Cyclical contractive conditions in probabilistic metric spaces

Cyclical contractive conditions in probabilistic metric spaces

Volume 2, Issue 5, Page No 100-103, 2017

Author’s Name: Abderrahim Mbarki1,a), Rachid Oubrahim2

View Affiliations

1ANO Laboratory, National School of applied sciences, Oujda university, P.O. BOX 669, Morocco
2ANO Laboratory, Faculty of sciences, Oujda university, 60000, Morocco

a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(5), 100-103 (2017); a  DOI: 10.25046/aj020516

Keywords: Probabilistic metric spaces, Cyclic contractions, Fixed point, Probabilistic k-contractions



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The purpose of this paper is to prove a fixed point theorem for a probabilistic k-contraction restricted to two nonempty closed sets of a probabilistic metric spaces, then we prove that these results can be extended to a collection of finite closed sets.

Received: 10 June 2017, Accepted: 15 July 2017, Published Online: 28 December 2017

1 Introduction

Fixed points theory plays a basic role in applications of many branches of mathematics. Finding a fixed point of contractive mappings becomes the center of strong research activity. After that, based on this finding, a large number of fixed point results have appeared in recent years. Generally speaking, there usually are two generalizations on them, one is from spaces, the other is from mappings.

Concretely, for one thing, from spaces, for example, the concept of a probabilistic metric spaces was introduced in 1942 by Karl Menger [1], indeed, he proposed replacing the distance d(p,q) by a real function Fpq whose valueFpq(x) for any real number x is interpreted as the probability that the distance between p and q is less than x.

For another thing, from mappings, for instance, let A and B be nonempty subsets of a metric space (M,d) and let f : AB AB be a mapping such that:

  • f (A) ⊆ B and f (B) ⊆ A.
  • d(f x,f y) ≤ kd(x,y), x A, y B, where k ∈ [0,1). If (1) holds we say that f is a cyclic map and if (1) and (2) hold we say that f is a cyclic contraction [2].

In this work, we show the existence and uniqueness of the fixed point for the cyclic probabilistic k−contraction mapping in a probabilistic metric spaces.

2         Preliminaries

Throughout this work, we adopt the usual terminology, notation and conventions of the theory of probabilistic metric spaces, as in [3].

Definition 2.1. A distance distribution function (briefly, a d.d.f.) is a nondecreasing function F defined on R+∪{∞} that satisfies f (0) = 0 and f (∞) = 1, and is left continuous on (0,∞). The set of all d.d.f’s will be noted by +; and the set of all F in + for which lim f (t) = 1 by D+. t→∞

For any a in R+ ∪{∞}, εa, the unit step at a, is the

function given by:

for 0 ≤ a <

( 0 εa(x) =           1 if if 0 ≤ x a a < x ≤∞
and if if 0 ≤ x ≤∞ x = ∞

Note that εa εb if and only if b a; that εa is in D+ if 0 ≤ a < ∞; and that 0 is the maximal element, and the minimal element, of ∆+.

Definition 2.2. Consider f and g be in +, h ∈ (0,1], and let (f ,g;h) denotes the condition

0 ≤ g(x) ≤ f (x +h)+h, for all x in .

The modified Levy distance is the function dL defined on

∆+ ×∆+ by

dL(f ,g) = inf {h : both conditions (f ,g;h) and (g,f ;h) hold}.

Note that for any f and g in +, both (f ,g;1) and (g,f ;1) hold, hence dL is well-defined and dL(f ,g) ≤ 1.

Lemma 2.1. The function dL is a metric on +.

Definition 2.3. A sequence {Fn} of d.d.f’s is said to converge weakly to a d.d.f. F if and only if the sequence {Fn(x)} converges to F(x) at each continuity point x of F.

Lemma 2.2. Let {Fn} be a sequence of functions in +, and let F be in +. Then {Fn} converges weakly to F if and only if dL(Fn,F) → 0.

Lemma 2.3. The metric spaces (∆+,dL) is compact, and hence complete.

Lemma 2.4. For any F in + and t > 0,

F(t) > 1−t if f dL(F,ε0 < t).

Lemma 2.5. If F and G are in + and F G then dL(G,ε0) dL(F,ε0).

Definition 2.4. A triangular norm (briefly, a t-norm) is a binary operation T on [0,1] such that:

T (x,y) = T (y,x), (commutativity)
T (x,y) T (z,w), whenever x z, y w,
T (x,1) = x, (1 is an identity element)
T (T (x,y),z) = T (x,T (y,z)), (associativity).

Example 2.1. The following t-norms are continuous:

  • The t-norm minimum M(x,y) = Min(x,y).
  • The t-norm product Q(x,y) =
  • The t-norm W, W(x,y) = Max(x +y −1,0).

Definition 2.5. A triangle function is a binary operation τ on + that is commutative, associative, and nondecreasing in each place, and has ε0 as identity.

