3047223 3078703 3068930.50 14727.31 T 0.85 0.025 200 500
14 3182456 3188477 3166677 3221685 3189823.75 23144.54 T 0.85 0.025 200 400
15 3436084 3441521 3417875 3435688 3432792.00 10294.60 T 0.85 0.025 200 300
16 2991777 2972519 2986549 2982617 2983365.50 8146.47 T 0.8 0.1 150 500
17 3057430 3030744 3064818 3033992 3046746.00 16926.05 T 0.8 0.1 150 400
18 3172227 3184862 3188181 3173263 3179633.25 8079.53 T 0.8 0.1 150 300
19 3360788 3373308 3403272 3440016 3394346.00 35280.59 R 0.9 0.025 150 500
20 3503662 3492818 3501245 3457735 3488865.00 21267.49 R 0.9 0.025 150 400
21 6083231 6707308 6357912 5970323 6279693.50 328268.14 R 0.9 0.025 150 300
22 3099402 3117656 3130297 3111689 3114761.00 12846.33 R 0.85 0.1 100 500
23 3243754 3249067 3272814 3255208 3255210.75 12634.31 R 0.85 0.1 100 400
24 3410574 3462829 3421737 3409948 3426272.00 24965.85 R 0.85 0.1 100 300
25 3232477 3281042 3288839 3245727 3262021.25 27198.93 R 0.8 0.05 200 500
26 3372780 3354390 3375793 3360978 3365985.25 10031.33 R 0.8 0.05 200 400
27 3542951 3526380 3567064 3540808 3544300.75 16865.55 R 0.8 0.05 200 300
  • Taguchi experimental design and design data of for large-scale problem
Trial No. Function Evaluation (TC)
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4
1 6197853 6182641 6205040 6171968 6189375 14895.51 RW 0.9 0.1 100 3500
2 6171968 6197853 6182641 6205040 6189375 14895.51 RW 0.9 0.1 100 3000
3 6026883 6036349 6064389 6092117 6054934 29462.9 RW 0.9 0.1 100 2000
4 6171329 6156044 6162801 6148266 6159610 9813.874 RW 0.85 0.05 200 3500
5 6189910 6160183 6168566 6183770 6175607 13646.61 RW 0.85 0.05 200 3000
6 6276588 6197853 6256788 6232034 6240816 33949.63 RW 0.85 0.05 200 2000
7 5609430 5583614 5604952 5587145 5596285 12806.33 RW 0.8 0.025 300 3500
8 6219773 6220941 6220798 6296291 6239450 37896.94 RW 0.8 0.025 300 3000
9 6393839 6421235 6397965 6500502 6428385 49567.4 RW 0.8 0.025 300 2000
10 5765313 5783485 5797242 5786545 5783146 13270.95 T 0.9 0.05 300 3500
11 6145198 6115210 6141100 6146131 6136910 14630.8 T 0.9 0.05 300 3000
12 6181667 6166755 6174604 6150186 6168303 13526.68 T 0.9 0.05 300 2000
13 5766122 5797580 5768570 5819409 5787920 25393.04 T 0.85 0.025 100 3500
14 6330538 6295429 6350012 6405480 6345365 46003.23 T 0.85 0.025 100 3000
15 6421425 6446814 6429805 6425072 6430779 11227.04 T 0.85 0.025 100 2000
16 6124129 6234488 6150018 6149727 6164591 48152.91 T 0.8 0.1 200 3500
17 6132648 6141044 6166400 6151393 6147871 14537.94 T 0.8 0.1 200 3000
18 5803931 5783648 5803967 5805327 5799218 10400.52 T 0.8 0.1 200 2000
19 5930494 5953702 5898563 5878441 5915300 33387.83 R 0.9 0.025 200 3500
20 6231820 6227294 6232032 6276543 6241922 23183.89 R 0.9 0.025 200 3000
21 6401559 6416416 6425043 6414352 6414342 9699.475 R 0.9 0.025 200 2000
22 6103190 6123392 6079358 6102566 6102126 17999.54 R 0.85 0.1 300 3500
23 5729010 5873701 5867909 5715137 5796439 86089.04 R 0.85 0.1 300 3000
24 6103190 6123392 6079358 6122019 6106989 20598.34 R 0.85 0.1 300 2000
25 6271088 6235294 6240251 6212358 6239748 24169.66 R 0.8 0.05 100 3500
26 6219361 6297088 6249893 6228781 6248781 34642.66 R 0.8 0.05 100 3000
27 6402903 6433575 6407674 6422437 6416647 14017.7 R 0.8 0.05 100 2000

The example of the calculation of S/N ratio for the control parameter  is shown below (column 1 of Table 10) and the results correspond to each case study are summarised in Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12. The difference between the levels of factors in the Table 10- Table 12 determines which parameter has more effect on the quality characteristics (the total cost of the network).

As it can be seen from Table 10, the control factor , by far is the most important factor that impacts on S/N ratio (1.19), ,  and  are also significant factors. Table 11 shows ,  and  are approximately double of  and . Also, in Table 12 while control factor  has a negligible effect in influencing the S/N ratio in  problem, the contribution of all other four parameters (  and ) to the S/N is more than 10%.

