Special Issue on Advancement in Engineering and Computer Science


Engineering Systems is a science that has played a major role in the lives we live in the 21st century. In today’s technology-driven world, engineering is the cornerstone and driver of innovation of the devices we utilize daily to improve our quality of life. The latter driver, namely the new ideas, is actually elements of research in engineering. This special section deals with the general topic of long-term innovative topics for research in Chemical Engineering, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Software engineering, Systems engineering and Interdisciplinary engineering.

The peer-reviewed articles will showcase potentially high impact research topics or directions. The objective of this issue is to identify topics that are likely to result in a noteworthy impact on engineering industry in the next 25 to 50 years.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

A. Computational Biology

  1. Biomedicine, epidemiology, & agriculture
  2. Computer-aided drug design
  3. Databases & database integration
  4. Evolution and phylogenetics
  5. Metabolomics
  6. Ontologies
  7. Pathways, networks, and systems
  8. Proteomics
  9. Sequence analysis
  10. Simulation & system dynamics
  11. Structural bioinformatics
  12. Text mining
  13. Transcriptomics
  14. Microarray Data Analysis
  15. Micro RNA and RNAi
  16. Biomedical Applications
  17. Therapeutic Applications of Computational Biology
  18. Computational Drug Discovery
  19. Computational Proteomics
  20. Computational genomics
  21. Microbial Community Analysis
  22. Synthetic Biological Systems
  23. Evolution and Phylogenetics
  24. Sequence Motifs, Alignments, and families
  25. Functional Genomics
  26. Promoter Analysis and Discovery, Recognition of Regulatory Elements
  27. Comparative Genomics and Annotation
  28. Genetic Variation (SNPs and Haplotyping, etc.)
  29. Development Control
  30. Measuring Cellular Metabolism and Cellular Signaling
  31. Computational Neurobiology
  32. Computational Ecology
  33. Mathematical and Quantitative Models of Cellular and Multicellular Systems
  34. Computational Techniques
  35. Biological Data Mining
  36. Biomedical Literature Text Mining
  37. Data Visualization
  38. High-Performance Biocomputing
  39. Parallel Computation
  40. Machine Learning
  41. Pattern Recognition
  42. Knowledge Representation
  43. Databases
  44. Combinatorics
  45. Stochastic Modeling
  46. String and Graph Algorithms
  47. Linguistic Methods
  48. Constraint Satisfaction
  49. Information Theory and Statistical Analysis
  50. Hidden Markov Model
  51. Ontologies and Semantic Web Systems for Biology
  52. Clinical Informatics
  53. Neural Networks
  54. Time Series Analysis
  55. Sequencing and Arrangement Algorithms
  56. Interdisciplinary Issues
  57. Project Management
  58. Philosophy, Ethics of Bioinformatics
  59. Future Trends of Bioinformatics

B. Chemical Engineering

  1. Analytical Chemistry
  2. Advanced materials processing
  3. Biochemical and biomolecular engineering
  4. Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
  5. Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
  6. Biotechnology
  7. Catalysis
  8. Chemical Education
  9. Chemical engineering education
  10. Chemical reaction engineering
  11. Chemical engineering equipment design and process design
  12. Economics and Business Management
  13. Environment
  14. Inorganic Chemistry
  15. Macromolecular Science and Engineering
  16. Materials Chemistry
  17. Organic Chemistry
  18. Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  19. Process Safety Management
  20. Rubber
  21. Surface Science
  22. Systems and Control
  23. Green Chemistry Forum
  24. Energy and environment
  25. Food process technology and engineering
  26. Forest product processing
  27. Milk product processing
  28. Industrial collaboration
  29. Industrial drying
  30. Mining and metals
  31. Nanomaterials
  32. Particle technology
  33. Process system, instrumentation and control
  34. Product engineering and product development
  35. Separation and purification
  36. Transport phenomena (heat, mass transfer and fluid flows)
  37. Mathematical modeling in chemical engineering

