Publication Fee

Publication Fee

For Online Publication

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal is an Open Access journal. Publishing an article in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal requires Article Processing Charges that will be billed by submitting author following the acceptance of an article for publication. Apart from these Article Process Charges, there are no submission charges or color charges. The publication fee is not refundable once the article is published online. The fees to be paid following the acceptance of an article are indicated below as per income economies* for 20 pages (additional page will be charged at 20 USD per page):

Manuscript Type High Income Upper Middle Income Lower Middle Income Low Income
Research Article $700 (USD)* 15% Discount 25% Discount 35% Discount
Review Article $700 (USD)* 15% Discount 25% Discount 35% Discount

For Hard-Copy

The color printed copy of the paper will be posted to author designated address on the request. The  fees to be paid for the article are indicated below as per income economies:

Manuscript Type High Income Upper Middle Income Lower Middle Income Low Income
Research Article $50 (USD) $50 (USD) $40 (USD) $35 (USD)
Review Article $60 (USD) $60 (USD) $50 (USD) $40 (USD)

The List of countries is given below:

High-income economies

Andorra Germany Palau
Antigua and Barbuda Gibraltar Panama
Argentina Greece Poland
Aruba Greenland Portugal
Australia Guam Puerto Rico
Austria Hong Kong SAR, China Qatar
Bahamas, The Hungary San Marino
Bahrain Iceland Saudi Arabia
Barbados Ireland Seychelles
Belgium Isle of Man Singapore
Bermuda Israel Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
British Virgin Islands Italy Slovak Republic
Brunei Darussalam Japan Slovenia
Canada Korea, Rep. Spain
Cayman Islands Kuwait St. Kitts and Nevis
Channel Islands Latvia St. Martin (French part)
Chile Liechtenstein Sweden
China Lithuania Switzerland
Croatia Luxembourg Taiwan, China
Curaçao Macao SAR, China Trinidad and Tobago
Cyprus Malta Turks and Caicos Islands
Czech Republic Monaco United Arab Emirates
Denmark Netherlands United Kingdom
Estonia New Caledonia United States
Faroe Islands New Zealand Uruguay
Finland Northern Mariana Islands Virgin Islands (U.S.)
France Norway
French Polynesia Oman

Upper-middle-income economies

Albania Gabon Nauru
Algeria Grenada Paraguay
American Samoa Guatemala Peru  
Armenia Guyana Romania
Azerbaijan Iran, Islamic Rep. Russian Federation
Belarus Iraq Samoa
Belize Jamaica Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jordan South Africa
Botswana Kazakhstan St. Lucia
Brazil Lebanon St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bulgaria Libya Suriname
Colombia Macedonia, FYR   Thailand
Costa Rica Malaysia Tonga
Cuba Maldives Turkey
Dominica Marshall Islands Turkmenistan
Dominican Republic   Mauritius Tuvalu
Equatorial Guinea Mexico Venezuela, RB
Ecuador Montenegro
Fiji Namibia

Lower-middle-income economies

Angola Indonesia Papua New Guinea  
Bangladesh Kenya Philippines
Bhutan Kiribati São Tomé and Principe
Bolivia Kosovo   Solomon Islands
Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka
Cambodia Lao PDR Sudan
Cameroon Lesotho Swaziland
Congo, Rep. Mauritania Timor-Leste
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Djibouti Moldova Ukraine
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mongolia Uzbekistan
El Salvador Morocco Vanuatu
Georgia Myanmar Vietnam
Ghana Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza
Honduras Nigeria   Zambia
India Pakistan  

Low-income economies

Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau Sierra Leone
Benin Haiti Somalia
Burkina Faso Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. South Sudan
Burundi Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic Madagascar Tajikistan
Chad Malawi Tanzania
Comoros Mali Togo
Congo, Dem. Rep Mozambique Uganda
Eritrea Nepal Yemen, Rep.
Ethiopia Niger Zimbabwe
Gambia, The Rwanda
Guinea Senegal

Payment can be made by Wire Transfer, Skrill, Payoneer and Transferwise. Payment instructions will be notified by the editorial assistant after the acceptance of the paper. Authors are recommended to use Payoneer, which is the secure payment system. It enables you to get the payment receipt without sharing your financial information.