The S/N ratios computed for the data set  and  (Table 10-Table 12) are essential for sketching the S/N ratio response diagrams for ,  and  problems (0). So, a higher S/N ratio is related to a data set with the minimum variation which is considered as the best data set.

  • The response table of S/N ratio of Problem
Selection ( ) Crossover Rate ( ) Mutation Rate ( ) Population Size ( Generation ( )
Level 1 -95.08 -94.90 -94.80 -95.46 -94.63
Level 2 -95.16 -95.46 -95.25 -95.16 -95.00
Level 3 -95.22 -95.10 -95.41 -94.84 -95.83
Difference 0.14 0.56 0.61 0.63 1.19
  • The response table of S/N ratio Problem
Selection ( ) Crossover Rate ( ) Mutation Rate ( ) Population Size ( Generation ( )
Level 1 -130.7 -130.9 -130 -130.3 -130
Level 2 -130 -130.3 -130.4 -130.9 -130.3
Level 3 -131.1 -130.6 -131.3 -130.6 -131.4
Difference 1.1 0.5 1.3 0.6 1.4
  • The response table of S/N ratio Problem
Selection ( ) Crossover Rate ( ) Mutation Rate ( ) Population Size ( Generation ( )
Level 1 -135.8 -135.6 -135.6 -135.9 -135.5
Level 2 -135.7 -135.7 -135.8 -135.8 -135.8
Level 3 -135.8 -135.8 -135.7 -135.6 -135.9
Difference 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4

Therefore, the best values associated with  and  corresponding to ,  and  problems are as follows: for , level 1(Roulette Wheel selection), level 1 (90% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 2 (120 chromosomes) and level 1 (200 iterations), respectively; for  level 2 (Tournament selection), level 2 (85% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 1 (200 chromosomes) and level 1 (500 iterations), respectively; For  level 2 (Tournament selection), level 1 (90% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 3 (300 chromosomes) and level 1 (3500 iterations), respectively. This can be observed from S/N ratio response diagrams too (Figure 4). The rows show difference values in Table 10-Table 12 determine the contribution level of each parameter in obtaining lower cost. So, the total cost of running the network, for example for  problem, is mostly affected by the number of generation, mutation rate, the selection method, population size and crossover rates of the GA algorithm. To determine the significant level of these parameters, ANOVA method is utilized for which the data given in Table 7- Table 9 are going to be used again. Results obtained from ANOVA are summarized in Table 13-Table 15.

7.3.  ANOVA Method

From ANOVA, the percentage contribution ratio (PCR) of each parameter can be calculated. PCR indicates the significance of all main factors and their interactions on the output. The calculation is performed by comparing the mean square ( ) against an estimate of the experimental errors at specific confidence levels. The total sum of squared deviations ( ) from the total mean S/N ratio is calculated via (17).

where  is the number of experiments in the orthogonal array and  is the mean S/N ratio for the  experiment.

Figure 4 The main effect diagram for S/N Ratio response diagram for  parameters ( )

The ANOVA tables for S/N ratios corresponding to the data in Table 10-Table 12 are summarised in Table 13- Table 15. The terms  and  are corresponding to the total sum of squared and the total mean square, respectively. Also, the F-ratios and P-values provided in “F” and “P” columns are calculated via (18) and (19), respectively. F-ratio indicates which parameter ( ) have a significant effect on the quality characteristic ( ) and P-value determines the significant percentage of the parameters on the quality characteristic ( ).

  • Results obtained from ANOVA for Small-scale problem
2 19727169 9863585 0.38 0.685
2 2.76E+08 1.38E+08 5.32 0.006
2 3.33E+08 1.66E+08 6.41 0.002
2 3.49E+08 1.75E+08 6.72 0.002
2 1.24E+09 6.22E+08 23.96 0
Error 97 2.52E+09 25971697
  • Results obtained from ANOVA for medium-scale problem
2 4.86E+12 2.43E+12 14.27 0
2 1.69E+12 8.44E+11 4.96 0.009
2 7.30E+12 3.65E+12 21.45 0
2 2.07E+12 1.03E+12 6.08 0.003
2 8.19E+12 4.10E+12 24.08 0
Error 97 1.65E+13 1.70E+11
  • Results obtained from ANOVA for large-scale problem
2 1.02E+11 5.1E+10 1.52 0.223
2 1.2E+10 5.98E+09 0.18 0.837
2 3.09E+11 1.55E+11 4.61 0.012
2 5.93E+11 2.96E+11 8.85 0
2 1.06E+12 5.30E+11 15.82 0
Error 97 3.25E+12 3.35E+10

Note:  and  stand for the sum of squared and the variance respectively.

It can be observed from Table 13 that the difference between the mean values of the level of the control factor  (selection method) is insignificant (0.68 > 0.05). Therefore, any selection strategy can be chosen for implementation of the proposed SOA for small-scale problem. However, the difference between the mean values of crossover rates ( ), mutation rate ( ) and the number of iteration (Ma ) is significant (0.006, 0.002 and 0.002 < 0.05). Thus, the best control factor setting for maximising the S/N ratio is  at level 1,  at level 1, at level 2 and  at level 1. In the Medium-scale problem, all of the control factors are highly contributing to the performance of the SOA (Table 14). According to Table 15, only  and  are significantly influenced on the performance of the SOA in Large-scale problem, while there is no restriction in choosing the selection strategy and the crossover rate.