Example 2.2. If T is left continuous, then the binary operation τT on + defined by: τT (F,G)(x) = sup{T (F(u),G(v)) : u +v = x}, is a triangle function.

Lemma 2.6. If T is continuous, then τT is continuous .

Definition 2.6. A probabilistic metric space (briefly a bms ) is a triple (M,F,τ) where M is a nonempty set, F is a function from M × M into +, τ is a triangle function, and the following conditions are satisfied for all p,r;q S

  • Fpp = ε0,
  • Fpr = ε0 p = r,
  • Fpr = Frp
  • Fpr τ(Fpq,Fqr) .

If τ = τT for some t-norm T , then (M,F,τT ) is called a Menger space.

It should be noted that if T is a continuous t-norm, then (M,F) satisfies (iv) under τT if and only if it sat-


  • Fpr(x +y) ≥ T (Fpq(x),Fqr(y)), for all p,r;q M and for all x,y > 0, under T .

Definition 2.7. Let (M,F) be a probabilistic semimetric space (i.e., (i), (ii) and (iii) of Definition 2.6 are satisfied). For p in M and t > 0, the strong t-neighborhood of p is the set

Np(t) = {q M : Fpq(t) > 1t}.

The strong neighborhood system at p is the collection ℘p = {Np(t) : t > 0}, and the strong neighborhood system for M is the union ℘ = SpM p.

An immediate consequence of Lemma 2.4 is

Np(t) = {q M : dL(Fpq0) < t}.

In probabilistic semimetric space, the convergence of sequence is defined in the way

Definition 2.8. Let {xn} be a sequence in a probabilistic semimetric space (M,F). Then

  • The sequence {xn} is said to be convergent to x M, if for every > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that Fxnx() > 1− whenever n.
  • The sequence {xn} is called a Cauchy sequence, if for every > 0 there exists a positive integer N() such that n, mFxnxm() > 1 .
  • (M,F) is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence has a limit.

The proof of the following result is easy to reproduce.

Proposition 2.1. Let {xn} be a sequence in a probabilistic semimetric space (M,F) and x M. 1− {xn} is convergent to x, if either

  • nlim→∞Fxnx(t) = 1 for all t > 0, or
  • for every > 0 and δ ∈ (0,1), there exists a positive integer N such that Fxnx, whenever


2− {xn} is Cauchy sequence, if either

  • n,mlim→∞Fxnxm(t) = 1 for all t > 0, or
  • for every > 0 and δ ∈ (0,1), there exists a positive integer N such that Fxnxm, whenever n, m.

Scheizer and Sklar [3] proved that if (M,F,τ) is a probabilistic metric space with τ is continuous, then the family I consisting of ∅ and all unions of elements of this strong neighborhood system for M determines a Hausdorff topology for M.

Consequently, in such space we have the following assertions

  • (M,F,τ) is endowed with the topology I is a Hausdroff topological space.
  • There exists a topology Λ on S such that the strong neighborhood system is a basis for Λ.

Let f a self map on M. Power of f at p M are defined by f 0p = p and f n+1p = f (f np), n ≥ 0. We will use the notation pn = f np, in particular p0 = p, p1 = f p.

The letter Ψ denotes the set of all function ϕ :

[0,∞) → [0,∞) such that

0 < ϕ(t) < t and limn→∞ϕn(t) = 0 f or each t > 0

Definition 2.9. [4] We say that a t-norm T is of H-type if the family {T n(t)} is equicontinuous at t = 1, that is,

 t > 1 λ T n(t) > 1 , n 1

Where T 1(x) = T (x,x), T n(x) = T (x,T n−1(x)), for every n ≥ 2.

The t-norm TM is a trivial example of t-norm of Htype.

Definition 2.10. [5] Let ϕ : [0,∞) → [0,∞) be a function such that ϕ(t) < t for t > 0, and f be a selfmap of a probabilistic metric space (M,F,τ). We say that f is ϕ-probabilistic contraction if

Ff pf q(ϕ(t)) ≥ Fpq(t).

for all p,q M and t > 0,

Theorem 2.1. [6] Let (M,F,τT ) be a complete probabilistic metric space under a continuous t-norm T of Htype such that RanF D+. Let f : M M be a ϕprobabilistic contraction where ϕ ∈ Ψ . Then f has a unique fixed point x, and, for any x M, lim f n(x) = x. n→∞

3 Cyclical contractive conditions in probabilistic metric spaces

Theorem 3.1. Let (M,F,τT ,) be a complete probabilistic metric space under a continuous t-norm T of H-type such that RanF D+. Let f : M M be a continuous mapping and satisfies

Ff pf 2p(kt) ≥ Fpf p(t).

f or all p M and t > 0 where k ∈ (0,1).

Then f has a fixed point in M.