C. Circuits and Systems

  1. Analog Signal Processing
  2. Analog circuits and filters
  3. Switched capacitor and switched current techniques
  4. Analog and mixed signal processing
  5. Data conversion and sigma-delta modulation
  6. Low-power and low-voltage circuits
  7. Radio frequency circuits
  8. Log-domain circuits
  9. Visual Signal Processing and Communications
  10. Digital filters and filter banks
  11. Wavelets and multi-rate signal processing
  12. Adaptive signal processing
  13. Multidimensional systems
  14. Fast computations for signal processing
  15. Image indexing
  16. Blind Signal Processing
  17. Stereovision
  18. Linear and nonlinear circuits and systems
  19. Chaos and applications
  20. Distributed circuits and systems
  21. Power electronics and systems
  22. Biomedical Circuits and Systems
  23. Neural networks
  24. Cellular neural networks
  25. Fuzzy logic and circuits
  26. GIS and GPS systems and applications
  27. Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing
  28. Wireless Communication Systems
  29. Optical Communication Systems
  30. Computer & Network Security Systems
  31. Network Architectures and Protocols
  32. Circuits and Systems for Communications
  33. Computer-Aided Network Design
  34. Graph Theory and Computing
  35. Life-Science Systems and Applications
  36. Multimedia Systems and Applications
  37. Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems
  38. Neural Systems and Applications
  39. Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
  40. Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits
  41. Sensory Systems
  42. Analog and digital ICs
  43. Low power design
  44. VLSI Physical Design
  45. Testing: analog, digital and mixed
  46. High level synthesis and hardware/software co-design
  47. Logic synthesis and formal verification
  48. Fault tolerance systems
  49. Modelling, Simulation and CAD tools
  50. Microsystems and applications
  51. Processor architectures
  52. Deep sub/micron design
  53. Numerical methods and circuit simulation
  54. Linear and non-linear optimization
  55. Graph Theory and combinatorial optimization
  56. Speech processing and coding
  57. Image Processing and coding
  58. Video and multimedia technology
  59. Signal processing and communications
  60. Computer communications
  61. Industrial automation
  62. Robotics
  63. Control and Power systems and applications
  64. Sensors and interfaces
  65. Space Systems Design
  66. Micromechanics
  67. Electronic Education
  68. Web-based education
  69. Distance education
  70. Information Theory
  71. Coding and Modulation
  72. Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
  73. Equalization, Synchronization and Channel Estimation
  74. Multi-User Detection
  75. Antenna Arrays
  76. MIMO Systems
  77. Space-Time Coding and Processing
  78. Multiple Access Techniques
  79. Diversity Techniques

D. Computer Science and Applications

  1. Algorithmic information theory
  2. Computability theory
  3. Cryptography
  4. Formal semantics
  5. Theory of computation
  6. Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
  7. Logics and meanings of programs
  8. Mathematical logic and Formal languages
  9. Type theory
  10. Control structures and Microprogramming
  11. Arithmetic and Logic structures
  12. Memory structures
  13. Input/output and Data communications
  14. Logic Design
  15. Integrated circuits
  16. VLSI design
  17. Performance and reliability
  18. Computer architecture
  19. Computer networks
  20. Distributed computing
  21. Performance of systems
  22. Computer system implementation
  23. Symbolic and Algebraic manipulation
  24. Artificial intelligence
  25. Computer graphics
  26. Pattern recognition
  27. Speech recognition
  28. Simulation and Modeling
  29. Document and text processing
  30. Digital signal processing
  31. Administrative data processing
  32. Enterprise resource planning
  33. Customer relationship management
  34. Human Resource Management Systems
  35. Mathematical software
  36. Numerical analysis
  37. Automated theorem proving
  38. Computer algebra systems
  39. Physical science and Engineering
  40. Computational chemistry
  41. Computational physics
  42. Life and medical sciences
  43. Bioinformatics
  44. Computational biology
  45. Medical informatics
  46. Social and behavioral sciences
  47. Computer-aided engineering
  48. Robotics
  49. Human-computer interaction
  50. Speech synthesis
  51. Usability engineering
  52. Telecommunications
  53. Queueing theory