7.4.  Confirmation test

The final step of the verification phase is to perform the confirmation test with the optimal level of the GA parameters drawn based on the Taguchi’s design approach for each case study (Table 16).

  • The best combination of the parameters
Small-Scale R 0.9 0.1 120 200
Medium-Scale T 0.85 0.1 200 500
Large-Scale R 0.9 0.05 100 3500

The results obtained from the proposed methodology and GA solver associated with ,  and  problems along with the average of the best and the worst results are summarised in Table 17. The quality measurement of the solution is determined according to the value of standard deviation ( ).  Therefore, the solution candidate with the maximum  is considered as the worst solution and the one with the minimum value is regarded as the best solution. Hence, the experiments No. 15 and No. 22 are the worst and the best scenario for the Small-scale problem, respectively.

  • The total optimised cost
Problem Size Small-scale Medium-scale Large-scale
Optimal Scenario 49966.28($) 2921429.2($) 5971604 ($)
Best Scenario 52464.27($) 3051265($) 6102126 ($)
Worst Scenario 79063.41($) 6279694($) 6239450 ($)

As can be seen from Figure 5, the proposed algorithm shows better performance compared with the best and the worst solutions acquired from GA solver (5%  ). A similar improvement was also experienced in Medium-scale and the Large-scale problem with 4% and 2% , respectively.

Figure 5 Improvement rates obtained from the tuning procedure

Also, the results obtained from the proposed SOA algorithm, and the GA solver associated with , , and  case studies are depicted in Figure 6-Figure 8.

Figure 6 Results obtained from (a) the proposed SOA methodology, (b) the GA optimiser ( ) and (c) the GA optimiser ( ) for

Figure 7 Total cost achieved from implementing  (a) the proposed SOA methodology, (b) the GA optimiser () and (c) the GA optimiser () for

Figure 8 Total cost achieved from implementing  (a) the proposed SOA, (b) the GA optimiser ( ) and (c) the GA optimiser ( ) for

Table 18-Table 20 present the optimum quantities associated with each product family to be manufactured for consumers over the given planning horizon.

  • The Optimum Solution for Small-scale problem
T1 11 1 54 4 1
T2 10 11 1 5 80
Total 21 12 55 9 81
  • The Optimum Solution for Medium-scale problem
T1 136 314 362 220 450 276
T2 391 396 292 575 403 197
T3 369 658 557 574 464 349
T4 499 656 831 433 404 509
T5 577 622 727 681 1013 1086
Total 1972 2646 2769 2483 2734 2417
  • The Optimum Solution for large-scale problem
T1 802 706 543 477 471 488 1026 768 670 590
T2 579 480 740 915 561 771 994 820 775 822
T3 710 811 917 608 877 703 952 791 946 1077
T4 1354 1128 630 1161 1058 1222 1090 1099 1427 1187
T5 1507 1771 1624 1429 1524 1229 1145 1537 1254 1554
T6 1685 1935 1762 1952 2055 1802 1848 1903 1397 1698
T7 1997 2192 2097 2037 2118 2435 1883 1918 2276 2854
T8 1904 2411 2159 2765 2271 2542 2309 2604 2437 1998
Total 10252 10371 10455 10606 10575 9608 9815 10685 10187 9990

8. Conclusion and outlook to future

In this paper, an advanced decision-making system for a class of CSN problems was proposed. A novel SOA algorithm incorporating GA as its optimisation module was designed for MPMPCSN problem. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methodology was verified through performing twenty-seven computational trials on three practical test problems at different granularity levels (small-scale, medium-scale, large-scale). In addition, a tuning mechanism was recommended to improve the quality of the obtained solutions that was affected by controllable parameters of the optimization module. To this end, two statistical techniques known as ANOVA and Taguchi methods were utilised. The optimum levels associated to the controllable parameters of GA were determined as following: for , level 1(Roulette Wheel selection), level 1 (90% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 2 (120 chromosomes) and level 1 (200 iterations), respectively; for  level 2 (Tournament selection), level 2 (85% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 1 (200 chromosomes) and level 1 (500 iterations), respectively; For  level 2 (Tournament selection), level 1 (90% crossover), level 1 (10% mutation), level 3 (300 chromosomes) and level 1 (3500 iterations), respectively. The proposed SOA was resulted in 5%, 4% and 2% improvement in total cost of CSN associated to , and problems respectively, in contrast to only using GA solver. Also, it was observed that the computational cost and time were reduced significantly.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The authors are grateful to the Australian Mathematical Society (Aust MS) for providing the Lift-up fellowship which financially supported this work.

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  2. Zeinab Hajiabolhasani, Romeo Marian, John Boland, "Simulation-Optimisation of a Granularity Controlled Consumer Supply Network Using Genetic Algorithms." Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 455, 2018.

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