Search: zubair abdullah

Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar blended with Coconut Fibers and Human Hair
Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar blended with Coconut Fibers and Human Hair Volume 1, Issue 4, Page No 1-4, 2016 Author’s Name: Ibrar Ahmada),1 , Fayaz Ahmad2, Shah Room3, Zubair Abdullah4, Muhammad Ihsan5...
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Volume 1, Issue 4, September-October 2016
Download Complete Issue Current Issue features key papers related to multidisciplinary domains involving complex system stemming from numerous disciplines; this is exactly how this journal differs from other interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary engineering...
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CNN-LSTM Based Model for ECG Arrhythmias and Myocardial Infarction Classification
CNN-LSTM Based Model for ECG Arrhythmias and Myocardial Infarction Classification Volume 5, Issue 5, Page No 601-606, 2020 Author’s Name: Lana Abdulrazaq Abdullah1,2,3,a), Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani1 View Affiliations1Department of Information Technology, College...
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