E. Communications Systems and Technologies

  1. Coding theory and techniques
  2. Fading channels
  3. Multiplexing
  4. Adaptive modelling
  5. Filtering techniques
  6. Noise reduction
  7. Transmission diversity
  8. Demodulation
  9. Synchronization
  10. Queuing Theory
  11. Modulation
  12. Routing issues
  13. Signalling diagnosis
  14. Wavelength assignment
  15. Bandwidth management
  16. Channel allocation
  17. Traffic control
  18. Reliability
  19. Network modelling
  20. Simulation and evaluation
  21. Security and privacy
  22. Intelligent networks
  23. Network capacity analysis
  24. Digital integrated services
  25. Resource Management
  26. Roaming and traffic engineering
  27. Congestion controls
  28. Packet scheduling
  29. Regulatory issues
  30. Communication Software
  31. Network Management and Control
  32. Channel Estimation
  33. Multimedia Signal Processing
  34. Adaptive Antennas
  35. Multirate and Multicarrier communications
  36. Internet protocols
  37. Transport Control Protocols
  38. Routing Protocols
  39. IP over ATM
  40. Communication standards
  41. Location-based Services and Positioning
  42. Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, MANET
  43. Wireless Broadband Mobile Access
  44. Wireless LAN/PAN
  45. Sensor Network Planning and Deployment
  46. Wireless/mobile networked applications
  47. Interworking heterogeneous wireless/wireline networks
  48. Disconnected and weakly connected operation
  49. Mobile agents
  50. Multimedia QoS support & middleware
  51. Proxies and middleware for wireless networks
  52. Performance of end-to-end protocols over wireless networks
  53. Wireless multicasting
  54. Transport Layer Issues in Mobile and Wireless Networks
  55. Routing in multihop, ad hoc and sensor networks
  56. Congestion and admission control
  57. Wireless network security and privacy
  58. System-level energy management for wireless devices
  59. Network Design, Planning and Economics
  60. Network Intelligence
  61. Network Measurements and Testbeds
  62. Web Performance
  63. Network Protocol
  64. Communications QoS and Reliability
  65. Network Security and Privacy
  66. Enterprise Networking
  67. Network Measurements and Testbeds
  68. Multimedia and VoIP – Services & Technologies
  69. Multicast
  70. Multimedia Communications
  71. Satellite and Space Communications
  72. 3G and Beyond
  73. Broadband Wireless Access
  74. Home Networking
  75. Gigabit Networks
  76. Switching & Routing
  77. Broadband & ATM Networks
  78. Optical Communication Systems and Networks

F. Electrical Engineering and Applications

  1. Power System Planning and Scheduling
  2. Power System Protection, Operation and Control
  3. Transmission & Distribution System and Apparatus
  4. Power System Stability
  5. Power Generation and Sustainable Environment
  6. Power Market and Power System Economics
  7. Power System Modeling, Simulation and Analysis
  8. HVDC and FACTS
  9. Electromagnetic Transients Programs (EMTP)
  10. Wind, Solar and Renewable Energy
  11. Communication Systems
  12. Intelligent Systems and Approach
  13. Information Technology Application
  14. Control Theory and Application
  15. Knowledge Management
  16. Electrical Machines
  17. Electric Drivers and Application
  18. Electrical Traction Systems and Control
  19. Electromagnetic and Applied Superconductivity
  20. Industrial Process Control and Automation
  21. Inverter and Converter Technology
  22. Electrical Materials and Process
  23. Semiconductor Technology
  24. High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technology
  25. Electronic Materials
  26. Information and Communication Technology
  27. Education and Training for Electrical Engineers
  28. Nanometer-scale materials engineering
  29. Low-dimensional electronic
  30. Optoelectronic
  31. photonic devices
  32. EEG
  33. ECG
  34. EKG
  35. Various other monitoring equipment
  36. Electronic filter
  37. Digital filter
  38. Video and audio codec
  39. Radar
  40. Sonar
  41. Beamforming
  42. Diagnosis and Sensing Systems
  43. Micro Machines
  44. MEMS-Micro Sensors and Structures
  45. MEMS-Related Technology
  46. Other Related Areas