Proof. Let p0 M. Put pn = f (pn1) = f n(p0) for each n ∈ {0,1,2,…}. We prove that {pn} is a Cauchy sequence in M. We need to show that for each δ > 0 and 0 <  < 1 there exists a positive integer n1 = n1(δ,) such that:

Fpnpm(δ) > 1− f or all m > n > n1(δ,)

For each δ > 0, for m > n we have

Fpnpm(δ) T (Fpnpn+1(δ ),Fpn+1pm())
T (Fpn−1pn((δ )k−1),Fpn+1pm())
T (Fpn2pn1((δ )k−2),Fpn+1pm())

T (Fpn3pn2((δ )k−3),Fpn+1pm())
T (F             ((δ )kn),F              ())

                                        p0p1                                            pn+1pm

It follows that

Fpnpm(δ)        ≥                   T (Fp0p1((δ )kn),T (Fpn+1pn+2(

k2δ),Fpn+2pm(k2δ))) Then
Fpnpm(δ)         ≥              T (Fp0p1((δ



)kn),T (Fpnpn+1(δ
Fpnpm(δ)        ≥               T (Fp0p1((δ

)k−1),Fpn+2pm(k2δ))) Then

)kn),T (Fpn1pn((δ

Fpnpm(δ)          ≥                       T (Fp0p1((δ )kn),T (Fp0p1((δ


Using the same argument repeatedly and by definition of the operator T (n), we obtain

                   Fpnpm(δ) ≥ T mn(Fp0p1((δ )kn))                   (3.1)

Since T is a t-norm of H-type, for given λ ∈ (0,1), there exists 1) such that if we have t > 1−λ then T n(t) > 1− for all n ≥ 1.


(δ )kn → 0 as n →∞


Fp0p1((δ )kn) → 1 as n →∞

because Fp0p1 D+. Then there exists N N such that

Fp0p1((δ )kn) > 1−λ f or all n > N(λ())

Hence and by (3.1) we conclude that

Fpnpm(δ) > 1− f or all m > n > N

Thus we proved that the {pn} is a Cauchy sequence in M.

Since M is complete there is some q M such that

pn q

The continuity of mapping f and the uniqueness of the limit implies that

f (q) = q

We now state the main fixed point theorem for cyclical contractive conditions.

Theorem 3.2. Let (M,F,τT ,) be a complete probabilistic metric space under a continuous t-norm T of H-type such that RanF D+. Let A and B be nonempty closed subsets of M and let f : AB AB be a mapping and satisfies:

  • F(A) ⊂ B and F(B) ⊂
  • Ff pf q(kt) Fpq(t), p A and q B, where k


Then f has a unique fixed point in AB.

Proof. For p AB we have

Ff pf 2p(kt) ≥ Fpf p(t)

By theorem 3.1 {pn} is a Cauchy sequence. Consequently {pn} converges to some point q M. However in view of (2) an infinite number of terms of the sequence {pn} lie in A and an infinite number of terms lie in B, so AB ,∅. (1) implies f : AB AB and

(2) implies that f restrected to AB is a probabilistic contraction mapping. By theorem 2.1 with ϕ(t) = kt, f has a unique fixed point in AB.

Corollary 3.1. Let A and B be two non-empty closed subsets of a complete probabilistic metric space (M,F,τT ). Let f : A B and g : B A be two functions such that

Ff pgq(kt) ≥ Fpq(t) ∀p A and q B (3.2) where k ∈ (0,1). Then there exists a unique r A B such that

f (r) = g(r) = r.

Proof. Apply theorem 3.1 to the mapping h : A B

AB defined by
h(p) = ( f (p) g(p) if if p A;

p B.

Observ that the mapping h is well define because if p AB, (3.2) implies


Ff pgp(t) Fpp( ) f or all t > 0


Then Ff pgp = 0, so f (p) = g(p)

The reasoning of Theorem 3.2 can be extended to a colletion of finite sets.

Theorem 3.3. Let {Ai}mi=1 be nonempty closed subsets of a complete probabilistic metric space, and suppose Ai Smi=1Ai satisfies the following conditions (where Ap+1 = A1):

  • F(Ai) Ai+1 for 1 i p;
  • k (0,1) such that Ff pf q(kt) Fpq(t) p Ai,

q Ai+1 for 1 i p.

Then f has a unique fixed point in Tmi=1Ai.

Proof. Let p0 Smi=1Ai, we observe that, infinitely terms of the Cauchy sequence {pn} lie in each Ai. Thus Tmi=1Ai ,∅, and the restriction of f to this intersection is a probabilistic contraction mapping. By theorem 2.1 f has a unique fixed point in Tmi=1Ai.

Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they do not have any competing interests.

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  1. Abderrahim Mbarki, Rachid Oubrahim, "Some Properties of Convexity Structure and Applications in b-Menger Spaces." In Mathematical and Computational Methods for Modelling, Approximation and Simulation, Publisher, Location, 2022.
  2. Abderrahim Mbarki, Rachid Oubrahim, "Fixed point theorem satisfying cyclical conditions in b-Menger spaces." Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31, 2019.

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