Correction after Publication

The errors in the proofs and the authors did not make a correction at the time. Requests like “I forgot to acknowledge somebody” or “there is an error in one of the authors’ names” are what we call a “Discretionary Correction”, as it is an oversight that is the authors’ responsibility but not severe enough to affect the validity of the paper. We can correct it but reserve the right to charge a fee of 30 USD per correction.

*The publication fee will be calculated as per the corresponding author affiliation. If the corresponding author country is changed or dual affiliation with a higher income country is added at the time of publication, then a new fee will be applicable after publication.

Detailed Information Regarding ASTESJ’s Article Processing Charges (APC)

ASTESJ adheres to an open-access publishing model, which ensures unrestricted use and reuse of published articles while duly recognizing the authors’ contributions. All articles published in our journal are released under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license.

Authors are required to pay a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover various essential aspects of the publication process. These charges include expenses related to peer review administration, professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, widespread dissemination of published papers, and the overall maintenance of our publishing infrastructure. It’s important to note that the payment of an APC in advance does not guarantee the acceptance of submitted manuscripts. Additionally, there are no fees associated with rejected articles, no charges for initial article submissions, and no supplementary charges based on the length of an article or the inclusion of figures and supplementary data.

To provide transparency and clarity, we’d like to outline how these APCs are allocated. Our calculations are in line with recommendations from the Fair Open Access Alliance, an organization dedicated to promoting sustainable and transparent open-access publishing in the scholarly community. By adhering to these principles, ASTESJ ensures full compliance with the requirements of Plan S, a significant initiative by funding agencies to advance the cause of Open Access.

Service functions % of total Amount (US Dollars, USD)
700 USD 350 USD 700 USD 350 USD
1. Publishing Operations & Projects 19% 37% 133 129.5
2. Journal publication 29% 69% 203 241.5
4. Marketing and Communication 5% 5% 35 17.5
5. General 8% 15% 56 196
6. Discounts & waivers 35% 35% 245 122.5
7. Surplus 4% -61% 28 -213.5
Total publication fee per article (USD) 700 350

1. Publishing Operations & Projects

ASTESJ takes responsibility for the development and upkeep of its proprietary electronic submission and peer-review platform.

2. Journal Publication

Initial Review Process: Upon manuscript submission, internal staff and editorial board members perform an initial review to filter papers.

Peer-Review Organization: ASTESJ offers substantial support to Academic Editors, allowing them to concentrate solely on editorial decisions. Our in-house editors facilitate the reviewer invitation process, compile review reports, liaise with authors and reviewers, assist authors during the revision phase, and more.

Production Phase: This encompasses copy-editing, typesetting, PDF conversion, and language editing. The APC includes minor English editing conducted by native English speakers, but it does not extend to extensive English editing.

Proofreading: We collaborate with authors to finalize the text and obtain any missing information.

Additional Editorial Support: Handling inquiries and providing assistance before submission, throughout the editorial and peer-review stages, and post-publication.

Journal Management & Development: Our in-house Managing Editors monitor critical performance metrics for each journal, observe competitive journals, and track field-specific trends. They also generate reports and engage in discussions with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board.

Indexing & Archiving: ASTESJ maintains a dedicated team committed to expanding post-publication coverage of all our journals across major academic databases, subject-specific databases, and nation-specific journal ranking lists.

3. Marketing and Communication

ASTESJ allocates a portion of its revenue towards promoting journals and articles. This includes sponsorships of conferences, scholarly society events, and other promotional initiatives. Additionally, we offer a series of awards to support researchers.

4. General

Management & Administration: This category encompasses costs associated with non-editorial staff salaries and other operational expenses. It includes fees paid by ASTESJ for memberships in publishing organizations, as well as additional publishing services such as Publons. Most membership fees are calculated based on income or publisher size.

5. Discounts and waivers

ASTESJ is committed to facilitating the transition to full open access for all research. As part of this commitment, we regularly provide waivers or discounts on APCs. On average, we waive approximately 25% – 40% of our content annually.

For authors from low- and middle-income countries, waivers or discounts may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Applications submitted before article submission are assessed by the Managing Editor based on the research article’s quality and the authors’ financial capacity.


Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025