G. Education and Information Technology

  1. Mobile Devices
  2. Intelligent/Adaptive Systems
  3. Multimedia/Hypermedia
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Learning Technology
  5. Virtual Reality
  6. Human-Computer Interfaces
  7. Computers and Education
  8. Educational Software and Hardware
  9. Security and Reliability of Educational Software
  10. Artificial Intelligence Applications
  11. Simulation and Visualization
  12. Educational Games
  13. Information Architectures
  14. Digital Libraries
  15. Searching and Information Retrieval
  16. Management
  17. E-Publishing
  18. Learning Object Development
  19. Software and Tools
  20. Virtual Schools and Universities
  21. Collaborative Learning
  22. Distance Education
  23. Course Management
  24. Standards
  25. Web-Lecturing Technology
  26. Sharing Content and Services
  27. E-Learning
  28. Methodology
  29. Instructional Design
  30. Curricula
  31. Testing and Evaluation
  32. Accreditation
  33. Ethical and Societal Aspects
  34. Education for Students with Special Requirements
  35. Professional Development
  36. Advances in Technology for Education

H. Intelligent Automation and Robotics

  1. Intelligent Control Systems
  2. Decision support systems
  3. Distributed control systems
  4. Expert systems for industry
  5. Intelligent fault detection and identification
  6. Knowledge-based systems applications
  7. Machine learning in control applications
  8. Hybrid learning systems
  9. Mechatronic systems
  10. Neural networks based control systems
  11. Optimization algorithms
  12. Software agents for intelligent control systems
  13. Soft computing
  14. Fuzzy control
  15. Genetic algorithms
  16. Intelligent control agents
  17. Evolutionary computation
  18. Biologically inspired control systems
  19. Autonomous agents
  20. Petri nets (system design/verification with nets, protocols and networks)
  21. Industrial networks and automation
  22. Field-buses
  23. Real-time systems control
  24. Environmental monitoring and control
  25. Process control
  26. CAD, CAM, CAE
  27. Flexible manufacturing systems
  28. Web-based control
  29. Computer and microprocessor-based control
  30. Actuators and sensors
  31. Instrumentation networks and software
  32. Motor control and power systems
  33. Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
  34. Robot design, development and control
  35. Human-robots interfaces
  36. Haptic devices
  37. Robotic teams
  38. Mobile robot localization, navigation and mapping
  39. Space, underwater and inspection robots
  40. Intelligent transportation technologies
  41. Vehicle control applications
  42. Telerobotics and telematics
  43. Virtual reality
  44. Mechatronic systems
  45. Vision, recognition and reconstruction
  46. Nanorobotics
  47. Robot design, development and control
  48. Human-robots interfaces
  49. Network robotics
  50. Mobile robots and autonomous systems
  51. Human augmentation and shared control
  52. Cybernetics
  53. Space and underwater robots
  54. Intelligent transportation technologies and systems
  55. Vehicle control applications
  56. Telerobotics and Teleoperation
  57. Industrial networks and automation
  58. Intelligent warehouses
  59. Modeling, simulation and architectures
  60. Vision, recognition and reconstruction
  61. Image processing
  62. Surveillance
  63. Control and supervision systems
  64. Web-based control
  65. Reasoning about action for intelligent robots
  66. Natural language dialogue with robots

