Special Issue on the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Companies and Consumers


The outbreaks of COVID – 19 occur continuously around the world, and each outbreak requires a slowdown in the production of goods and services. In a globalized world, this means that there are continuous interruptions in different regions and industries as outbreaks are increased and controlled. The aim is to disrupt economic activity sufficiently to reduce exponential contagion significantly. However, the impact of COVID – 19 on the global economy is immense, owing to the abrupt disruption of global chains of goods and services production, and the substantial reduction in demand from actions taken to minimize contagion. So the simultaneous combination of these actions in supply and demand is what has caused the collapse of markets, i.e. global GDP stagnant, international trade falls, and a global recession is a distinct possibility. CoVID-19 then affects the world economy in three main ways:

Direct impact on production: Production has already been substantially affected in most countries where COVID-19 is spreading more and more rapidly.

Supply chain and market interruption: Many manufacturing companies depend on intermediate inputs imported from countries affected by the disease, which has an impact on the production and profitability of selected global companies. And companies linked to travel and tourism face losses that are likely not recoverable

Financial implications for businesses and commercial markets: The temporary changes of the inputs and/or the production put some companies in tension, particularly those with insufficient liquidity. The negotiators of the financial markets can or not foresee or understand correctly what companies can be vulnerable. Increased risk could reveal that one or more key players in the financial market have adopted investment positions that are not profitable under current conditions, further weakening confidence in financial instruments and markets.

Finally, companies that are agile enough to manage supplier change and have sufficient liquidity to survive periods of low sales and revenues will have a competitive advantage. However, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises may have more significant difficulties in surviving the disturbance.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Responsiveness and resilience in supply chains

  2. Supply chain agility

  3. Local versus globalization of supply chains

  4. Workforce readiness and development

  5. Innovations in supply chains to increase responsiveness

  6. Sustainable operations and sharing and circular economies in a time of crisis

  7. Managing perishable supply chains

  8. Social response to crises and its impact on supply chain management

  9. Innovation in the supply chain

  10. New technologies in the supply chain

  11. Purchasing and supplier coordination and relationships

  12. Transportation and logistics

Submission Guidelines

  • For Initial Submission use pdf file and Don’t include author’s name and affiliation in manuscript pdf file. Keep remember! DON’T INCLUDE AUTHORS NAME IN PDF FILE OF INITIAL SUBMISSION. 
  • You can download the Online Submission Guidelines for steps wise submission process.
  • During Online submission, you have to select Special Issue Paper from Track menu and then select Special Issue on Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Companies & Consumers in Special Issue/Selection. (Screenshot attached below)
  • In cover letter section, the author must specify the topic code from 1 to 12 (minimum 1 with maximum 3).

Click on “online submission” button to submit your manuscript. You have to register yourself first

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 31st August, 2020, 15th October, 2020

Acceptance Notification: 4-6 week (after submission)

Publication Date: 2 weeks after acceptance

Guest Editors

  • Dra. Patricia Cano Olivos, UPAEP University, Mexico
  • Dra. Diana Sánchez Partida, UPAEP University, Mexico
  • Dr. José Luis Martínez Flores, UPAEP University, Mexico

Publication Fee

Publishing an article in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal requires Article Processing Charges that will be billed by submitting author following the acceptance of an article for publication. For the special issue, there is a special discount on publication charge of 15% as an invited article which is applicable after applying country based discount. For more information visit publication fee page https://astesj.com/publication-fee/.

Contact Information

Dra. Patricia Cano Olivos

UPAEP University, Mexico

Email: patricia.cano@upaep.mx


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