Publishing Ethics

Article Assessment

All the papers will undergo the double-blind peer-review process. Initially, the journal manager checks the new submissions. If the paper does not contains necessary information i.e. Title, abstract, introduction etc., the paper sent back to the authors for correction. Once it is confirmed, it is sent for review.


ASTESJ uses Turnitin Software to check the plagiarism level. The maximum acceptable plagiarism level is 20%. However, if the author has checked the similarity index before submission and mistakenly uploaded it to the repository, then it can be acceptable.

Multiple Submission

The submitted paper should not be under review in any other journal/conference. Multiple submission with similar topics is also not allowed in ASTESJ.

Conflicts of Interest

If ASTESJ received/found any conflict of interest among authors, the papers will be withdrawn from ASTESJ. The conflict is not limited to the authors, if any other journal or institution has any valid conflict with the paper, the paper will be withdrawn from ASTESJ.

Author Responsibilities

  • The author should not submit paper anywhere else during the review process.
  • The author should accept the decision of the editorial board on his/her paper. If any author tries to threaten/warn any of the editorial board in any case, his/her paper will be withdrawn from ASTESJ even after publication.

Reviewer Responsibilities

The reviewer should keep the confidentiality of the review and does not disclose it anywhere.

Benefits for reviewers

  • Using reviewer code, you are able to get a 10 USD voucher for each paper that you have reviewed. This voucher can only be used during the payment of the publication fee for a paper that is accepted in ASTESJ.
  • After reviewing more than 10 papers for ASTESJ, you are able to apply for regional editorship.
  • During manuscript submission to ASTESJ, you should mention the reviewer code in the cover letter section. Once our online system confirmed your code with your registered email address, your paper will be put on express tracking which speeds up the review process for your manuscript.
  • The reviewer can check its own file using Turnitin Plagiarism Checker. Note that the maximum of one file per month can be checked.
  • You are eligible to propose a special issue for ASTESJ. Follow the link to submit your proposal.

Guest Editor Responsibility & Benefits

Special issue are edited by Guest Editors. The responsibility of the Guest editor is to invite colleagues from the area related to the special issue. It should initially check the paper with general assessments discussed in the first heading. The Guest Editor can take a final decision on the paper or he/she can recommend the decision to the Editor in Chief. Guest Editor should keep the confidentiality of the decision and should not disclose it with other means.

Each Guest Editor can invite two articles with 50% discount on the publication fee.

Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025