I. Internet and Multimedia Technologies

  1. Internet Architectures
  2. Web and Internet Tools
  3. Web Design
  4. Web methodologies
  5. Internet based knowledge engineering
  6. Distributed computing environments
  7. Architectures for internet and intranets
  8. Java, Corba, XML
  9. Security Aspects
  10. Privacy
  11. Cryptology
  12. Mobile Internet
  13. Internet Search Technologies
  14. Optimization Techniques
  15. Protection and Security
  16. Privacy
  17. Fault Tolerance
  18. Internet Computing
  19. Parallel and Distributed Processing
  20. Java based Applications for Web
  21. Software Agents
  22. Expert Systems
  23. Knowledge-based Systems
  24. Computer Vision
  25. Multimedia Tools and Architectures
  26. Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web
  27. Operating System Support for Multimedia
  28. Multimedia Communication Systems
  29. Multimedia Networking
  30. Distributed Multimedia Systems
  31. Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
  32. Multimedia Performance and Management
  33. Mobile Multimedia
  34. Video-on-Demand
  35. Digital Video Broadcasting
  36. IP based Networks
  37. ATM Networks
  38. Transport Protocols
  39. Routing Protocols
  40. Quality of Service
  41. Scheduling
  42. Resource Management
  43. Networked Multiplayer Games
  44. Multimedia Technologies and Games
  45. Game Architecture and Development
  46. Graphics and Virtual Worlds
  47. Internet-based Multiplayer Games
  48. Sound technologies
  49. Image technologies
  50. Virtual factory
  51. Computer vision
  52. Mobile communications
  53. Image and scene analysis
  54. Coding
  55. Multidimensional systems
  56. Monitoring
  57. Supervision
  58. Simulation Tools
  59. Software maintenance
  60. Software metrics
  61. Reusability
  62. Reliability
  63. Intelligent agents
  64. Database Management Systems
  65. Databases and the Web
  66. Intelligent Databases
  67. Multimedia Databases
  68. Data mining
  69. Object-oriented methodologies
  70. Data warehousing
  71. Digital Libraries
  72. Data Modelling
  73. Database Ontology
  74. Coding and Compression
  75. Digital Watermarking
  76. Video Storage Servers
  77. Information Retrieval
  78. Educational Multimedia
  79. Distributed Learning
  80. Collaborative Learning
  81. Collaborative Systems and Applications
  82. Virtual Reality
  83. Video Conferencing
  84. Computer Animation
  85. Human-Computer Interfaces
  86. Modelling and Simulation
  87. Electronic Commerce
  88. Mobile Commerce
  89. Internet Banking
  90. Business
  91. Medicine
  92. Engineering
  93. Education
  94. Entertainment
  95. Others

J. Machine Learning and Data Analysis

  1. Artificial neural networks
  2. Bayesian networks
  3. Case-based reasoning
  4. Computational models of human learning
  5. Computational learning theory
  6. Cooperative learning
  7. Decision tree
  8. Discovery of scientific laws
  9. Evolutionary computation
  10. Statistical relational learning
  11. Grammatical inference
  12. Incremental induction and on-line learning
  13. Inductive logic programming
  14. Information retrieval and learning
  15. Instance based learning
  16. Kernel methods
  17. Knowledge acquisition and learning
  18. Knowledge base refinement
  19. Knowledge intensive learning
  20. Learning from text and web
  21. Evaluation metrics and methodologies
  22. Machine learning of natural language
  23. Meta learning
  24. Multi-agent learning
  25. Multi-strategy learning
  26. Planning and learning
  27. Reinforcement learning
  28. Revision and restructuring
  29. Statistical approaches
  30. Unsupervised learning
  31. Vision and learning
  32. Database integration
  33. Inductive databases
  34. Data mining query languages
  35. Data mining query optimization
  36. Complexity issues
  37. Knowledge (pattern) representation
  38. Global vs. Local patterns
  39. Logic for data mining
  40. Statistical inference and probabilistic modelling
  41. Data pre-processing
  42. Dimensionality reduction
  43. Data reduction
  44. Discretization
  45. Uncertain and missing information handling
  46. Mining bio-medical data
  47. Web content, structure and usage mining
  48. Semantic web mining
  49. Mining governmental data, mining for the public administration
  50. Personalization
  51. Adaptive data mining architectures
  52. Invisible data mining
  53. Classification
  54. Clustering
  55. Frequent patterns
  56. Rule discovery
  57. Statistical techniques and mixture models
  58. Constraint-based mining
  59. Incremental algorithms
  60. Scalable algorithms
  61. Distributed and parallel algorithms
  62. Privacy preserving data mining
  63. Multi-relational data mining
  64. Models of the kdd process
  65. Standards for the kdd process
  66. Background knowledge integration
  67. Collaborative data mining
  68. Vertical data mining environments
  69. Graph, tree, sequence mining
  70. Semi-structured and xml data mining
  71. Text mining
  72. Temporal, spatial, and spatio-temporal data mining
  73. Data stream mining
  74. Multimedia miningpattern post-processing
  75. Pattern post-processing
  76. Quality assessment
  77. Visualization
  78. Knowledge interpretation and use

K. Modeling, Simulation and Control

  1. System identification
  2. Optimization in control systems
  3. Optimal control
  4. Adaptive control
  5. Non-linear control
  6. Model Development
  7. Bond Graph Modelling
  8. Statistical and Probabilistic Modelling
  9. Numerical Methods
  10. Mathematical Modelling
  11. System Theory
  12. Dynamic Modelling
  13. 3-Dimensional Modelling
  14. Continuous and Discrete Methodology
  15. Simulation
  16. Times Series Analysis
  17. Multi-Paradigm Modelling
  18. Environmental Modelling
  19. Energy and Power Systems Modelling
  20. Biomedical Modelling
  21. Performance Modelling
  22. Hybrid dynamical systems
  23. Petri nets
  24. Hierarchical control
  25. Discrete event systems
  26. Information-based models for control
  27. Distributed control systems
  28. System modeling, simulation and architectures
  29. Cybernetics
  30. Computer and microprocessor-based control
  31. Hierarchical control
  32. Instrumentation networks and software
  33. Field-buses
  34. Real-time systems control
  35. Environmental monitoring and control
  36. Time series and system modeling
  37. Time-frequency analysis
  38. Feature extraction
  39. Information-based models for control
  40. Discrete event systems
  41. Hybrid dynamical systems
  42. System identification
  43. Change detection problems
  44. Control Theory
  45. Linear Control
  46. Non-Linear Control
  47. Optimization
  48. Intelligent Control
  49. Adaptive Control
  50. Predictive Control
  51. Fuzzy Control
  52. Stochastic Control
  53. Process Control
  54. PID Control
  55. Robust Control
  56. Variable Structure Control
  57. Discrete Events
  58. Stability
  59. Control using Neural Networks
  60. Computer Control
  61. Distributed Parameter Control Systems
  62. Estimation
  63. Filtering
  64. Parametric Identification
  65. Non-Parametric Identification
  66. Structural Identification
  67. Validation
  68. Next generation intelligent control architectures and methods
  69. Multiagent based planning, control and intelligence
  70. Distributed/decentralized intelligent control
  71. Neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
  72. Swarm intelligence, learning and control
  73. Intelligent control of networked dynamic systems
  74. Intelligent control of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
  75. Embedded intelligent control
  76. Biological learning control systems
  77. Machine learning
  78. Hybrid dynamical systems control, pattern discovery
  79. Distributed or decentralized control methods
  80. Probabilistic approaches, knowledge-based sensor fusion
  81. Distributed and embedded systems, large scale systems
  82. AI and expert systems, distributed intelligence

L. Soft Computing and Applications

  1. Soft Computing:
  2. Genetic Programming
  3. Genetic Algorithm
  4. Swarm Intelligence
  5. Machine Learning
  6. Pattern Recognition
  7. Fuzzy Systems
  8. Fuzzy Logic
  9. Neural network
  10. Machine Learning
  11. Multi-Agent Systems
  12. Neural Genetic Systems
  13. Neural Fuzzy Systems
  14. Pattern Recognition
  15. Time Series Analysis
  16. Forecasting
  17. Reinforcement Learning
  18. Statistical Data Analysis
  19. Complex Systems
  20. Evolutionary Systems

M. Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

  1. System of Systems Engineering
  2. Game Theory- and Agent-based Systems
  3. Systems Simulation and Modeling
  4. Systems Engineering Methodologies
  5. Systems Engineering Management
  6. Managing Extended Enterprise System
  7. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  8. Decision Modeling and Theory
  9. Demand Chain Management
  10. DSS and Expert Systems
  11. E-Business/Information Technology
  12. Engineering Economy
  13. Enterprise Resource Planning
  14. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  15. Fuzzy Logics
  16. Group Technology
  17. Health Care Systems
  18. Human factors and ergonomics
  19. Information Security
  20. Knowledge and Information Management
  21. Management of Technology and Innovations
  22. Managing Global Supply Networks
  23. Metaheuristics
  24. Operations Research
  25. Optimization/Artificial Intelligence
  26. Techniques
  27. Product Design and Development
  28. Production and Operation Management
  29. Quality Management
  30. Queuing Theory and Applications
  31. Reliability and Maintenance
  32. Scheduling and Sequencing
  33. Search Algorithms
  34. Semiconductor Industry
  35. Simulation
  36. Supply Chain Management
  37. Sustainable Production & Development
  38. Tourism
  39. Transportation
  40. Logistics and Supply Chain
  41. Financial Engineering
  42. Quality management
  43. Decision analysis
  44. Decision support systems

N. Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering

  1. Digital Signal Processing
  2. Statistical Signal Processing
  3. Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing
  4. Signal Processing for Communications
  5. Speech Processing
  6. Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
  7. Multimedia Signal Processing
  8. Nonlinear Signal Processing
  9. Audio and Electroacoustics
  10. DSP Implementations and Embedded Systems
  11. Rapid Prototyping and Tools for DSP Design
  12. Signal Processing Applications
  13. Signal Processing Education
  14. Emerging Technologies
  15. Image acquisition
  16. Image processing
  17. Medical image processing
  18. Pattern recognition and analysis
  19. Visualization
  20. Image coding and compression
  21. Face Recognition
  22. Super-resolution imaging
  23. Image segmentation
  24. Face recognition
  25. 3-D and Surface Reconstruction
  26. Document analysis
  27. And applications of image engineering

Submission Guidelines

  • For Initial Submission use pdf file and Don’t include author’s name and affiliation in manuscript pdf file. Keep remember! DON’T INCLUDE AUTHORS NAME IN PDF FILE OF INITIAL SUBMISSION. 
  • You can download the Online Submission Guidelines for steps wise submission process.
  • During Online submission, you have to select Special Issue Paper from Track menu and then select Special Issue on Advancement in Engineering and Computer Science in Special Issue/Selection. (Screenshot attached below)
  • In cover letter section, the author must specify the topic code from A.1 to N.27 (minimum 1 with maximum 5).

Click on “online submission” button to submit your manuscript. You have to register yourself first

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 31st May, 2019 15th June, 2019 (Final Extended Deadline)

Acceptance Notification: 4-6 week (after submission)

Publication Date: 2 weeks after acceptance

Guest Editorial Board

Guest Editors

  • Prof. Wang Xiu Ying, Chongqing University, China
  • Prof. Yu Xiao Yan, Chongqing Normal University, China
  • Prof. María Jesús Espinosa, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Mexico
  • Prof. Ahmad Yusairi Bani Hashim, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
  • Prof. Mohamed Abdelaziz Hassan Eleiwa, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • Prof. Nicolae Tudoroiu, John Abbott College, Canada

Publication Fee

Publishing an article in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal requires Article Processing Charges that will be billed by submitting author following the acceptance of an article for publication. For the special issue, there is a special discount on publication charge of 10% as an invited article which is applicable after applying country based discount. For more information visit publication fee page https://www.astesj.com/publication-fee/.

Contact Information

Prof. Wang Xiu Ying

Chongqing University, China

Email: wangxiuying@ieee.orgwangxiuying104@gmail.com

Special Issues

Special Issue on Innovation in Computing, Engineering Science & Technology
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 15 November 2025

Special Issue on Computing, Engineering and Multidisciplinary Sciences
Guest Editors: Prof. Wang Xiu Ying
Deadline: 30 April 2025